Share this genome browser with the link: https://http_host/h/GCF_022577435.1
Common name: black perch
Taxonomic name: Embiotoca jacksoni, taxonomy ID: 100190
Sequencing/Assembly provider ID: UCLA
Assembly date: 15 Mar 2022
Assembly type: haploid (principal pseudohaplotype of diploid)
Assembly level: Scaffold
Biosample: SAMN24959158
Assembly accession ID: GCF_022577435.1
Assembly FTP location: GCF/022/577/435/GCF_022577435.1_fEmbJac1.0.p
Total assembly nucleotides: 634,668,633
Assembly contig count: 229
N50 size: 15,510,158
Clawson, H., Lee, B.T., Raney, B.J. et al.
"GenArk: towards a million UCSC genome browsers.
Genome Biol 24, 217 (2023).
This download is only for the purpose of using this assembly hub in
your institution which may have firewall access restrictions to this
To download this assembly data, use this rsync command:
rsync -a -P \ rsync:// \ ./GCF_022577435.1/which creates the local directory: ./GCF_022577435.1/
wget --timestamping -m -nH -x --cut-dirs=6 -e robots=off -np -k \ --reject "index.html*" -P "GCF_022577435.1" \ creates a local directory: ./GCF_022577435.1/
There is an included hub.txt file in that download
data directory to use for your local track hub instance.
Using the genome browser menus: My Data -> Track Hubs
select the My Hubs tab to enter a URL
to this hub.txt file to attach this assembly hub to a genome browser.
The html/GCF_022577435.1_fEmbJac1.0.p.description.html page is information for your users to
describe this assembly.
This web page with these instructions
is an instance of the html/GCF_022577435.1_fEmbJac1.0.p.description.html file.
See also: track hub help documentation.
There is blat service available for this genome assembly. When viewing this assembly in the genome browser, access the blat service via the Tools -> Blat blue navigation bar menu item.
For local command line blat service, access
the blat service via the gfClient command line operation.
See also: to download command line
To operate this locally, you will need the GCF_022577435.1.2bit file from: can be obtained with rsync via:
rsync -a -P rsync:// ./With that GCF_022577435.1.2bit file in your working directory where you run this command, for example, a DNA query with your DNA sequence in the file: someDna.fa with result in the file: GCF_022577435.1.someDna.psl
gfClient -t=dna -q=dna -genome=GCF_022577435.1 -genomeDataDir=GCF/022/577/435/GCF_022577435.1 4040 ./ someDna.fa GCF_022577435.1.someDna.pslFor a protein fasta query with your protein sequence in the file: someProtein.faa with result in the file: GCF_022577435.1.someProtein.psl
gfClient -t=dnax -q=prot -genome=GCF_022577435.1 -genomeDataDir=GCF/022/577/435/GCF_022577435.1 4040 ./ someProtein.faa GCF_022577435.1.someProtein.psl
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