1 |
Abyssinian ground-hornbill (primary hap 2019) |
Bucorvus abyssinicus |
GCA_009769605.1_bBucAby1.pri |
112 |
1,132,597,561 |
204 |
8,074,542 |
19.24 |
2 |
Acadian redfish (fSebFas1 primary hap 2024) |
Sebastes fasciatus |
GCA_043250625.1_fSebFas1.pri |
203 |
833,835,073 |
471 |
84,200 |
37.97 |
3 |
adder (hap1 2024) |
Vipera berus |
GCA_964194415.1_rVipBer3.hap1.1 |
479 |
1,695,017,208 |
1,057 |
211,400 |
50.49 |
4 |
Aeolian wall lizard (La Canna islet primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Podarcis raffonei |
GCF_027172205.1_rPodRaf1.pri |
27 |
1,513,131,503 |
30 |
23,116 |
38.30 |
5 |
African grass rat (v2 paternal X 2024 genbank) |
Arvicanthis niloticus |
GCA_011762505.2_mArvNil1.pat.X |
1,596 |
2,496,777,707 |
1,624 |
20,289,527 |
42.62 |
6 |
African hunting dog (LycPic1hap2 2024) |
Lycaon pictus |
GCA_040955705.1_LycPic1.final.hap2 |
76 |
2,384,012,108 |
91 |
9,100 |
33.73 |
7 |
African ostrich (bStrCam1hap1 2024) |
Struthio camelus |
GCF_040807025.1_bStrCam1.hap1 |
262 |
1,452,018,929 |
116 |
23,200 |
24.25 |
8 |
African savanna elephant (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Loxodonta africana |
GCF_030014295.1_mLoxAfr1.hap2 |
879 |
3,540,876,381 |
231 |
3,688,568 |
49.48 |
9 |
Alvarez's mastiff bat (A012 2023) |
Molossus alvarezi |
GCA_031001765.1_BBF_mMolAlv_v1 |
187 |
2,395,140,990 |
1,182 |
236,400 |
38.99 |
10 |
Alvarez's mastiff bat (hap1 2024) |
Molossus alvarezi |
GCA_037157525.1_mMolAlv2.hap1 |
326 |
2,478,684,717 |
80 |
12,700 |
40.83 |
11 |
Amazon manatee (hap2 2025) |
Trichechus inunguis |
GCA_046562895.1_mTriInu1_haplotype_2 |
401 |
3,320,339,069 |
294 |
58,800 |
57.34 |
12 |
American alligator (2023 refseq) |
Alligator mississippiensis |
GCF_030867095.1_rAllMis1 |
195 |
2,346,795,873 |
161 |
16,453,847 |
42.90 |
13 |
American beaver (hap1 2025) |
Castor canadensis |
GCA_047511655.1_mCasCan1.hap1 |
502 |
2,828,089,101 |
181 |
36,200 |
35.39 |
14 |
American flamingo (primary hap 2019) |
Phoenicopterus ruber ruber |
GCA_009819775.1_bPhoRub2.pri |
90 |
1,246,226,932 |
280 |
8,602,116 |
20.94 |
15 |
American mink (hap1 2024) |
Neogale vison |
GCA_964106545.1_mNeoVis2.hap1.1 |
435 |
2,697,147,479 |
2,957 |
591,400 |
38.00 |
16 |
American pika (hap1 2023) |
Ochotona princeps |
GCF_030435755.1_mOchPri1.hap1 |
5,864 |
2,555,444,530 |
432 |
86,229 |
43.65 |
17 |
American shad (primary hap 2021) |
Alosa sapidissima |
GCF_018492685.1_fAloSap1.pri |
74 |
903,581,644 |
1,639 |
4,995,812 |
39.49 |
18 |
amphioxus (hap2 2024 genbank) |
Branchiostoma lanceolatum |
GCA_035083965.1_klBraLanc5.hap2 |
34 |
458,287,516 |
103 |
15,500 |
27.49 |
19 |
Andian cavefish (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Trichomycterus rosablanca |
GCF_030014385.1_fTriRos1.hap1 |
349 |
1,045,025,885 |
198 |
39,600 |
49.04 |
20 |
Angolan free-tailed bat (Cote d'Ivoire 20210831_DDa 2024) |
Mops condylurus |
GCA_043748645.1_ASM4374864v1 |
38 |
2,209,024,231 |
88 |
39,320 |
36.04 |
21 |
Anna's hummingbird (BGI_N300 2019 refseq) |
Calypte anna |
GCF_003957555.1_bCalAnn1_v1.p |
159 |
1,059,687,259 |
429 |
16,096,788 |
20.87 |
22 |
Antarctic jonasfish (primary hap 2024) |
Notolepis coatsorum |
GCA_963971535.1_fNotCoa1.1 |
5,983 |
3,427,809,033 |
15,113 |
3,020,567 |
68.42 |
23 |
Antarctic lanternfish (primary hap 2023) |
Electrona antarctica |
GCA_951216825.1_fEleAnt2.1 |
1,901 |
1,427,445,741 |
3,179 |
635,800 |
52.88 |
24 |
Arabian camel (paternal hap 2024 refseq) |
Camelus dromedarius |
GCF_036321535.1_mCamDro1.pat |
171 |
2,306,603,094 |
195 |
39,000 |
33.51 |
25 |
Arctic char (CBP00131 primary hap 2024) |
Salvelinus alpinus oquassa |
GCA_036784965.1_fSalAlp2_p1.0 |
1,169 |
2,129,031,653 |
3,235 |
647,000 |
58.15 |
26 |
Arctic ground squirrel (hap1 2024) |
Urocitellus parryii |
GCA_045843805.1_mUroPar1.hap1 |
2,530 |
2,935,792,869 |
694 |
127,900 |
36.47 |
27 |
Aristotle's catfish (primary hap 2022) |
Silurus aristotelis |
GCA_946808225.1_fSilAri3.1 |
241 |
800,118,513 |
795 |
159,000 |
42.15 |
28 |
Asian bonytongue (2019) |
Scleropages formosus |
GCF_900964775.1_fSclFor1.1 |
72 |
784,563,014 |
145 |
41,360 |
26.53 |
29 |
Asiatic elephant (mEleMax1 primary hap 2022) |
Elephas maximus indicus |
GCF_024166365.1_mEleMax1_primary_haplotype |
64 |
3,401,247,148 |
126 |
3,333,681 |
48.67 |
30 |
Asiatic tapir (hap2 2023) |
Tapirus indicus |
GCA_031878705.1_mTapInd1.hap2 |
193 |
2,477,445,429 |
92 |
18,400 |
38.23 |
31 |
Atlantic bluefin tuna (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Thunnus thynnus |
GCF_963924715.1_fThuThy2.1 |
119 |
799,047,066 |
468 |
93,600 |
33.12 |
32 |
Atlantic cod (2019) |
Gadus morhua |
GCF_902167405.1_gadMor3.0 |
227 |
669,966,409 |
1,216 |
23,573,743 |
33.47 |
33 |
Atlantic hagfish (primary hap 2024) |
Myxine glutinosa |
GCA_964187855.1_kmMyxGlut1.1 |
4,004 |
3,057,523,704 |
4,412 |
882,096 |
74.33 |
34 |
Atlantic halibut (2019 refseq) |
Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
GCF_009819705.1_fHipHip1.pri |
57 |
596,792,615 |
290 |
3,413,390 |
24.17 |
35 |
Atlantic horse mackerel (primary hap 2021) |
Trachurus trachurus |
GCA_905171665.2_fTraTra1.2 |
153 |
801,243,942 |
222 |
29,162 |
32.85 |
36 |
Atlantic mackerel (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Scomber scombrus |
GCF_963691925.1_fScoSco1.1 |
665 |
764,141,294 |
1,489 |
297,822 |
29.96 |
37 |
Atlantic stingray (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Hypanus sabinus |
GCF_030144855.1_sHypSab1.hap1 |
2,989 |
4,044,869,043 |
1,648 |
329,600 |
51.80 |
38 |
