Monkeypox virus
(Photo courtesy of NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF))

Common name: monkeypox
Taxonomic name: Monkeypox virus, taxonomy ID: 10244
Sequencing/Assembly provider ID: na
Assembly date: 30 May 2022
Assembly type: na
Assembly level: Complete Genome
Biosample: (n/a)
Assembly accession ID: GCF_014621545.1
Assembly FTP location: GCF/014/621/545/GCF_014621545.1_ASM1462154v1
Total assembly nucleotides: 197,209
Assembly contig count: 1
N50 size: 197,209

Data file downloads

blat service

There is blat service available for this genome assembly. When viewing this assembly in the genome browser, access the blat service via the Tools -> Blat blue navigation bar menu item.

For local command line blat service, access the blat service via the gfClient command line operation.
See also: to download command line binaries.

To operate this locally, you will need the mpxvRivers.2bit file from:
Which can be obtained with rsync via:
  rsync -a -P 
    rsync:// ./
With that mpxvRivers.2bit file in your working directory where you run this command, for example, a DNA query with your DNA sequence in the file: someDna.fa with result in the file: mpxvRivers.someDna.psl
gfClient -t=dna -q=dna -genome=mpxvRivers -genomeDataDir=mpxvRivers \\ 4040 ./ someDna.fa mpxvRivers.someDna.psl
For a protein fasta query with your protein sequence in the file: someProtein.faa with result in the file: mpxvRivers.someProtein.psl
gfClient -t=dnax -q=prot -genome=mpxvRivers -genomeDataDir=mpxvRivers \\ 4040 ./ someProtein.faa mpxvRivers.someProtein.psl

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