# Assembly name: NHGRI_mPonAbe1-v2.0_pri # Organism name: Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) # Isolate: AG06213 # Sex: male # Taxid: 9601 # BioSample: SAMN10521808 # BioProject: PRJNA916743 # Submitter: National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health # Date: 2024-01-05 # Assembly type: haploid (principal pseudohaplotype of diploid) # Release type: major # Assembly level: Chromosome # Genome representation: full # WGS project: JAQQLQ02 # Assembly method: Verkko v. 1.4 # Expected final version: no # Genome coverage: 89.0x # Sequencing technology: PacBio Sequel; Oxford Nanopore PromethION # RefSeq category: Reference Genome # GenBank assembly accession: GCA_028885655.2 # RefSeq assembly accession: GCF_028885655.2 # RefSeq assembly and GenBank assemblies identical: no # Linked assembly: GCA_028885685.2 (alternate pseudohaplotype of diploid) # ## Assembly-Units: ## GenBank Unit Accession RefSeq Unit Accession Assembly-Unit name ## GCA_028885665.2 GCF_028885665.2 Primary Assembly ## GCF_000001585.1 non-nuclear # # Ordered by chromosome/plasmid; the chromosomes/plasmids are followed by # unlocalized scaffolds. # Unplaced scaffolds are listed at the end. # RefSeq is equal or derived from GenBank object. # # Sequence-Name Sequence-Role Assigned-Molecule Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type GenBank-Accn Relationship RefSeq-Accn Assembly-Unit Sequence-Length UCSC-style-name chr1_hap1_hsa1 assembled-molecule 1 Chromosome CM054679.2 = NC_071985.2 Primary Assembly 233795519 na chr2_hap1_hsa3 assembled-molecule 2 Chromosome CM068843.1 = NC_085928.1 Primary Assembly 209544987 na chr3_hap1_hsa4 assembled-molecule 3 Chromosome CM054682.2 = NC_071988.2 Primary Assembly 212916775 na chr4_hap1_hsa5 assembled-molecule 4 Chromosome CM054683.2 = NC_071989.2 Primary Assembly 190378904 na chr5_hap1_hsa6 assembled-molecule 5 Chromosome CM054684.2 = NC_071990.2 Primary Assembly 172605363 na chr6_hap1_hsa7 assembled-molecule 6 Chromosome CM054685.2 = NC_071991.2 Primary Assembly 156966991 na chr7_hap1_hsa8 assembled-molecule 7 Chromosome CM054686.2 = NC_071992.2 Primary Assembly 161631396 na chr8_hap1_hsa10 assembled-molecule 8 Chromosome CM054687.2 = NC_071993.2 Primary Assembly 140854135 na chr9_hap1_hsa11 assembled-molecule 9 Chromosome CM054688.2 = NC_071994.2 Primary Assembly 138471021 na chr10_hap1_hsa12 assembled-molecule 10 Chromosome CM054689.2 = NC_071995.2 Primary Assembly 132281717 na chr11_hap1_hsa2b assembled-molecule 11 Chromosome CM054690.2 = NC_071996.2 Primary Assembly 146197178 na chr12_hap1_hsa2a assembled-molecule 12 Chromosome CM054691.2 = NC_071997.2 Primary Assembly 133183124 na chr13_hap1_hsa9 assembled-molecule 13 Chromosome CM054692.2 = NC_071998.2 Primary Assembly 129618170 na chr14_hap1_hsa13 assembled-molecule 14 Chromosome CM054693.2 = NC_071999.2 Primary Assembly 120579848 na chr15_hap1_hsa14 assembled-molecule 15 Chromosome CM054694.2 = NC_072000.2 Primary Assembly 111741659 na chr16_hap1_hsa15 assembled-molecule 16 Chromosome CM054695.2 = NC_072001.2 Primary Assembly 105333845 na chr17_hap1_hsa18 assembled-molecule 17 Chromosome CM054696.2 = NC_072002.2 Primary Assembly 95460129 na chr18_hap1_hsa16 assembled-molecule 18 Chromosome CM054697.2 = NC_072003.2 Primary Assembly 89553113 na chr19_hap1_hsa17 assembled-molecule 19 Chromosome CM054698.2 = NC_072004.2 Primary Assembly 98669288 na chr20_hap1_hsa19 assembled-molecule 20 Chromosome CM054699.2 = NC_072005.2 Primary Assembly 65400147 na chr21_hap1_hsa20 assembled-molecule 21 Chromosome CM054700.2 = NC_072006.2 Primary Assembly 68750668 na chr22_hap1_hsa21 assembled-molecule 22 Chromosome CM054701.2 = NC_072007.2 Primary Assembly 57143103 na chr23_hap1_hsa22 assembled-molecule 23 Chromosome CM068844.1 = NC_085929.1 Primary Assembly 57593421 na chrX_hap1_hsaX assembled-molecule X Chromosome CM054702.2 = NC_072008.2 Primary Assembly 162586321 na chrY_hap2_hsaY assembled-molecule Y Chromosome CM054703.2 = NC_072009.2 Primary Assembly 67827326 na chr18_hap1_hsa16_random_utig4-1074 unlocalized-scaffold 18 Chromosome JAQQLQ020000019.1 = NW_026946739.1 Primary Assembly 221508 na chr18_hap1_hsa16_random_utig4-1076 unlocalized-scaffold 18 Chromosome JAQQLQ020000020.1 = NW_026946740.1 Primary Assembly 133200 na chr18_hap1_hsa16_random_utig4-3743 unlocalized-scaffold 18 Chromosome JAQQLQ020000021.1 = NW_026946741.1 Primary Assembly 115212 na chr18_hap1_hsa16_random_utig4-3745 unlocalized-scaffold 18 Chromosome JAQQLQ020000022.1 = NW_026946742.1 Primary Assembly 299462 na MT assembled-molecule MT Mitochondrion na <> NC_002083.1 non-nuclear 16499 na