Atlantic white-sided dolphin (mLagAcu1.hap1.1 2024) |
Leucopleurus acutus |
GCA_964270905.1_mLagAcu1.hap1.1 |
899 |
2,676,209,414 |
1,034 |
206,800 |
41.93 |
39 |
Australian echidna (mTacAcu1 primary hap 2020) |
Tachyglossus aculeatus |
GCF_015852505.1_mTacAcu1.pri |
310 |
2,213,004,214 |
524 |
30,817,383 |
55.70 |
40 |
Australian ruff (RE-2024a hap2 2024) |
Arripis georgiana |
GCA_042242135.1_fArrGeo1.hap2 |
552 |
801,586,327 |
98 |
19,400 |
38.19 |
41 |
axolotl (Mex_15411 2024) |
Ambystoma mexicanum |
GCF_040938575.1_UKY_AmexF1_1 |
221 |
29,117,864,639 |
2,095 |
417,300 |
67.13 |
42 |
ballan wrasse (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Labrus bergylta |
GCF_963930695.1_fLabBer1.1 |
131 |
720,210,020 |
815 |
163,000 |
30.38 |
43 |
band-tailed pigeon (v1 hap2 2024 refseq) |
Patagioenas fasciata |
GCF_036971685.1_bPatFas1.hap2 |
452 |
1,410,041,145 |
219 |
8,369,264 |
31.76 |
44 |
banded archerfish (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Toxotes jaculatrix |
GCF_017976425.1_fToxJac2.pri |
96 |
621,503,431 |
98 |
1,137,472 |
28.10 |
45 |
banded killifish (hap1 2024) |
Fundulus diaphanus |
GCA_037039145.1_fFunDia1.hap1 |
331 |
1,351,828,608 |
293 |
3,461,740 |
50.48 |
46 |
barbel (primary hap 2022) |
Barbus barbus |
GCA_936440315.1_fBarBab1.1 |
92 |
1,584,929,904 |
108 |
21,600 |
52.50 |
47 |
barn swallow (v3 primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Hirundo rustica |
GCF_015227805.2_bHirRus1.pri.v3 |
617 |
1,105,955,550 |
1,102 |
25,534,411 |
21.06 |
48 |
basking shark (sCetMax3.hap1.1 2024) |
Cetorhinus maximus |
GCA_964194155.1_sCetMax3.hap1.1 |
5,088 |
3,993,866,540 |
2,778 |
555,635 |
65.99 |
49 |
beardfish (hap1 2025) |
Polymixia lowei |
GCA_047511565.1_fPolLow2.hap1 |
327 |
675,344,950 |
752 |
150,427 |
30.33 |
50 |
Bellinger river turtle (v1 BRST_UC0152H_USYD 2024) |
Myuchelys georgesi |
GCA_040894355.1_rMyuGeo1.pri.20230808 |
129 |
1,980,051,792 |
57 |
11,400 |
26.49 |
51 |
Bellinger river turtle (v2 BRST_UC0152H_USYD 2025) |
Myuchelys georgesi |
GCA_040894355.2_rMyuGeo1.pri |
109 |
1,980,039,302 |
77 |
15,400 |
26.49 |
52 |
big brown bat (TK198812 2023) |
Eptesicus fuscus |
GCF_027574615.1_DD_ASM_mEF_20220401 |
48 |
2,008,057,866 |
75 |
28,557 |
37.06 |
53 |
bilby (mMagLag1 2024) |
Macrotis lagotis |
GCA_037893015.1_bilby.v1.9.chrom.fasta |
609 |
3,655,732,635 |
4,431 |
12,523,912 |
43.71 |
54 |
bird A.albertisi (hap1 2024) |
Aegotheles albertisi |
GCA_039906565.1_bAegAlb1.hap1 |
592 |
1,167,497,019 |
439 |
87,800 |
21.86 |
55 |
bird E.chinensis (hap2 2024) |
Excalfactoria chinensis |
GCA_039878825.1_bCotChi1.hap2 |
191 |
966,847,183 |
330 |
63,200 |
20.52 |
56 |
black and rufous elephant shrew (mRhyPet1hap1 2024) |
Rhynchocyon petersi |
GCA_043290085.1_mRhyPet1.hap1 |
469 |
5,620,370,870 |
770 |
153,831 |
71.76 |
57 |
black goby (primary hap 2023) |
Gobius niger |
GCA_951799975.1_fGobNig1.1 |
298 |
870,572,126 |
636 |
127,200 |
40.54 |
58 |
black rhinoceros (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Diceros bicornis minor |
GCF_020826845.1_mDicBic1.mat.cur |
1,076 |
3,005,535,620 |
215 |
1,368,861 |
40.15 |
59 |
black-capped chickadee (hap1 2023) |
Poecile atricapillus |
GCF_030490865.1_bPoeAtr1.hap1 |
307 |
1,251,133,642 |
404 |
958,949 |
24.42 |
60 |
black-headed gull (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
GCF_963924245.1_bChrRid1.1 |
728 |
1,417,554,307 |
462 |
92,400 |
31.33 |
61 |
black-legged kittiwake (bRisTri1 2023 refseq) |
Rissa tridactyla |
GCF_028500815.1_bRisTri1.patW.cur.20221130 |
716 |
1,353,621,101 |
283 |
786,373 |
26.72 |
62 |
blackbelly eelpout (fLycPai1 haplotype 2 2023) |
Lycodopsis pacificus |
GCA_028022725.1_fLycPai1.hap2 |
109 |
646,369,862 |
366 |
73,200 |
29.94 |
63 |
blackcap (primary hap 2019 refseq) |
Sylvia atricapilla |
GCF_009819655.1_bSylAtr1.pri |
190 |
1,066,804,524 |
413 |
11,925,354 |
19.80 |
64 |
blacktail shiner (hap2 2024) |
Cyprinella venusta |
GCA_038024135.1_fCypVen1.hap2 |
413 |
928,717,837 |
720 |
134,500 |
47.57 |
65 |
Blainville's beaked whale (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Mesoplodon densirostris |
GCF_025265405.1_mMesDen1_primary_haplotype |
74 |
2,683,391,478 |
97 |
700,303 |
41.79 |
66 |
blonde ray (primary hap 2023) |
Raja brachyura |
GCA_963514005.1_sRajBra1.1 |
1,647 |
2,700,467,673 |
2,269 |
453,800 |
66.30 |
67 |
blue jay (hap1 2024) |
Cyanocitta cristata |
GCA_046129655.1_bCyaCrs1.hap1 |
316 |
1,227,176,437 |
393 |
74,300 |
25.18 |
68 |
blue whale (JJ_BM4_2016_0621 v3 primary hap 2020) |
Balaenoptera musculus |
GCF_009873245.2_mBalMus1.pri.v3 |
106 |
2,374,868,943 |
886 |
25,937,142 |
43.76 |
69 |
blue whiting (primary hap 2024) |
Micromesistius poutassou |
GCA_964030765.1_fMicPou1.1 |
3,832 |
520,636,573 |
3,055 |
611,000 |
35.17 |
70 |
blue-and-yellow macaw (hap1 2023) |
Ara ararauna |
GCA_028858755.1_bAraAra1.hap1 |
246 |
1,224,360,198 |
107 |
988,129 |
24.87 |
71 |
blunt-snouted clingfish (v2 2020 genbank) |
Gouania willdenowi |
GCA_900634775.2_fGouWil2.2 |
442 |
937,169,869 |
1,160 |
14,353,515 |
42.93 |
72 |
Boeseman's rainbowfish (primary hap 2021) |
Melanotaenia boesemani |
GCF_017639745.1_fMelBoe1.pri |
93 |
865,592,457 |
440 |
3,217,901 |
29.18 |
73 |
Bolin's lanternfish (primary hap 2024) |
Protomyctophum bolini |
GCA_963924005.1_fProBol1.1 |
951 |
1,148,224,649 |
1,785 |
357,000 |
47.04 |
74 |
bonti-bonti (primary hap 2022) |
Telmatherina bonti |
GCA_933228915.1_fTelBon1.1 |
146 |
986,039,709 |
1,329 |
265,800 |
40.16 |
75 |
Bornean orangutan (v2 AG05252 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Pongo pygmaeus |
