This file is from:

This directory contains compressed multiple alignments of the 
following assemblies to the C. elegans genome (ce11, Feb. 2013):

These alignments were prepared using the methods described in the
track description file:
based on the phylogenetic tree: ce11.135way.nh.

Files in this directory:
  - ce11.135way.nh - phylogenetic tree used during the multiz multiple
        alignment, using the UCSC database name, or sequence name for those
        sequences that are not hosted in UCSC databases.
  - ce11.135way.scientificName.nh - same as ce11.135way.nh with the sequence
        name replaced with the scientific name for the species.
  - ce11.135way.taxId.nh - same as ce11.135way.nh with the sequence
        name replaced with the NCBI taxonomy identification.
  *** NOTE *** This phylogenetic tree was derived from kmers in common counting
      between the sequences to obtain a 'distance' matrix, then using the
      phylip command 'neighbors' operation for the simple neighbor joining
      algorithm to establish this binary tree.  This tree is not necessarily
      biologically correct, but it does serve as a useful guide tree for the
      multiz alignment procedure.
  - nameCrossReference.txt - tab separated columns with the different names
                       - for these sequences and databases, columns:
                       1. sequence name - UCSC database or scientific name
                                        - sequence names used in MAF files
                       2. NCBI accession
                       3. NCBI taxon identifier
                       4. assembly name
                       5. scientific name

  - sequences - directory of all sequence used for these alignments when the
      sequence is not in a UCSC database/browser.
  - upstream*.ensGene..maf.gz - alignments of regions upstream of Ensembl genes
  - chr*.maf.gz - the multiple alignments on C. elegans for each chromosome
  - md5sum.txt - md5 check sums of these files to verify correct download files

The "alignments" directory contains compressed FASTA alignments
for the CDS regions for three gene tracks, ws245Genes, refGene, ensGene,
 of the C. elegans genome (ce11, Feb. 2013) aligned to the assemblies.

The chr*.maf.gz files contain all the alignments for the chromosomes
in the C. elegans genome, including additional annotations to indicate gap
context and genomic breaks for the sequence in the underlying
genome assemblies.  Note, the compressed data size of these
maf files is 4 Gb, uncompressed is approximately 50 Gb.

The upstream*.*.maf.gz files contain alignments in regions upstream of
annotated transcription starts for Ensembl genes.  with annotated 5' UTRs.
These files differ from the standard MAF format: they display
alignments that extend from start to end of the upstream region in 
C. elegans, whether or not alignments actually exist. In situations where no  
alignments exist or the alignments of one or more species are missing, 
dot (".") is used as a placeholder. Multiple regions of an assembly's
sequence may align to a single region in C. elegans; therefore, only the 
species name is displayed in the alignment data and no position information 
is recorded. The alignment score is always zero in these files.

For a description of multiple alignment format (MAF), see

PhastCons conservation scores for these alignments are available at:

PhyloP conservation scores for these alignments are available at:


Assemblies used in these alignments:

