# Assembly name: icHarAxyr1.1 # Organism name: Harmonia axyridis (beetles) # Taxid: 115357 # BioSample: SAMEA7520208 # BioProject: PRJEB47373 # Submitter: WELLCOME SANGER INSTITUTE # Date: 2021-09-16 # Assembly type: haploid (principal pseudohaplotype of diploid) # Release type: major # Assembly level: Chromosome # Genome representation: full # WGS project: CAJZBN01 # Genome coverage: 53x # RefSeq category: Representative Genome # GenBank assembly accession: GCA_914767665.1 # RefSeq assembly accession: GCF_914767665.1 # RefSeq assembly and GenBank assemblies identical: no # Linked assembly: GCA_914767675.1 (alternate pseudohaplotype of diploid) # ## Assembly-Units: ## GenBank Unit Accession RefSeq Unit Accession Assembly-Unit name ## GCA_914767664.1 GCF_914767664.1 Primary Assembly ## GCA_914767666.1 non-nuclear # # Ordered by chromosome/plasmid; the chromosomes/plasmids are followed by # unlocalized scaffolds. # Unplaced scaffolds are listed at the end. # RefSeq is equal or derived from GenBank object. # # Sequence-Name Sequence-Role Assigned-Molecule Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type GenBank-Accn Relationship RefSeq-Accn Assembly-Unit Sequence-Length UCSC-style-name SUPER_1 assembled-molecule 1 Chromosome OU611927.1 = NC_059501.1 Primary Assembly 87845136 na SUPER_2 assembled-molecule 2 Chromosome OU611928.1 = NC_059502.1 Primary Assembly 64433203 na SUPER_3 assembled-molecule 3 Chromosome OU611929.1 = NC_059503.1 Primary Assembly 63675256 na SUPER_4 assembled-molecule 4 Chromosome OU611930.1 = NC_059504.1 Primary Assembly 49282603 na SUPER_5 assembled-molecule 5 Chromosome OU611931.1 = NC_059505.1 Primary Assembly 43975926 na SUPER_6 assembled-molecule 6 Chromosome OU611932.1 = NC_059506.1 Primary Assembly 40338688 na SUPER_7 assembled-molecule 7 Chromosome OU611934.1 = NC_059507.1 Primary Assembly 37127597 na SUPER_X assembled-molecule X Chromosome OU611933.1 = NC_059508.1 Primary Assembly 38596305 na SUPER_1_unloc_1 unlocalized-scaffold 1 Chromosome CAJZBN010000002.1 = NW_025551515.1 Primary Assembly 46387 na SUPER_6_unloc_1 unlocalized-scaffold 6 Chromosome CAJZBN010000001.1 = NW_025551516.1 Primary Assembly 120674 na SUPER_X_unloc_1 unlocalized-scaffold X Chromosome CAJZBN010000004.1 = NW_025551517.1 Primary Assembly 30230 na contig3 unplaced-scaffold na na CAJZBN010000003.1 = NW_025551518.1 Primary Assembly 33345 na contig5 unplaced-scaffold na na CAJZBN010000005.1 = NW_025551519.1 Primary Assembly 19622 na scaffold_MT assembled-molecule MT Mitochondrion OU611935.1 <> na non-nuclear 19884 na