GCF_028885625.2_NHGRI_mPonPyg2-v2.0_pri |
26 |
3,220,951,552 |
8 |
8,000,000 |
54.51 |
76 |
Botta's pocket gopher (hap1 2023) |
Thomomys bottae |
GCA_031878675.1_mThoBot2.hap1 |
630 |
2,025,650,949 |
775 |
154,825 |
40.80 |
77 |
boutu (hap1 2024) |
Inia geoffrensis |
GCA_036417435.1_mIniGeo1.hap1 |
903 |
2,749,362,370 |
284 |
56,265 |
42.66 |
78 |
bowfin (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Amia calva |
GCF_036373705.1_fAmiCal2.hap1 |
389 |
989,103,751 |
97 |
19,400 |
37.74 |
79 |
Brauer's lanternfish (primary hap 2023) |
Gymnoscopelus braueri |
GCA_963280865.1_fGymBra2.1 |
676 |
1,367,984,568 |
2,704 |
540,800 |
49.78 |
80 |
Brazilian free-tailed bat (primary hap 2023) |
Tadarida brasiliensis |
GCA_030848825.1_DD_mTadBra1_pri |
148 |
2,283,188,801 |
20 |
5,952 |
36.16 |
81 |
Brazilian merganser (hap1 2024) |
Mergus octosetaceus |
GCA_036873955.1_bMerOct1.hap1 |
569 |
1,245,791,205 |
327 |
56,959 |
28.52 |
82 |
Brown anole (maternal hap 2024 refseq) |
Anolis sagrei |
GCF_037176765.1_rAnoSag1.mat |
29 |
1,950,830,970 |
191 |
38,200 |
46.73 |
83 |
brown argus butterfly (refseq 2021) |
Aricia agestis |
GCF_905147365.1_ilAriAges1.1 |
25 |
435,265,205 |
4 |
734 |
48.47 |
84 |
brown big-eared bat (primary hap 2023) |
Plecotus auritus |
GCA_963455305.1_mPleAur1.1 |
65 |
2,163,221,563 |
1,237 |
247,441 |
39.67 |
85 |
budgerigar (maternal Z 2020 refseq) |
Melopsittacus undulatus |
GCF_012275295.1_bMelUnd1.mat.Z |
864 |
1,171,617,451 |
284 |
3,236,129 |
22.13 |
86 |
butterfish (primary hap 2021) |
Scatophagus argus |
GCF_020382885.2_fScaArg1.pri |
48 |
570,802,272 |
77 |
1,711,559 |
21.27 |
87 |
butterfly blenny (primary hap 2023) |
Blennius ocellaris |
GCA_963422515.1_fBleOce1.1 |
525 |
728,745,255 |
1,625 |
325,000 |
32.58 |
88 |
California sea lion (v2 primary hap 2020) |
Zalophus californianus |
GCF_009762305.2_mZalCal1.pri.v2 |
47 |
2,409,685,272 |
185 |
18,537,776 |
43.36 |
89 |
Canada lynx (LIC74 v2 primary hap 2020) |
Lynx canadensis |
GCF_007474595.2_mLynCan4.pri.v2 |
54 |
2,407,810,255 |
842 |
2,779,346 |
43.72 |
90 |
Caribbean electric ray (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Narcine bancroftii |
GCF_036971445.1_sNarBan1.hap1 |
595 |
3,328,432,768 |
1,443 |
277,765 |
54.80 |
91 |
Caribbean electric ray (hap2 2024) |
Narcine bancroftii |
GCA_036971175.1_sNarBan1.hap2 |
445 |
3,110,263,114 |
1,507 |
286,941 |
52.51 |
92 |
carmine bee-eater (primary hap 2019) |
Merops nubicus |
GCA_009819595.1_bMerNub1.pri |
109 |
1,149,356,202 |
269 |
6,055,062 |
21.59 |
93 |
chaffinch (primary hap 2023) |
Fringilla coelebs |
GCA_963513975.1_bFriCoe1.1 |
460 |
1,209,243,761 |
573 |
114,600 |
28.43 |
94 |
channel bull blenny (2019 refseq) |
Cottoperca gobio |
GCF_900634415.1_fCotGob3.1 |
322 |
609,391,784 |
445 |
2,553,975 |
28.72 |
95 |
chevron butterflyfish (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Chaetodon trifascialis |
GCF_039877785.1_fChaTrf1.hap1 |
36 |
662,489,023 |
49 |
9,600 |
24.65 |
96 |
chevron butterflyfish (hap1 2024 genbank) |
Chaetodon trifascialis |
GCA_039877785.1_fChaTrf1.hap1 |
37 |
662,505,520 |
49 |
9,600 |
23.31 |
97 |
chimpanzee (v2 AG18354 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Pan troglodytes |
GCF_028858775.2_NHGRI_mPanTro3-v2.0_pri |
26 |
3,177,756,316 |
5 |
5,000,000 |
49.97 |
98 |
Chinese pangolin (hap1 2023) |
Manis pentadactyla |
GCF_030020395.1_mManPen7.hap1 |
661 |
2,840,164,579 |
383 |
6,563,020 |
39.02 |
99 |
chub mackerel (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Scomber japonicus |
GCF_027409825.1_fScoJap1.pri |
360 |
828,681,152 |
1,572 |
647,100 |
32.44 |
100 |
climbing perch (v1.3 2021) |
Anabas testudineus |
GCA_900324465.3_fAnaTes1.3 |
51 |
555,658,509 |
266 |
3,606,496 |
21.33 |
101 |
clouded leopard (mNeoNeb1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Neofelis nebulosa |
GCF_028018385.1_mNeoNeb1.pri |
33 |
2,468,345,093 |
181 |
1,363,852 |
34.87 |
102 |
coelacanth (fLatCha1 primary hap 2024) |
Latimeria chalumnae |
GCF_037176945.1_fLatCha1.pri |
197 |
2,947,609,019 |
154 |
30,632 |
54.45 |
103 |
Columbretes wall lizard (hap1.1 2025) |
Podarcis liolepis |
GCA_965112155.1_rPodLio1.hap1.1 |
290 |
1,574,020,868 |
921 |
184,200 |
40.01 |
104 |
common blue-tongued skink (hap2 2024) |
Tiliqua scincoides |
GCA_035046505.1_rTilSci1.hap2 |
350 |
1,623,332,312 |
372 |
74,400 |
37.07 |
105 |
common bottlenose dolphin (maternal Y refseq 2020) |
Tursiops truncatus |
GCF_011762595.1_mTurTru1.mat.Y |
362 |
2,378,522,213 |
674 |
6,222,516 |
46.09 |
106 |
common bream (primary hap 2024) |
Abramis brama |
GCA_963993115.1_fAbrBra2.1 |
208 |
1,108,218,292 |
685 |
137,000 |
48.57 |
107 |
common brushtail (refseq 2020) |
Trichosurus vulpecula |
GCF_011100635.1_mTriVul1.pri |
212 |
3,359,347,707 |
1,796 |
18,696,463 |
40.57 |
108 |
common buzzard (bButBut1.hap1.1 2024) |
Buteo buteo |
GCA_964188355.1_bButBut1.hap1.1 |
544 |
1,303,700,921 |
471 |
94,200 |
23.96 |
109 |
common cuckoo (bCucCan1 primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Cuculus canorus |
GCF_017976375.1_bCucCan1.pri |
150 |
1,180,136,575 |
296 |
4,922,315 |
21.81 |
110 |
common dab (primary hap 2023) |
Limanda limanda |
GCF_963576545.1_fLimLim1.1 |
338 |
717,580,706 |
275 |
55,000 |
35.04 |
111 |
common dace (hap1.1 2025) |
Leuciscus leuciscus |
GCA_965113295.1_fLeuLeu2.hap1.1 |
876 |
1,198,377,133 |
1,202 |
240,400 |
42.69 |
112 |
common goldeneye (primary hap 2024) |
Bucephala clangula |
GCA_964059595.1_bBucCla1.1 |
538 |
1,190,938,797 |