C. elegans - Caenorhabditis elegans
	Feb. 2013 (WBcel235/ce11) (reference)

A. ceylanicum - Ancylostoma ceylanicum
	Mar. 2014 (WS243/Acey_2013.11.30.genDNA/ancCey1) (net)
Acrobeloides_nanus - Acrobeloides nanus
	Jun. 2018 - GCA_900406225.1 - v1 (net)
Ancylostoma_caninum - Ancylostoma caninum
	The Genome Institute
	Jul. 2018 - GCA_003336725.1 - (net)
Ancylostoma_duodenale - Ancylostoma duodenale
	The Genome Institute
	Jan. 2015 - GCA_000816745.1 - (net)
Angiostrongylus_cantonensis - Angiostrongylus cantonensis
	University of Malaya
	Nov. 2016 - GCA_001884285.1 - ASM188428v1 (net)
Ascaris_suum - Ascaris suum
	Genetics and Genome Center, Washington University School of Medicine
	Nov. 2017 - GCA_000187025.3 - ASM18702v3 (net)
Barber pole worm - Haemonchus contortus
	Jul. 2013 (WormBase WS239/haeCon2) (net)
Brugia_malayi - Brugia malayi
	Mar. 2008 - GCF_000002995.3 - ASM299v2 (net)
Brugia_pahangi - Brugia pahangi
	University Malaya
	Sep. 2015 - GCA_001280985.1 - Brugia_pa_1.0 (net)
Bursaphelenchus_xylophilus - Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
	Wellcome Trust Sanger insititute
	Oct. 2011 - GCA_000231135.1 - ASM23113v1 (net)
C. angaria - Caenorhabditis angaria
	Apr. 2012 (WS232/ps1010rel8/caeAng2) (net)
C. brenneri - Caenorhabditis brenneri
	Nov. 2010 (C. brenneri 6.0.1b/caePb3) (net)
C. briggsae - Caenorhabditis briggsae
	Apr. 2011 (WS225/cb4) (net)
C. intestinalis - Ciona intestinalis
	Apr. 2011 (Kyoto KH/ci3) (net)
C. japonica - Caenorhabditis japonica
	Aug. 2010 (WUSTL 7.0.1/caeJap4) (net)
C. remanei - Caenorhabditis remanei
	Jul. 2007 (WS220/caeRem4) (net)
C. sp. 5 ju800 - Caenorhabditis sp5 ju800
	Jan. 2012 (WS230/Caenorhabditis_sp_5-JU800-1.0/caeSp51) (net)
C. tropicalis - Caenorhabditis tropicalis
	Nov. 2010 (WS226/WUSTL 3.0.1/caeSp111) (net)
C_briggsae - Caenorhabditis briggsae
	The C.briggsae Sequencing Consortium
	Jul. 2014 - GCA_000004555.3 - CB4 (net)
C_latens - Caenorhabditis latens
	University of Oregon
	Aug. 2017 - GCA_002259235.1 - CaeLat1.0 (net)
C_nigoni - Caenorhabditis nigoni
	Cornell University
	Nov. 2017 - GCA_002742825.1 - nigoni.pc_2016.07.14 (net)
C_sp21_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 21 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536235.1 - CPARV_v1 (net)
C_sp26_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 26 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536285.1 - CZANZ_v1 (net)
C_sp31_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 31 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536295.1 - CUTEL_v1 (net)
C_sp32_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 32 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536325.1 - CSULS_v1 (net)
C_sp34_TK_2017 - Caenorhabditis sp. 34 TK-2017
	University of Miyazaki
	Jun. 2017 - GCA_003052745.1 - Sp34_v7 (net)
C_sp38_MB_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 38 MB-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536415.1 - CQUIO_v1 (net)
C_sp39_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 39 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536345.1 - CWAIT_v1 (net)
C_sp40_LS_2015 - Caenorhabditis sp. 40 LS-2015
	Aug. 2018 - GCA_900536305.1 - CTRIB_v1 (net)
Clonorchis_sinensis - Clonorchis sinensis
	Department of Parasitology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University
	Nov. 2011 - GCA_000236345.1 - C_sinensis-2.0 (net)
Dicrocoelium_dendriticum - Dicrocoelium dendriticum
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000950715.1 - D_dendriticum_Leon_v1_0_4 (net)
Dictyocaulus_viviparus - Dictyocaulus viviparus
	The Genome Institute
	Mar. 2015 - GCA_000816705.1 - (net)
Diploscapter_coronatus - Diploscapter coronatus
	Jun. 2017 - GCA_002207785.1 - ASM220778v1 (net)
Diploscapter_pachys - Diploscapter pachys
	New York University
	Sep. 2017 - GCA_002287525.1 - DipSp1Ass11Ann3 (net)
Dirofilaria_immitis - Dirofilaria immitis
