
The RefSeq mRNAs gene track for the 06 Feb 2023 Physella acuta/GCF_028476545.2_ASM2847654v3 genome assembly displays translated blat alignments of vertebrate and invertebrate mRNA in GenBank.

Data Access

Download GCF_028476545.2_ASM2847654v3.xenoRefGene.gtf.gz GTF file.

Track statistics summary

Total genome size: 702,016,553
Gene count: 4,118
Bases in genes: 44,800,008
Percent genome coverage: % 6.382


The mRNAs were aligned against the Physella acuta/GCF_028476545.2_ASM2847654v3 genome using translated blat. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only those alignments having a base identity level within 1% of the best and at least 25% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept.

Specifically, the translated blat command is:

blat -noHead -q=rnax -t=dnax -mask=lower target.fa query.fa target.query.psl

where target.fa is one of the chromosome sequence of the genome assembly,
and the query.fa is the mRNAs from RefSeq
The resulting PSL outputs are filtered:
pslCDnaFilter -minId=0.35 -minCover=0.25  -globalNearBest=0.0100 -minQSize=20 
  -ignoreIntrons -repsAsMatch -ignoreNs -bestOverlap 
    all.results.psl GCF_028476545.2_ASM2847654v3.xenoRefGene.psl
The filtered GCF_028476545.2_ASM2847654v3.xenoRefGene.psl is converted to genePred data to display for this track.


The mRNA track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide.


Benson DA, Cavanaugh M, Clark K, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Sayers EW. GenBank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D36-42. PMID: 23193287; PMC: PMC3531190

Benson DA, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Wheeler DL. GenBank: update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D23-6. PMID: 14681350; PMC: PMC308779

Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518