454 |
90,625 |
25.01 |
113 |
common lizard Z.vivipara (primary hap 2023) |
Zootoca vivipara |
GCF_963506605.1_rZooViv1.1 |
48 |
1,440,239,386 |
683 |
136,600 |
45.64 |
114 |
common moorhen (bGalChl1.hap1.1 2024) |
Gallinula chloropus |
GCA_964237585.1_bGalChl1.hap1.1 |
818 |
1,282,411,533 |
603 |
120,600 |
25.71 |
115 |
common myna (bArcTri1 primary hap 2023) |
Acridotheres tristis |
GCA_027559615.1_bAcrTri1.pri |
455 |
1,193,419,045 |
435 |
2,422,523 |
28.14 |
116 |
common newt (primary hap 2024) |
Lissotriton vulgaris |
GCA_964263255.1_aLisVul1.1 |
15,265 |
24,226,223,864 |
4,030 |
805,825 |
63.80 |
117 |
common pipistrelle (2020) |
Pipistrellus pipistrellus |
GCA_903992545.1_mPipPip1.1 |
323 |
1,763,439,233 |
1,546 |
469,367 |
34.71 |
118 |
common pochard (bAytFer1.hap1.1 2024) |
Aythya ferina |
GCA_964211825.1_bAytFer1.hap1.1 |
862 |
1,252,319,576 |
474 |
94,800 |
27.88 |
119 |
common sole (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Solea solea |
GCF_958295425.1_fSolSol10.1 |
242 |
643,757,955 |
373 |
74,600 |
32.91 |
120 |
common spadefoot toad (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Pelobates fuscus |
GCF_036172605.1_aPelFus1.pri |
159 |
3,606,456,729 |
349 |
69,626 |
51.45 |
121 |
common swift (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Apus apus |
GCF_020740795.1_bApuApu2.pri.cur |
110 |
1,100,378,261 |
256 |
1,747,529 |
21.21 |
122 |
common tern (primary hap 2019) |
Sterna hirundo |
GCA_009819605.1_bSteHir1.pri |
123 |
1,229,972,541 |
205 |
10,364,610 |
21.00 |
123 |
common toad (primary hap 2021) |
Bufo bufo |
GCF_905171765.1_aBufBuf1.1 |
1,306 |
5,044,744,194 |
4,199 |
9,878,258 |
62.71 |
124 |
common vampire bat (v2 HL8 primary hap 2022) |
Desmodus rotundus |
GCA_022682495.2_HLdesRot8A.1 |
573 |
2,119,704,833 |
615 |
257,063 |
32.64 |
125 |
common wall lizard (hap1 2024) |
Podarcis muralis |
GCA_964188315.1_rPodMur119.hap1.1 |
185 |
1,522,641,370 |
827 |
165,400 |
38.70 |
126 |
common whitefish (fCorLav1.hap1.1 2024) |
Coregonus lavaretus |
GCA_964263955.1_fCorLav1.hap1.1 |
11,150 |
2,842,862,595 |
5,995 |
1,199,000 |
61.61 |
127 |
common yellowthroat (primary hap 2019) |
Geothlypis trichas |
GCA_009764595.1_bGeoTri1.pri |
278 |
1,078,128,490 |
1,479 |
13,697,790 |
20.48 |
128 |
convict blenny (primary hap 2021) |
Pholidichthys leucotaenia |
GCA_020510985.1_fPhoLeu1.pri |
512 |
6,032,307,556 |
2,580 |
52,780,824 |
48.95 |
129 |
copperband butterflyfish (primary hap 2021) |
Chelmon rostratus |
GCF_017976325.1_fCheRos1.pri |
29 |
644,208,431 |
60 |
11,380 |
21.59 |
130 |
corkwing wrasse (primary hap 2022) |
Symphodus melops |
GCA_947650265.1_fSymMel2.1 |
395 |
636,368,453 |
1,379 |
275,800 |
28.78 |
131 |
corroboree frog (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Pseudophryne corroboree |
GCF_028390025.1_aPseCor3.hap2 |
3,127 |
8,872,758,793 |
2,699 |
21,212,457 |
74.73 |
132 |
Cory's shearwater (bCalBor7.hap1.1 2024) |
Calonectris borealis |
GCA_964195595.1_bCalBor7.hap1.1 |
355 |
1,366,205,003 |
525 |
105,015 |
24.91 |
133 |
crab-eating macaque (582-1 2024) |
Macaca fascicularis |
GCF_037993035.1_T2T-MFA8v1.0 |
21 |
3,042,914,375 |
0 |
0 |
52.97 |
134 |
crested bigscale (hap1.1 2025) |
Poromitra crassiceps |
GCA_964638095.1_fPorCra3.hap1.1 |
2,788 |
1,630,001,977 |
2,975 |
595,000 |
57.57 |
135 |
crested eagle (hap2 2024) |
Morphnus guianensis |
GCA_045345515.1_bMorGui1_haplotype_2 |
544 |
1,576,624,229 |
164 |
32,800 |
33.65 |
136 |
Cretan wall lizard (primary hap 2023) |
Podarcis cretensis |
GCA_951804945.1_rPodCre2.1 |
51 |
1,507,627,055 |
47 |
9,400 |
38.66 |
137 |
Crete spiny mouse (2024) |
Acomys minous |
GCA_964271855.1_mAcoMin1 |
113 |
2,350,237,540 |
184 |
20,100 |
34.04 |
138 |
crucian carp (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Carassius carassius |
GCF_963082965.1_fCarCar2.1 |
277 |
1,684,296,438 |
832 |
166,400 |
45.86 |
139 |
cuckoo roller (hap2 2023) |
Leptosomus discolor |
GCA_034619465.1_bLepDis1.hap2 |
278 |
1,332,047,658 |
271 |
54,200 |
25.12 |
140 |
cuckoo wrasse (primary hap 2023) |
Labrus mixtus |
GCF_963584025.1_fLabMix1.1 |
324 |
740,563,171 |
570 |
114,014 |
33.86 |
141 |
cunner (primary hap 2021) |
Tautogolabrus adspersus |
GCA_020745685.1_fTauAds1.pri.cur |
64 |
723,582,185 |
283 |
4,256,220 |
30.38 |
142 |
cyclops roundleaf bat (Cote d'Ivoire 20210929_DDa primary hap 2024) |
Doryrhina cyclops |
GCA_043880285.1_ASM4388028v1 |
66 |
2,390,604,663 |
334 |
139,180 |
41.90 |
143 |
Dalmatian pelican (primary hap 2023) |
Pelecanus crispus |
GCA_030463565.1_bPelCri1.pri |
311 |
1,314,587,946 |
390 |
78,000 |
24.65 |
144 |
dark-edged splitfin (DD_20200921_A 2022 refseq) |
Girardinichthys multiradiatus |
GCF_021462225.1_DD_fGirMul_XY1 |
72 |
1,150,004,004 |
409 |
6,172,100 |
38.37 |
145 |
Daubenton's bat (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Myotis daubentonii |
GCF_963259705.1_mMyoDau2.1 |
121 |
2,127,807,131 |
1,099 |
219,800 |
38.85 |
146 |
denticle herring (v2 2020) |
Denticeps clupeoides |
GCA_900700375.2_fDenClu1.2 |
461 |
567,417,970 |
464 |
4,648,387 |
28.83 |
147 |
diamondback terrapin (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Malaclemys terrapin pileata |
GCF_027887155.1_rMalTer1.hap1 |
76 |
2,211,221,380 |
141 |
1,749,567 |
46.30 |
148 |
dog (German shepard Mischka 2020) |
Canis lupus familiaris |
GCF_011100685.1_UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 |
2,197 |
2,481,983,352 |
585 |
58,500 |
43.95 |
149 |
Domestic goose (bAnsAns1.hap1.1 2024) |
Anser anser |
GCA_964211835.1_bAnsAns1.hap1.1 |