	Aug. 2013 - GCA_001077395.1 - ASM107739v1 (net)
Ditylenchus_destructor - Ditylenchus destructor
	Huazhong Agricultural University
	Mar. 2016 - GCA_001579705.1 - ASM157970v1 (net)
Dog heartworm - Dirofilaria immitis
	Sep. 2013 (WS240/D. immitis v2.2/dirImm1) (net)
Dugesia_japonica - Dugesia japonica
	University of Oxford
	Jan. 2017 - GCA_001938525.1 - Djap_assembly_v1 (net)
Echinococcus_canadensis - Echinococcus canadensis
	May 2016 - GCA_900004735.1 - ECANG7 (net)
Echinococcus_granulosus - Echinococcus granulosus
	Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai
	Jan. 2014 - GCA_000524195.1 - ASM52419v1 (net)
Echinococcus_multilocularis - Echinococcus multilocularis
	Dec. 2015 - GCA_000469725.3 - EMULTI002 (net)
Elaeophora_elaphi - Elaeophora elaphi
	Nov. 2013 - GCA_000499685.1 - EEL001 (net)
Eye worm - Loa loa
	Jul. 2012 (WS235/L_loa_Cameroon_isolate/loaLoa1) (net)
Fasciola_gigantica - Fasciola gigantica
	North-Eastern Hill University
	Jan. 2018 - GCA_002867515.1 - ASM286751v1 (net)
Fasciola_hepatica - Fasciola hepatica
	Apr. 2018 - GCA_900302435.1 - Fasciola_10x_pilon (net)
Filarial worm - Brugia malayi
	May. 2014 (WS244/B_malayi-3.1/bruMal2) (net)
Girardia_tigrina - Girardia tigrina
	University of Oxford
	Jan. 2017 - GCA_001938485.1 - gtig.1 (net)
Globodera_ellingtonae - Globodera ellingtonae
	Oregon State University
	Sep. 2016 - GCA_001723225.1 - ASM172322v1 (net)
Globodera_pallida - Globodera pallida
	May 2014 - GCA_000724045.1 - GPAL001 (net)
Globodera_rostochiensis - Globodera rostochiensis
	Apr. 2016 - GCA_900079975.1 - nGr (net)
Gyrodactylus_salaris - Gyrodactylus salaris
	Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
	Jun. 2014 - GCA_000715275.1 - Gsalaris_v1 (net)
H. bacteriophora/m31e - Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
	Aug. 2011 (WS229/H. bacteriophora 7.0/hetBac1) (net)
Haemonchus_contortus - Haemonchus contortus
	Aug. 2013 - GCA_000469685.1 - HCON (net)
Heligmosomoides_polygyrus_bakeri - Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri
	Sep. 2016 - GCA_900096555.1 - nHp_v2.0 (net)
Heterodera_glycines - Heterodera glycines
	Apr. 2008 - GCA_000150805.1 - HG2 (net)
Hymenolepis_microstoma - Hymenolepis microstoma
	Dec. 2015 - GCA_000469805.2 - HMIC002 (net)
Loa_loa - Loa loa
	Broad Institute
	Jul. 2012 - GCF_000183805.2 - Loa_loa_V3.1 (net)
M. hapla - Meloidogyne hapla
	Sep. 2008 (M. hapla VW9 WS210/melHap1) (net)
M. incognita - Meloidogyne incognita
	Feb. 2008 (M. incognita WS245/PRJEA28837/melInc2) (net)
Macrostomum_lignano - Macrostomum lignano
	University Medical Center Groningen
	Aug. 2017 - GCA_002269645.1 - Mlig_3_7 (net)
Meloidogyne_arenaria - Meloidogyne arenaria
	May 2018 - GCA_003133805.1 - ASM313380v1 (net)
Meloidogyne_floridensis - Meloidogyne floridensis
	Jun. 2014 - GCA_000751915.1 - nMf_1_1 (net)
Meloidogyne_graminicola - Meloidogyne graminicola
	Nov. 2017 - GCA_002778205.1 - Mgraminicola_V1 (net)
Meloidogyne_incognita - Meloidogyne incognita
	Genoscope CEA
	May 2017 - GCA_900182535.1 - Meloidogyne_incognita_V3 (net)
Meloidogyne_javanica - Meloidogyne javanica
	Genoscope CEA
	Apr. 2017 - GCA_900003945.1 - ASM90000394v1 (net)
Microworm - Panagrellus redivivus
	Feb. 2013 (WS240/Pred3/panRed1) (net)
N. americanus - Necator americanus
	Dec. 2013 (WS242/N_americanus_v1/necAme1) (net)
Necator_americanus - Necator americanus
	The Genome Institute at Washington University
	Dec. 2013 - GCF_000507365.1 - N_americanus_v1 (net)
Nippostrongylus_brasiliensis - Nippostrongylus brasiliensis
	Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
	Aug. 2017 - GCA_900200055.1 - NbL5_MIMR_Canu1.5 (net)
O. volvulus - Onchocerca volvulus
	Nov. 2013 (WS241/O_volvulus_Cameroon_v3/oncVol1) (net)
Oesophagostomum_dentatum - Oesophagostomum dentatum
	The Genome Institute
	Dec. 2014 - GCA_000797555.1 - (net)
Onchocerca_flexuosa - Onchocerca flexuosa
	The Genome Institute
	Aug. 2017 - GCA_002249935.1 - (net)
