This directory contains compressed FASTA alignments for the CDS regions
of the Fugu genome (FUGU5/fr3, Oct. 2011) aligned to the following assemblies:

Fugu            Takifugu rubripes       Oct. 2011   FUGU5/fr3
Tetraodon       Tetraodon nigroviridis  Mar. 2007   Genoscope 8.0/tetNig2
Nile tilapia    Oreochromis niloticus   Jan. 2011   Broad/oreNil1
Stickleback     Gasterosteus aculeatus  Feb. 2006   Broad/gasAcu1
Atlantic cod    Gadus morhua            May. 2010   Genofisk/gadMor1
Medaka          Oryzias latipes         Oct. 2005   NIG/oryLat2
Zebrafish       Danio rerio             Jul. 2010   Zv9/danRer7
Coelacanth      Latimeria chalumnae     Aug. 2011   Broad/latCha1

Files included in this directory:
  - ensGene.exonAA.fa.gz: for each exon in the Fugu/fr3 Ensembl Gene
    track, this file contains either amino acids (AA) or nucleotides (Nuc) for
    fr3 and the aligning genomes.
  - ensGene.exonNuc.fa.gz: for each exon in the Fugu/fr3 Ensembl
    set of genes, this file contains either amino acids (AA) or
    nucleotides (Nuc) for Fugu/fr3 and the aligning genomes.

For a description of multiple alignment format (MAF), see

To download a large file or multiple files from this directory, we recommend 
that you use ftp rather than downloading the files via our website. To do so: 
    user name: anonymous
    password: <your email address>
    go to the directory goldenPath/fr3/multiz8way/alignments

To download multiple files from the UNIX command line, use the "mget" command. 
    mget <filename1> <filename2> ...
    - or -
    mget -a (to download all the files in the directory) 
Use the "prompt" command to toggle the interactive mode if you do not want 
to be prompted for each file that you download.

All the files in this directory are freely usable for any 
purpose. For data use restrictions regarding the individual 
genome assemblies, see

      Name                                                     Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - ensGene.exonAA.fa.gz 2012-02-23 14:49 106M ensGene.exonNuc.fa.gz 2012-02-23 14:52 186M md5sum.txt 2012-02-23 14:58 133