819 |
1,313,455,045 |
930 |
186,000 |
28.50 |
150 |
dorado (hap2 2023) |
Salminus brasiliensis |
GCA_030463535.1_fSalBra1.hap2 |
104 |
1,066,501,646 |
726 |
9,072,217 |
36.78 |
151 |
downy woodpecker (primary hap 2020) |
Dryobates pubescens |
GCF_014839835.1_bDryPub1.pri |
180 |
1,187,939,694 |
187 |
4,003,130 |
32.06 |
152 |
dugong (hap1 mDugDug1 2023) |
Dugong dugon |
GCA_030035585.1_mDugDug1.hap1 |
198 |
3,158,488,110 |
96 |
19,200 |
47.43 |
153 |
East African grey crowned-crane (primary hap 2020) |
Balearica regulorum gibbericeps |
GCA_011004875.1_bBalReg1.pri |
105 |
1,221,051,782 |
144 |
4,796,037 |
21.20 |
154 |
Eastern black-eared wheatear (GR-GAL-2019-014 2023) |
Oenanthe melanoleuca |
GCF_029582105.1_OMel1.0 |
587 |
1,036,256,795 |
582 |
58,200 |
20.82 |
155 |
eastern cottontail (primary hap 2023) |
Sylvilagus floridanus |
GCA_949820135.1_mSylFlo1.10 |
99 |
2,848,420,111 |
316 |
31,600 |
44.09 |
156 |
eastern happy (primary hap 2024) |
Astatotilapia calliptera |
GCA_964374335.1_fAstCal68.1 |
31 |
933,429,770 |
40 |
4,500 |
32.72 |
157 |
eastern happy (v3 2021) |
Astatotilapia calliptera |
GCA_900246225.5_fAstCal1.3 |
249 |
880,445,568 |
490 |
1,186,663 |
35.92 |
158 |
eastern musk turtle (primary hap 2023) |
Sternotherus odoratus |
GCA_032164245.1_rSteOdo2_p1.0 |
218 |
1,759,411,633 |
553 |
110,600 |
30.45 |
159 |
eastern narrow-mouthed toad (primary haplotype 2023) |
Gastrophryne carolinensis |
GCA_027917425.1_aGasCar1.pri |
1,002 |
4,336,248,441 |
1,745 |
349,000 |
60.57 |
160 |
Egyptian rousette (v1 2020 refseq) |
Rousettus aegyptiacus |
GCF_014176215.1_mRouAeg1.p |
29 |
1,893,602,072 |
242 |
26,674,495 |
32.62 |
161 |
electric eel (fEleEle1 primary hap 2020) |
Electrophorus electricus |
GCF_013358815.1_fEleEle1.pri |
89 |
589,358,956 |
227 |
10,599,768 |
24.89 |
162 |
emu (hap1 2024) |
Dromaius novaehollandiae |
GCF_036370855.1_bDroNov1.hap1 |
271 |
1,468,706,110 |
129 |
25,800 |
24.07 |
163 |
emu (v2 ZJU1.0 2023) |
Dromaius novaehollandiae |
GCA_016128335.2_ZJU2.0 |
767 |
1,247,435,561 |
539 |
72,443 |
19.18 |
164 |
epaulette shark (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Hemiscyllium ocellatum |
GCF_020745735.1_sHemOce1.pat.X.cur. |
1,962 |
3,983,466,396 |
3,716 |
77,564,682 |
62.70 |
165 |
ermine (2020) |
Mustela erminea |
GCF_009829155.1_mMusErm1.Pri |
94 |
2,445,217,270 |
199 |
21,483,976 |
41.13 |
166 |
Eurasian badger (v3.1 2021) |
Meles meles |
GCF_922984935.1_mMelMel3.1_paternal_haplotype |
538 |
2,738,694,446 |
101 |
23,800 |
38.09 |
167 |
Eurasian collared-dove (bStrDea1.hap1.1 2024) |
Streptopelia decaocto |
GCA_964273445.1_bStrDea1.hap1.1 |
2,451 |
1,290,957,608 |
696 |
139,200 |
30.01 |
168 |
Eurasian crane (hap1 2024) |
Grus grus |
GCA_964106855.1_bGruGru1.hap1.1 |
754 |
1,352,282,554 |
593 |
118,600 |
26.80 |
169 |
Eurasian curlew (hap1 2024) |
Numenius arquata |
GCA_964106895.1_bNumArq3.hap1.1 |
1,819 |
1,348,876,333 |
785 |
157,000 |
28.37 |
170 |
Eurasian minnow (primary hap 2023) |
Phoxinus phoxinus |
GCA_949152265.1_fPhoPho1.1 |
125 |
950,498,056 |
881 |
176,200 |
44.44 |
171 |
Eurasian nightjar (primary hap 2021) |
Caprimulgus europaeus |
GCA_907165065.1_bCapEur3.1 |
121 |
1,177,791,212 |
153 |
25,835 |
22.20 |
172 |
Eurasian red squirrel (v1.2 2020) |
Sciurus vulgaris |
GCA_902686455.2_mSciVul1.2 |
639 |
2,878,607,543 |
1,177 |
163,358,994 |
33.75 |
173 |
Eurasian river otter (2020) |
Lutra lutra |
GCF_902655055.1_mLutLut1.2 |
44 |
2,438,458,878 |
185 |
90,271 |
34.39 |
174 |
Eurasian water vole (v2 2021) |
Arvicola amphibius |
GCF_903992535.2_mArvAmp1.2 |
215 |
2,297,766,297 |
873 |
6,026,960 |
32.43 |
175 |
European chub (primary hap 2023) |
Squalius cephalus |
GCA_949319135.1_fSquCep2.1 |
106 |
1,101,930,522 |
588 |
117,600 |
49.02 |
176 |
European common frog (2021) |
Rana temporaria |
GCF_905171775.1_aRanTem1.1 |
554 |
4,111,422,596 |
1,860 |
26,194,034 |
55.46 |
177 |
European conger (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Conger conger |
GCF_963514075.1_fConCon1.1 |
380 |
1,136,402,888 |
1,009 |
201,800 |
35.55 |
178 |
European eel (primary hap 2020 refseq) |
Anguilla anguilla |
GCF_013347855.1_fAngAng1.pri |
54 |
979,045,926 |
640 |
3,868,499 |
27.45 |
179 |
European flounder (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Platichthys flesus |
GCF_949316205.1_fPlaFle2.1 |
108 |
597,120,941 |
482 |
96,400 |
27.16 |
180 |
European golden plover (primary hap 2021) |
Pluvialis apricaria |
GCA_017639485.1_bPluApr1.pri |
107 |
1,247,767,512 |
268 |
12,294,737 |
21.20 |
181 |
European harvest mouse (primary hap 2024) |
Micromys minutus |
GCA_963924665.1_mMicMin1.1 |
894 |
2,651,787,409 |
2,020 |
404,000 |
42.52 |
182 |
European leaf-toed gecko (hap1 2023) |
Euleptes europaea |
GCF_029931775.1_rEulEur1.hap1 |
591 |
1,781,916,107 |
153 |
4,045,040 |
39.82 |
183 |
European mink (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Mustela lutreola |
GCF_030435805.1_mMusLut2.pri |
25 |
2,586,268,927 |
39 |
7,800 |
36.60 |
184 |
European mole (hap1 2024) |
Talpa europaea |
GCA_964194135.1_mTalEur1.hap1.1 |
464 |
2,061,000,977 |
1,056 |
211,200 |
33.70 |
185 |
European pine marten (primary hap 2023) |
Martes martes |
GCA_963455335.1_mMarMar1.1 |
477 |
2,484,650,161 |
2,250 |
450,000 |
34.75 |
186 |
European plaice (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Pleuronectes platessa |
GCF_947347685.1_fPlePla1.1 |
355 |
687,388,084 |
1,072 |
214,400 |
33.59 |
187 |
European pond turtle (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Emys orbicularis |
