# Assembly name: ARS-UI_OviCan_v1 # Organism name: Ovis canadensis (bighorn sheep) # Infraspecific name: breed=Bighorn # Isolate: MfBH-ARS-UI-01 # Sex: male # Taxid: 37174 # BioProject: PRJNA967002 # Submitter: Sheep Pangenome # Date: 2024-10-03 # Assembly type: haploid # Release type: major # Assembly level: Chromosome # Genome representation: full # WGS project: JBGCUV01 # Assembly method: Verkko v. 2.0 # Expected final version: yes # RefSeq category: Reference Genome # GenBank assembly accession: GCA_042477335.1 # RefSeq assembly accession: GCF_042477335.1 # RefSeq assembly and GenBank assemblies identical: no # ## Assembly-Units: ## GenBank Unit Accession RefSeq Unit Accession Assembly-Unit name ## GCA_042478085.1 GCF_042478085.1 Primary Assembly ## GCF_043528915.1 non-nuclear # # Ordered by chromosome/plasmid; the chromosomes/plasmids are followed by # unlocalized scaffolds. # Unplaced scaffolds are listed at the end. # RefSeq is equal or derived from GenBank object. # # Sequence-Name Sequence-Role Assigned-Molecule Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type GenBank-Accn Relationship RefSeq-Accn Assembly-Unit Sequence-Length UCSC-style-name chr01 assembled-molecule 1 Chromosome CM090646.1 = NC_091245.1 Primary Assembly 281219098 na chr02 assembled-molecule 2 Chromosome CM090647.1 = NC_091246.1 Primary Assembly 255667611 na chr03 assembled-molecule 3 Chromosome CM090648.1 = NC_091247.1 Primary Assembly 232358364 na chr04 assembled-molecule 4 Chromosome CM090649.1 = NC_091248.1 Primary Assembly 135727494 na chr05 assembled-molecule 5 Chromosome CM090650.1 = NC_091249.1 Primary Assembly 123285302 na chr06 assembled-molecule 6 Chromosome CM090651.1 = NC_091250.1 Primary Assembly 134246383 na chr07 assembled-molecule 7 Chromosome CM090652.1 = NC_091251.1 Primary Assembly 113622979 na chr08 assembled-molecule 8 Chromosome CM090653.1 = NC_091252.1 Primary Assembly 103349658 na chr09 assembled-molecule 9 Chromosome CM090654.1 = NC_091253.1 Primary Assembly 105224494 na chr10 assembled-molecule 10 Chromosome CM090655.1 = NC_091254.1 Primary Assembly 100515091 na chr11 assembled-molecule 11 Chromosome CM090656.1 = NC_091255.1 Primary Assembly 71270659 na chr12 assembled-molecule 12 Chromosome CM090657.1 = NC_091256.1 Primary Assembly 91853050 na chr13 assembled-molecule 13 Chromosome CM090658.1 = NC_091257.1 Primary Assembly 98850163 na chr14 assembled-molecule 14 Chromosome CM090659.1 = NC_091258.1 Primary Assembly 80164390 na chr15 assembled-molecule 15 Chromosome CM090660.1 = NC_091259.1 Primary Assembly 91316580 na chr16 assembled-molecule 16 Chromosome CM090661.1 = NC_091260.1 Primary Assembly 85151707 na chr17 assembled-molecule 17 Chromosome CM090662.1 = NC_091261.1 Primary Assembly 83327379 na chr18 assembled-molecule 18 Chromosome CM090663.1 = NC_091262.1 Primary Assembly 83871816 na chr19 assembled-molecule 19 Chromosome CM090664.1 = NC_091263.1 Primary Assembly 75206746 na chr20 assembled-molecule 20 Chromosome CM090665.1 = NC_091264.1 Primary Assembly 66875720 na chr21 assembled-molecule 21 Chromosome CM090666.1 = NC_091265.1 Primary Assembly 67440332 na chr22 assembled-molecule 22 Chromosome CM090667.1 = NC_091266.1 Primary Assembly 67249506 na chr23 assembled-molecule 23 Chromosome CM090668.1 = NC_091267.1 Primary Assembly 75664168 na chr24 assembled-molecule 24 Chromosome CM090669.1 = NC_091268.1 Primary Assembly 57425027 na chr25 assembled-molecule 25 Chromosome CM090670.1 = NC_091269.1 Primary Assembly 63451932 na chr26 assembled-molecule 26 Chromosome CM090671.1 = NC_091270.1 Primary Assembly 61294399 na chrY assembled-molecule Y Chromosome CM090672.1 = NC_091271.1 Primary Assembly 21493673 na unplaced-0001296 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000028.1 = NW_027191389.1 Primary Assembly 34529 na unplaced-0001304 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000029.1 = NW_027191390.1 Primary Assembly 26564 na unplaced-0001305 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000030.1 = NW_027191391.1 Primary Assembly 43814 na unplaced-0001308 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000031.1 = NW_027191392.1 Primary Assembly 168448 na unplaced-0001339 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000032.1 = NW_027191393.1 Primary Assembly 101745 na unplaced-0001340 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000033.1 = NW_027191394.1 Primary Assembly 102294 na unplaced-0001341 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000034.1 = NW_027191395.1 Primary Assembly 63254 na unplaced-0001342 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000035.1 = NW_027191396.1 Primary Assembly 97492 na unplaced-0001343 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000036.1 = NW_027191397.1 Primary Assembly 238012 na unplaced-0001345 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000037.1 = NW_027191398.1 Primary Assembly 149999 na unplaced-0001367 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000038.1 = NW_027191399.1 Primary Assembly 561235 na unplaced-0001372 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000039.1 = NW_027191400.1 Primary Assembly 98349 na unplaced-0001374 unplaced-scaffold na na JBGCUV010000040.1 = NW_027191401.1 Primary Assembly 80135 na MT assembled-molecule MT Mitochondrion na <> NC_015889.1 non-nuclear 16463 na