This directory contains data from the September 2005 ENCODE Multi-Species 
Sequence Analysis (MSA) sequence freeze, along with multiple sequence 
alignments based on these sequences.  The freeze consists of sequence 
from regions orthologous to the human ENCODE regions in 28 vertebrate 
species, and are based on comparative sequence data generated at the 
NHGRI Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC) for the ENCODE project,
as well as whole-genome assemblies residing at UCSC, as listed:

    * human (May 2004, hg17)
    * armadillo (NISC and May 2005 Broad Assisted Assembly v 1.0)
    * baboon (NISC)
    * chicken (Feb 2004, galGal2)
    * chimp (Nov 2003, panTro1)
    * colobus_monkey (NISC)
    * cow (BCM)
    * dog (July 2004, canFam1)
    * dusky_titi (NISC)
    * elephant (NISC and May 2005 Broad Assisted Assembly v 1.0)
    * fugu (Aug 2002, fr1)
    * galago (NISC)
    * hedgehog (NISC)
    * macaque (Jan 2005, rheMac1)
    * marmoset (NISC)
    * monodelphis (Oct 2004, monDom1)
    * mouse (Mar 2005, mm6)
    * mouse_lemur (NISC)
    * owl_monkey (NISC)
    * platypus (NISC and Aug 2005 Mullikin Phusion Assembly of WUGSC Traces)
    * rabbit (NISC and May 2005 Broad Assisted Assembly v 1.0)
    * rat (June 2003, rn3)
    * rfbat (NISC)
    * shrew (NISC and Sep 2005 Mullikin Phusion Assembly of Broad Traces)
    * tenrec (Apr 2005 Mullikin Phusion Assembly of Broad Traces)
    * tetraodon (Feb 2004, tetNig1)
    * xenopus (Oct 2004, xenTro1)
    * zebrafish (June 2004, danRer2) 


  SEP-2005.tgz: tarfile of the contents of the sequences directory
  metadata.txt: description of all of the sequences; same as header lines

Each FASTA file will have all the sequence entries for a given

Description of the FASTA Header lines and the metadata.txt file:



	${COMMON_NAME}		like 'baboon' or 'dusky_titi'
	${ENCODE_REGION}	like 'ENm001' or 'ENr223'
        ${FREEZE_DATE}		like 'AUG-2004'; latest date for inclusion in this freeze of the set of sequences encompassing the ENCODE regions
	${NCBI_TAXON_ID}	like '9555' or '9523'
	${ASSEMBLY_DATE}	like 'NOV-2003' or '21-JUN-2003'; Date associated with the specific sequence assembly represented in this ENCODE freeze
	${ASSEMBLY_ID}		like 'rn3' or 'panTro1'
	${CHROMOSOME}		like 'chr1' or 'chr19_random'
	${CHROMOSOME_START}	[1 based]
	${CHROMOSOME_END}	[1 based]
	${CHROMOSOME_LENGTH}	length of entire ${CHROMOSOME}
	${STRAND}		as in '+' or '-' indicating whether the sequence came from the top or bottom DNA strand
        ${ACCESSION}.${VERSION}	like 'NT_107546.1' or internal identifier for assemblies that have not been accessioned yet.
        ${NUM_BASES}		Total number of called bases in the sequence entry, including N's
        ${NUM_N}		Total number of N's in the sequence entry
        ${THIS_CONTIG_NUM}	ID of sequence contig (see next variable).
        ${TOTAL_NUM_CONTIGS}	Total number of sequence contigs syntenic to a human region.
        ${COMMENT}		This is an example I hope we all agree on. (Currently '.' for all entries.)

>rat|ENm001|May-2005|10116|Baylor HGSC v. 3.1|01-Jun-2003|rn3|chr4|42742602|44711183|187371129|+|NT_107460.3|1968582|143786|1|1|.

Some fields are optional.  For example when ${ASSEMBLY_PROVIDER} ==
NISC, there will be no ${ASSEMBLY_ID} or chrom:start-stop coordinates.
Unused fields are filled with a period ('.') or zero ('0') for ease in

The FASTA sequence have been repeat masked with default RepeatMasker
options and with the Tandem Repeat Finder.  Repeat sequences are
indicated in lowercase, while non-repeat sequences are in uppercase.
These are the RepeatMasker library options that were used here:

%libOptions =
        "armadillo"      => "-mam    ",
        "baboon"         => "        ",
        "chicken"        => "-chicken",
        "chimp"          => "        ",
        "cow"            => "-cow    ",
        "colobus_monkey" => "        ",
        "dog"            => "-dog    ",
        "dusky_titi"     => "-cow    ",
        "elephant"       => "-mam    ",
        "fugu"           => "-fugu   ",
        "galago"         => "        ",
        "hedgehog"       => "-mam    ",
        "human"          => "        ",
        "macaque"        => "        ",
        "monodelphis"    => "-mam    ",
        "marmoset"       => "        ",
        "mouse"          => "-mus    ",
        "mouse_lemur"    => "        ",
        "owl_monkey"     => "        ",
        "platypus"       => "-mam    ",
        "rat"            => "-rat    ",
        "rabbit"         => "-mam    ",
        "rfbat"          => "-mam    ",
        "shrew"          => "-mam    ",
        "tenrec"         => "-mam    ",
        "tetraodon"      => "-danio  ",
        "zebrafish"      => "-danio  ",
        "xenopus"        => "        ",

There are also a set of RECON libraries that have been prepared by
Damian Keefe at EBI.

Data Release Terms
All data in this directory and any subdirectories are subject to the terms 
of the ENCODE Project Data Release Policy of the National Human Genome Research
Institute.  This policy is posted at:

      Name                                Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - conservation/ 2007-04-16 14:55 - alignments/ 2006-10-04 11:28 - phylo/ 2006-10-04 11:25 - sequences/ 2005-10-05 14:47 - SEP-2005.tgz 2005-10-05 14:47 178M metadata.txt 2005-10-05 10:12 968K