GCF_028017835.1_rEmyOrb1.hap1 |
106 |
2,309,740,635 |
148 |
3,324,230 |
35.43 |
188 |
European river lamprey (primary hap 2024) |
Lampetra fluviatilis |
GCA_964198595.1_kcLamFluv1.1 |
1,497 |
1,042,475,189 |
1,795 |
359,000 |
50.86 |
189 |
European robin (primary hap 2021) |
Erithacus rubecula |
GCA_903797595.2_bEriRub2.2 |
1,119 |
1,086,738,418 |
990 |
287,644 |
21.47 |
190 |
European shag (primary hap 2023) |
Phalacrocorax aristotelis |
GCA_949628215.1_bGulAri2.1 |
353 |
1,279,134,750 |
222 |
44,217 |
22.81 |
191 |
European shrew (primary hap 2023) |
Sorex araneus |
GCF_027595985.1_mSorAra2.pri |
65 |
2,405,993,548 |
1,427 |
12,943,964 |
41.75 |
192 |
European smelt (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Osmerus eperlanus |
GCF_963692335.1_fOsmEpe2.1 |
1,007 |
508,721,272 |
2,462 |
492,400 |
35.92 |
193 |
European snow vole (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Chionomys nivalis |
GCF_950005125.1_mChiNiv1.1 |
160 |
2,393,390,621 |
197 |
39,400 |
44.15 |
194 |
European sprat (primary hap 2023) |
Sprattus sprattus |
GCA_963457725.1_fSprSpr1.1 |
387 |
840,332,306 |
1,501 |
300,226 |
35.52 |
195 |
European starfish (2020) |
Asterias rubens |
GCF_902459465.1_eAstRub1.3 |
150 |
417,601,740 |
471 |
148,140 |
37.45 |
196 |
European suslik (primary hap 2024) |
Spermophilus citellus |
GCA_964194105.1_mSpeCit3.1 |
498 |
3,090,049,053 |
1,436 |
287,200 |
41.68 |
197 |
European turtle dove (v1.2 2021) |
Streptopelia turtur |
GCA_901699155.2_bStrTur1.2 |
311 |
1,178,816,852 |
940 |
3,880,574 |
21.07 |
198 |
European woodmouse (2022 refseq) |
Apodemus sylvaticus |
GCF_947179515.1_mApoSyl1.1 |
497 |
2,889,785,202 |
1,129 |
225,617 |
40.60 |
199 |
false killer whale (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Pseudorca crassidens |
GCF_039906515.1_mPseCra1.hap1 |
438 |
2,674,592,094 |
123 |
2,797,992 |
41.86 |
200 |
Filfola wall lizard (rPodFil1.hap1.1 2024) |
Podarcis filfolensis |
GCA_964270895.1_rPodFil1.hap1.1 |
349 |
1,506,966,124 |
872 |
174,400 |
37.95 |
201 |
fire-bellied toad (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Bombina bombina |
GCF_027579735.1_aBomBom1.pri |
2,467 |
10,019,663,791 |
7,009 |
198,898,177 |
69.42 |
202 |
flatback sea turtle (hap1 2025) |
Natator depressus |
GCA_965152275.1_rNatDep2.hap1 |
41 |
2,173,446,978 |
171 |
30,501 |
43.63 |
203 |
Fleay's barred frog (hap1 2024) |
Mixophyes fleayi |
GCA_038048845.1_aMixFle1.hap1 |
2,806 |
2,969,628,263 |
1,421 |
3,802,133 |
46.39 |
204 |
flier cichlid (MPI-CPG 2019 refseq) |
Archocentrus centrarchus |
GCF_007364275.1_fArcCen1 |
188 |
932,930,362 |
744 |
16,903,477 |
30.69 |
205 |
Florida worm lizard (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Rhineura floridana |
GCF_030035675.1_rRhiFlo1.hap2 |
76 |
2,307,419,594 |
242 |
6,466,284 |
45.32 |
206 |
freshwater garfish (primary hap 2020) |
Xenentodon cancila |
GCA_014839995.1_fXenCan1.pri |
410 |
736,214,936 |
1,373 |
7,503,584 |
27.54 |
207 |
Gaboon caecilian (v1.1 2019 refseq) |
Geotrypetes seraphini |
GCF_902459505.1_aGeoSer1.1 |
164 |
3,779,430,019 |
433 |
5,502,713 |
52.86 |
208 |
Gaboon caecilian (v1.2 2021 genbank) |
Geotrypetes seraphini |
GCA_902459505.2_aGeoSer1.2 |
164 |
3,779,430,017 |
433 |
5,502,713 |
52.86 |
209 |
garden warbler (primary hap 2020) |
Sylvia borin |
GCA_014839755.1_bSylBor1.pri |
176 |
1,045,652,180 |
134 |
1,835,448 |
20.28 |
210 |
Geoffroy's bat (hap1.1 2025) |
Myotis emarginatus |
GCA_965115925.1_mMyoEma1.hap1.1 |
402 |
2,109,797,427 |
1,540 |
308,000 |
39.36 |
211 |
gharial (hap2 2023) |
Gavialis gangeticus |
GCA_030020295.1_rGavGan2.hap2 |
160 |
2,328,538,659 |
118 |
1,108,111 |
32.92 |
212 |
giant manta (hap1 2023) |
Mobula birostris |
GCA_030028105.1_sMobBir1.hap1 |
4,715 |
4,014,635,230 |
1,810 |
30,852,630 |
54.43 |
213 |
giant South American river turtle (hap2 2024) |
Podocnemis expansa |
GCA_045364815.1_rPodExp1_haplotype_2 |
725 |
2,565,358,608 |
224 |
44,800 |
33.86 |
214 |
gilthead seabream (v2 2021) |
Sparus aurata |
GCA_900880675.2_fSpaAur1.2 |
176 |
833,595,063 |
1,050 |
342,268 |
29.60 |
215 |
golden eagle (v1.4 2021) |
Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos |
GCF_900496995.4_bAquChr1.4 |
144 |
1,233,704,830 |
228 |
5,201,260 |
20.02 |
216 |
golden parakeet (hap1 2024) |
Guaruba guarouba |
GCA_045345405.1_bGuaGua1_haplotype_1 |
216 |
1,366,127,126 |
173 |
34,600 |
30.90 |
217 |
golden spiny mouse (2020) |
Acomys russatus |
GCF_903995435.1_mAcoRus1.1 |
623 |
2,301,522,284 |
880 |
7,954,169 |
32.57 |
218 |
Goodes thornscrub tortoise (Sinaloan 2019) |
Gopherus evgoodei |
GCF_007399415.2_rGopEvg1_v1.p |
383 |
2,298,564,209 |
562 |
29,560,319 |
33.37 |
219 |
Grand Cayman blue iguana (hap1 2023) |
Cyclura pinguis |
GCA_030412105.1_rCycPin1.hap1 |
30 |
1,983,631,412 |
28 |
1,082,164 |
32.57 |
220 |
gray seal (hap1.1 2025) |
Halichoerus grypus |
GCA_964656455.1_mHalGry1.hap1.1 |
171 |
2,400,078,677 |
1,130 |
226,000 |
34.86 |
221 |
gray short-tailed opossum (mMonDom1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Monodelphis domestica |
GCF_027887165.1_mMonDom1.pri |
13 |
3,586,166,573 |
2,255 |
31,907,317 |
43.38 |
222 |
gray squirrel (2020) |
Sciurus carolinensis |
GCF_902686445.1_mSciCar1.2 |
752 |
2,815,397,268 |
1,824 |
604,531 |
34.56 |
223 |
gray wolf (2021) |
Canis lupus |
GCA_905319855.2_mCanLor1.2 |
82 |
2,447,463,909 |
166 |
45,800 |
34.76 |
224 |
great cormorant (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
GCF_963921805.1_bPhaCar2.1 |
350 |
1,283,623,959 |
493 |
98,600 |
22.67 |
225 |