Onchocerca_ochengi - Onchocerca ochengi
	Mar. 2016 - GCA_000950515.2 - O_ochengi_Ngaoundere (net)
Onchocerca_volvulus - Onchocerca volvulus
	Feb. 2014 - GCA_000499405.2 - ASM49940v2 (net)
Opisthorchis_viverrini - Opisthorchis viverrini
	The University of Melbourne
	Jul. 2014 - GCA_000715545.1 - OpiViv1.0 (net)
Oscheius_MCB - Oscheius sp. MCB
	University of the Witwatersrand
	Feb. 2015 - GCA_000934875.1 - ASM93487v1 (net)
Oscheius_TEL_2014 - Oscheius sp. TEL-2014
	University of the Witwatersrand
	Jan. 2016 - GCA_001513535.1 - ASM151353v1 (net)
Oscheius_tipulae - Oscheius tipulae
	May 2017 - GCA_900184235.1 - Oscheius_tipulae_assembly_v2 (net)
P. exspectatus - Pristionchus exspectatus
	Mar. 2014 (WS243/P_exspectatus_v1/priExs1) (net)
P. pacificus - Pristionchus pacificus
	Aug. 2014 (WS221/P_pacificus-v2/priPac3) (net)
Parapristionchus_giblindavisi - Parapristionchus giblindavisi
	Jun. 2018 - GCA_900491355.1 - Parapristionchus_genome (net)
Parascaris_univalens - Parascaris univalens
	University of Colorado School of Medicine
	Aug. 2017 - GCA_002259215.1 - ASM225921v1 (net)
Parastrongyloides_trichosuri - Parastrongyloides trichosuri
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000941615.1 - P_trichosuri_KNP (net)
Pig roundworm - Ascaris suum
	Sep. 2012 (WS229/AscSuum_1.0/ascSuu1) (net)
Pine wood nematode - Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
	Nov. 2011 (WS229/B. xylophilus Ka4C1/burXyl1) (net)
Plectus_sambesii - Plectus sambesii
	MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences - Imperial College London
	Nov. 2017 - GCA_002796945.1 - Psam_v1.0 (net)
Pristionchus_arcanus - Pristionchus arcanus
	Jun. 2018 - GCA_900490705.1 - P._arcanus_genome (net)
Pristionchus_entomophagus - Pristionchus entomophagus
	Jun. 2018 - GCA_900490825.1 - P._entomophagus_genome (net)
Pristionchus_exspectatus - Pristionchus exspectatus
	May 2018 - GCA_900380275.1 - Pristionchus_exspectatus_de_novo_assembly (net)
Pristionchus_maxplancki - Pristionchus maxplancki
	Jun. 2018 - GCA_900490775.1 - Prisstionchus_maxplancki_genome (net)
Pristionchus_pacificus - Pristionchus pacificus
	Washington University (WashU)
	Oct. 2017 - GCA_000180635.3 - El_Paco (net)
Rhabditophanes_KR3021 - Rhabditophanes sp. KR3021
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000944355.1 - Rhabditophanes_sp_KR3021 (net)
Romanomermis_culicivorax - Romanomermis culicivorax
	Jan. 2014 - GCA_001039655.1 - nRc.2.0 (net)
Rotylenchulus_reniformis - Rotylenchulus reniformis
	Mississippi State University
	Jun. 2015 - GCA_001026735.1 - RREN1.0 (net)
Schistosoma_haematobium - Schistosoma haematobium
	The University of Melbourne
	Jun. 2014 - GCA_000699445.1 - SchHae_1.0 (net)
Schistosoma_japonicum - Schistosoma japonicum
	Chinese Human Genome Center at Shanghai
	Apr. 2009 - GCA_000151775.1 - ASM15177v1 (net)
Schistosoma_mansoni - Schistosoma mansoni
	Schistosoma Genome Network
	Dec. 2011 - GCA_000237925.2 - ASM23792v2 (net)
Schmidtea_mediterranea - Schmidtea mediterranea
	Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
	Oct. 2017 - GCA_002600895.1 - ASM260089v1 (net)
Setaria_digitata - Setaria digitata
	Jan. 2018 - GCA_900083525.1 - Sdigitata (net)
Setaria_equina - Setaria equina
	Beni-Suef University
	Mar. 2018 - GCA_003012265.1 - Setequ3.0 (net)
Spirometra_erinaceieuropaei - Spirometra erinaceieuropaei
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000951995.1 - S_erinaceieuropaei (net)
Steinernema_carpocapsae - Steinernema carpocapsae
	California Institute of Technology
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000757645.1 - S_carpo_v1 (net)
Steinernema_feltiae - Steinernema feltiae
	California Institute of Technology
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000757705.1 - S_felt_v1 (net)
Steinernema_glaseri - Steinernema glaseri
	California Institute of Technology
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000757755.1 - S_glas_v1 (net)
