# README file for pooled RNA-PET bed12 files Column 1: chromosome. Column 2: genomic start. Column 3: genomic end. Column 4: pooled PET cluster ID. This ID comprises of the individual PET cluster IDs from the libraries that are pooled, individual PET cluster IDs are separated by ':'. The individual PET ID is unique in the corresponding library, and can be used to trace back to the PET cluster in the corresponding clustered bed file. Column 5: bed score. Always set to 0. Column 6: strand. Column 7: same as Column 2. Column 8: same as Column 3. Column 9: always set to 0. Column 10: block count, always set to 2. Column 11: block sizes, separated by comma. Column 12: block starts, separated by comma. Note: Only pooled PET clusters with cluster size > 0 in both replicates are reported. Contact: Oscar Junhong Luo, Email: luojh@gis.a-star.edu.sg