great fruit-eating bat (hap1 2024) |
Artibeus intermedius |
GCA_038363145.1_mArtInt1.hap1 |
419 |
2,293,600,955 |
81 |
12,100 |
34.66 |
226 |
great fruit-eating bat (v2 hap1 2024) |
Artibeus lituratus |
GCA_038363095.2_mArtLit.hap1 |
487 |
2,311,617,438 |
45 |
7,300 |
35.13 |
227 |
great potoo (primary hap 2020 refseq) |
Nyctibius grandis |
GCF_013368605.1_bNycGra1.pri |
190 |
1,256,393,467 |
243 |
6,139,133 |
23.97 |
228 |
great scallop (2019) |
Pecten maximus |
GCF_902652985.1_xPecMax1.1 |
3,983 |
918,306,378 |
1,827 |
691,874 |
32.72 |
229 |
great white shark (primary hap 2021) |
Carcharodon carcharias |
GCF_017639515.1_sCarCar2.pri |
719 |
4,286,311,191 |
2,645 |
19,150,268 |
52.46 |
230 |
greater argentine (primary hap 2023) |
Argentina silus |
GCA_951799395.1_fArgSil1.1 |
1,024 |
670,765,936 |
1,752 |
350,400 |
39.30 |
231 |
greater horseshoe bat (mRhiFer1 2020) |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum |
GCA_014108255.1_mRhiFer1.p |
50 |
2,072,561,339 |
292 |
16,878,831 |
34.75 |
232 |
greater horseshoe bat (v2 MPI-CBG 2019) |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum |
GCF_004115265.2_mRhiFer1_v1.p |
134 |
2,075,768,562 |
158 |
7,546,098 |
34.43 |
233 |
greater mouse-eared bat (2020 Bat1K) |
Myotis myotis |
GCF_014108235.1_mMyoMyo1.p |
93 |
2,002,797,769 |
538 |
28,953,405 |
35.85 |
234 |
greater pipefish (v1.2 2020 refseq) |
Syngnathus acus |
GCF_901709675.1_fSynAcu1.2 |
87 |
324,331,233 |
43 |
13,700 |
25.95 |
235 |
greater sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Saccopteryx bilineata |
GCF_036850765.1_mSacBil1_pri_phased_curated |
256 |
2,612,309,609 |
468 |
33,092,045 |
43.31 |
236 |
greater sand-eel (primary hap 2023) |
Hyperoplus immaculatus |
GCA_949357725.1_fHypImm3.1 |
1,568 |
797,804,280 |
1,188 |
237,600 |
40.07 |
237 |
greater scaup (hap1 2025) |
Aythya marila |
GCA_965140915.1_bAytMar2.hap1.1 |
1,269 |
1,224,533,240 |
693 |
138,600 |
26.48 |
238 |
green sea turtle (v2 primary hap 2021) |
Chelonia mydas |
GCF_015237465.2_rCheMyd1.pri.v2 |
93 |
2,134,375,114 |
298 |
11,960,176 |
31.96 |
239 |
grey gurnard (primary hap 2023) |
Eutrigla gurnardus |
GCA_963514095.1_fEutGur1.1 |
319 |
680,483,561 |
553 |
110,600 |
35.71 |
240 |
grey whale (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Eschrichtius robustus |
GCF_028021215.1_mEscRob2.pri |
703 |
2,982,418,581 |
279 |
55,800 |
46.40 |
241 |
gudgeon (primary hap 2023) |
Gobio gobio |
GCA_949357685.1_fGobGob1.1 |
231 |
1,460,679,231 |
1,046 |
209,200 |
68.84 |
242 |
gyrfalcon (primary hap 2020) |
Falco rusticolus |
GCF_015220075.1_bFalRus1.pri |
133 |
1,195,847,496 |
635 |
5,345,814 |
18.84 |
243 |
Hanaki's dwarf bat (2024) |
Pipistrellus hanaki |
GCA_964339955.1_mPipHan1.1 |
141 |
1,892,221,984 |
306 |
34,100 |
38.42 |
244 |
harbor porpoise (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Phocoena phocoena |
GCF_963924675.1_mPhoPho1.1 |
439 |
2,512,713,112 |
966 |
193,200 |
39.05 |
245 |
Harpy eagle (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Harpia harpyja |
GCF_026419915.1_bHarHar1_primary_haplotype |
322 |
1,351,447,071 |
342 |
2,651,394 |
24.82 |
246 |
Hawaiian crow (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Corvus hawaiiensis |
GCF_020740725.1_bCorHaw1.pri.cur |
188 |
1,151,611,379 |
294 |
1,813,227 |
23.63 |
247 |
hazel dormouse (primary hap 2023) |
Muscardinus avellanarius |
GCA_963383645.1_mMusAve1.1 |
213 |
2,497,520,702 |
1,805 |
361,000 |
43.99 |
248 |
hemichordates Saccoglossus (HW-2024a hap1 2024) |
Saccoglossus sp. HW-2024a |
GCA_040954625.1_ASM4095462v1 |
77 |
328,607,491 |
254 |
127,000 |
29.41 |
249 |
herring gull (hap1 2024) |
Larus argentatus |
GCA_964417175.1_bLarArg3.hap1.1 |
401 |
1,417,856,064 |
559 |
111,800 |
29.51 |
250 |
hippopotamus (v2 hap2 2023 refseq) |
Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko |
GCF_030028045.1_mHipAmp2.hap2 |
357 |
2,538,259,262 |
226 |
45,200 |
35.48 |
251 |
hoatzin (hap1 2023) |
Opisthocomus hoazin |
GCA_030867145.1_bOpiHoa1.hap1 |
415 |
1,482,459,898 |
268 |
53,600 |
31.68 |
252 |
honeycomb rockfish (primary hap 2020) |
Sebastes umbrosus |
GCF_015220745.1_fSebUmb1.pri |
138 |
800,904,020 |
215 |
1,393,892 |
36.28 |
253 |
horn shark (hap2 2024) |
Heterodontus francisci |
GCA_036365495.1_sHetFra1.hap2 |
1,496 |
5,196,885,747 |
2,790 |
29,620,202 |
62.99 |
254 |
horn shark (sHetFra1hap1 2024) |
Heterodontus francisci |
GCF_036365525.1_sHetFra1.hap1 |
2,306 |
6,013,048,672 |
2,781 |
28,369,521 |
68.67 |
255 |
horse (paternal hap 2024) |
Equus caballus |
GCA_036426135.1_mEquCab1.pat |
602 |
2,596,737,506 |
114 |
22,800 |
35.42 |
256 |
hourglass treefrog (paternal 2023 refseq) |
Dendropsophus ebraccatus |
GCF_027789765.1_aDenEbr1.pat |
2,200 |
2,214,937,069 |
804 |
6,692,944 |
51.44 |
257 |
house finch (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Haemorhous mexicanus |
GCF_027477595.1_bHaeMex1.pri |
184 |
1,148,233,018 |
296 |
11,207,146 |
23.53 |
258 |
house mouse (primary hap 2023) |
Mus musculus |
GCA_949316315.1_mMusMuc1.1 |
179 |
2,770,968,735 |
101 |
20,200 |
45.38 |
259 |
house sparrow (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Passer domesticus |
GCF_036417665.1_bPasDom1.hap1 |
335 |
1,310,131,054 |
204 |
40,402 |
30.41 |
260 |
Humboldt's penguin (bSphHub1 primary hap 2022) |
Spheniscus humboldti |
GCA_027474245.1_bSphHub1.pri |
136 |
1,358,357,718 |
253 |
1,055,061 |
25.75 |
261 |
humpback whale (KW2013002 2024) |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
GCA_041834305.1_ASM4183430v1 |
1,355 |