Steinernema_monticolum - Steinernema monticolum
	California Institute of Technology
	Dec. 2013 - GCA_000505645.1 - S_monti_v1 (net)
Steinernema_scapterisci - Steinernema scapterisci
	California Institute of Technology
	Sep. 2014 - GCA_000757745.1 - S_scapt_v1 (net)
Strongyloides_papillosus - Strongyloides papillosus
	Nov. 2014 - GCA_000936265.1 - S_papillosus_LIN (net)
Strongyloides_stercoralis - Strongyloides stercoralis
	Nov. 2014 - GCA_000947215.1 - S_stercoralis_PV0001 (net)
Strongyloides_venezuelensis - Strongyloides venezuelensis
	Jun. 2015 - GCA_001028725.1 - S_venezuelensis_HH1 (net)
Subanguina_moxae - Subanguina moxae
	Faculty of medicine, University of Miyazaki
	Apr. 2015 - GCA_000981365.1 - SAMX_assembly_v0.8 (net)
Taenia_asiatica - Taenia asiatica
	Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
	Sep. 2016 - GCA_001693035.2 - Taenia_asiatica_TASYD01_v1 (net)
Taenia_multiceps - Taenia multiceps
	Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
	Jul. 2018 - GCA_001923025.2 - T_multiceps_v2.0 (net)
Taenia_saginata - Taenia saginata
	Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science
	Oct. 2016 - GCA_001693075.2 - ASM169307v2 (net)
Taenia_solium - Taenia solium
	Taenia solium Genome Consortium
	Nov. 2016 - GCA_001870725.1 - MEX_genome_complete.1-6-13 (net)
Teladorsagia_circumcincta - Teladorsagia circumcincta
	The Genome Institute
	Sep. 2017 - GCA_002352805.1 - (net)
Threadworm - Strongyloides ratti
	Sep. 2014 (S. ratti ED321/strRat2) (net)
Toxocara_canis - Toxocara canis
	University of Melbourne
	Dec. 2014 - GCA_000803305.1 - Toxocara_canis_adult_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella - Trichinella spiralis
	Jan. 2011 (WS225/Trichinella_spiralis-3.7.1/triSpi1) (net)
Trichinella_T6 - Trichinella sp. T6
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447435.1 - T6_ISS34_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_T8 - Trichinella sp. T8
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447745.1 - T8_ISS272_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_T9 - Trichinella sp. T9
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447505.1 - T9_ISS409_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_britovi - Trichinella britovi
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447585.1 - T3_ISS120_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_murrelli - Trichinella murrelli
	Jul. 2017 - GCA_002221485.1 - ASM222148v1 (net)
Trichinella_nativa - Trichinella nativa
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447565.1 - T2_ISS10_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_nelsoni - Trichinella nelsoni
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447455.1 - T7_ISS37_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_papuae - Trichinella papuae
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447755.1 - T10_ISS1980_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_patagoniensis - Trichinella patagoniensis
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447655.1 - T12_ISS2496_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_pseudospiralis - Trichinella pseudospiralis
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447725.1 - T4_ISS588_r1.0 (net)
Trichinella_spiralis - Trichinella spiralis
	Washington University School of Medicine
	Jan. 2011 - GCF_000181795.1 - Trichinella_spiralis-3.7.1 (net)
Trichinella_zimbabwensis - Trichinella zimbabwensis
	University of Melbourne
	Nov. 2015 - GCA_001447665.1 - T11_ISS1029_r1.0 (net)
Trichuris_muris - Trichuris muris
	Mar. 2014 - GCA_000612645.1 - TMUE2.2 (net)
Trichuris_trichiura - Trichuris trichiura
	Mar. 2014 - GCA_000613005.1 - TTRE2.1 (net)
Whipworm - Trichuris suis
	Jul. 2014 (WS243/T. suis DCEP-RM93M male/triSui1) (net)
Wuchereria_bancrofti - Wuchereria bancrofti
	Case Western Reserve University
	Feb. 2016 - GCA_001555675.1 - Wb_PNG_Genome_assembly_pt22 (net)

To download a large file or multiple files from this directory, we recommend 
that you use rsync or ftp rather than downloading the files via our website.
There is approximately 14 Gb of compressed data in this directory,
approximately 100 Gb uncompressed.

Via rsync:
rsync -av --progress \
	rsync:// ./

Via FTP:
    user name: anonymous
    password: <your email address>
    go to the directory goldenPath/ce11/multiz135way

To download multiple files from the UNIX command line, use the "mget" command. 
    mget <filename1> <filename2> ...
    - or -
    mget -a (to download all the files in the directory) 
Use the "prompt" command to toggle the interactive mode if you do not want 
to be prompted for each file that you download.

All the files in this directory are freely usable for any 
purpose. For data use restrictions regarding the individual 
genome assemblies, see
      Name                                               Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - md5sum.txt 2019-01-09 15:05 383 nameCrossReference.txt 2019-01-09 14:53 10K ce11.135way.taxId.nh 2018-12-18 10:18 5.3K ce11.135way.scientificName.nh 2018-12-18 10:17 7.4K ce11.135way.nh 2018-12-18 10:14 6.4K alignments/ 2018-12-17 10:36 - sequences/ 2018-12-17 09:30 - upstream5000.ensGene.maf.gz 2018-12-14 19:16 1.2G upstream2000.ensGene.maf.gz 2018-12-14 18:30 521M upstream1000.ensGene.maf.gz 2018-12-14 18:00 276M chrV.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:02 733M chrIV.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:02 732M chrX.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:01 631M chrI.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:01 643M chrIII.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:00 603M chrII.maf.gz 2018-12-10 10:00 575M chrM.maf.gz 2018-12-10 09:52 2.0M