3,146,604,256 |
88 |
8,800 |
48.29 |
262 |
hybrid cattle (Angus x Brahman F1 Brahman haplotype 2018) |
Bos indicus x Bos taurus |
GCF_003369695.1_UOA_Brahman_1 |
1,250 |
2,680,953,056 |
302 |
1,636,497 |
47.57 |
263 |
Iberian parsley frog (aPelIbe1 2024) |
Pelodytes ibericus |
GCA_036172795.1_aPelIbe1.pri |
99 |
2,077,659,799 |
262 |
52,400 |
49.33 |
264 |
Iberian ribbed newt (20211129_DDA 2022 genbank) |
Pleurodeles waltl |
GCA_026652325.1_ASM2665232v1 |
267 |
20,300,798,037 |
922 |
333,042 |
71.01 |
265 |
Indian glassy fish (v2 2020) |
Parambassis ranga |
GCA_900634625.2_fParRan2.2 |
157 |
551,029,983 |
1,523 |
10,561,548 |
25.10 |
266 |
Indian roofed turtle (hap2 2024) |
Pangshura tecta |
GCA_045781085.1_rPanTec1.hap2 |
449 |
2,174,585,695 |
260 |
52,000 |
32.71 |
267 |
Indo-Pacific tarpon (2020) |
Megalops cyprinoides |
GCF_013368585.1_fMegCyp1.pri |
207 |
959,258,046 |
63 |
283,098 |
22.11 |
268 |
intermediate horseshoe bat (China 20211001_DDa primary hap 2024) |
Rhinolophus affinis |
GCA_043728065.1_ASM4372806v1 |
2,194 |
2,302,456,897 |
37 |
14,340 |
42.96 |
269 |
intermediate roundleaf bat (primary hap 2023) |
Hipposideros larvatus |
GCA_031876335.1_mHipLar1.pri |
69 |
2,338,923,724 |
119 |
33,404 |
35.41 |
270 |
Italian wall lizard (rPodSic1.hap1.1 2024) |
Podarcis siculus |
GCA_964188175.1_rPodSic1.hap1.1 |
294 |
1,571,381,643 |
762 |
152,400 |
40.39 |
271 |
jaguar (hap1 2025) |
Panthera onca |
GCA_046562885.1_mPanOnc1_haplotype_1 |
115 |
2,303,345,105 |
140 |
28,000 |
41.30 |
272 |
Japanese sawshark (hap1 2024 genbank) |
Pristiophorus japonicus |
GCA_044704955.1_sPriJap1.hap1 |
4,317 |
5,923,050,865 |
5,985 |
1,196,474 |
73.12 |
273 |
Japanese sawshark (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Pristiophorus japonicus |
GCF_044704955.1_sPriJap1.hap1 |
4,318 |
5,923,069,295 |
5,985 |
1,196,474 |
71.83 |
274 |
jewelled blenny (2019) |
Salarias fasciatus |
GCF_902148845.1_fSalaFa1.1 |
203 |
797,507,141 |
602 |
10,447,897 |
26.61 |
275 |
John dory (primary hap 2023) |
Zeus faber |
GCA_960531495.1_fZeuFab8.1 |
191 |
804,731,948 |
887 |
177,400 |
39.97 |
276 |
kagu (bRhyJub1 primary hap 2023) |
Rhynochetos jubatus |
GCA_027574665.1_bRhyJub1.pri |
148 |
1,331,454,348 |
300 |
525,241 |
28.26 |
277 |
kakapo (v2 Jane 2020 refseq) |
Strigops habroptila |
GCF_004027225.2_bStrHab1.2.pri |
89 |
1,148,597,545 |
373 |
10,544,081 |
20.53 |
278 |
killer whale (2022) |
Orcinus orca |
GCF_937001465.1_mOrcOrc1.1 |
448 |
2,647,351,467 |
123 |
24,436 |
41.64 |
279 |
king vulture (hap1 2024) |
Sarcoramphus papa |
GCA_037962945.1_bSarPap1.hap1 |
124 |
1,543,950,730 |
154 |
30,800 |
32.53 |
280 |
koala (Bilbo 61053 2022) |
Phascolarctos cinereus |
GCA_003287225.2_phaCin_HiC |
1,246 |
3,192,631,935 |
669 |
66,801 |
39.25 |
281 |
Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1.2 primary hap 2023) |
Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus |
GCF_009829125.3_fPerMag1.2.pri |
122 |
752,605,561 |
701 |
7,178,761 |
43.07 |
282 |
Kuhl's pipistrelle (2020) |
Pipistrellus kuhlii |
GCF_014108245.1_mPipKuh1.p |
202 |
1,775,688,541 |
394 |
12,201,491 |
34.57 |
283 |
lammergeier (bGypBar2 primary hap 2023) |
Gypaetus barbatus |
GCA_028022735.1_bGypBar2.pri |
232 |
1,365,299,843 |
259 |
2,000,432 |
26.52 |
284 |
lance-tailed manakin (2020) |
Chiroxiphia lanceolata |
GCF_009829145.1_bChiLan1.pri |
93 |
1,089,631,598 |
206 |
3,303,511 |
20.07 |
285 |
lancelets B.floridae x B.belcheri (bbbf 2021) |
Branchiostoma floridae x Branchiostoma belcheri |
GCA_019207075.1_Bb-hap |
79 |
405,532,174 |
108 |
492,029 |
28.95 |
286 |
lancelets B.floridae x B.japonicum (bjbf 2020) |
Branchiostoma floridae x Branchiostoma japonicum |
GCA_015852565.1_bf_hap-2 |
341 |
490,782,628 |
168 |
84,000 |
27.78 |
287 |
lanner falcon (bFalBia1 primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Falco biarmicus |
GCF_023638135.1_bFalBia1.pri |
397 |
1,285,492,283 |
158 |
2,152,808 |
23.59 |
288 |
lantern fish (primary hap 2024) |
Nannobrachium achirus |
GCA_963921795.1_fNanAch1.1 |
673 |
1,658,848,640 |
2,397 |
479,400 |
54.08 |
289 |
large tree shrew (BS70 2022) |
Tupaia tana |
GCA_026018925.1_mTupTan1 |
1,198 |
2,948,294,157 |
1,188 |
115,755 |
46.11 |
290 |
large-eye snaggletooth (primary hap 2023) |
Borostomias antarcticus |
GCA_949987555.1_fBorAnt1.1 |
1,378 |
909,249,001 |
2,631 |
526,200 |
46.88 |
291 |
largemouth bass (2-A1 2021) |
Micropterus salmoides |
GCA_019677235.1_HNU_Msal_1.0 |
202 |
877,669,248 |
672 |
335,002 |
29.68 |
292 |
largescale foureyes (primary hap 2020) |
Anableps anableps |
GCA_014839685.1_fAnaAna1.pri |
33 |
867,632,993 |
107 |
306,559 |
29.88 |
293 |
Lataste's viper (primary hap 2022) |
Vipera latastei |
GCA_024294585.1_rVipLat1.pri |
56 |
1,631,568,913 |
769 |
3,547,667 |
44.82 |
294 |
least weasel (hap1.1 2025) |
Mustela nivalis |
GCA_964662115.1_mMusNiv2.hap1.1 |
3,180 |
3,437,873,602 |
2,938 |
587,616 |
49.65 |
295 |
leatherback sea turtle (v4 primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Dermochelys coriacea |
GCF_009764565.3_rDerCor1.pri.v4 |
40 |
2,164,762,090 |
668 |
5,594,612 |
34.21 |
296 |
lemon sole (primary hap 2024) |
Microstomus kitt |
GCA_964266715.1_fMicKit1.1 |
1,581 |
752,333,918 |
409 |
81,800 |
39.40 |
297 |
leopard gecko (TG4126 2023) |
Eublepharis macularius |
GCF_028583425.1_MPM_Emac_v1.0 |
76 |
2,237,397,408 |
62 |
6,101 |
37.92 |
298 |
lesser black-backed gull (primary hap 2024) |
Larus fuscus |
GCA_963932225.1_bLarFus1.1 |
1,367 |
1,324,286,540 |
537 |
107,415 |
27.18 |
299 |
lesser Egyptian jerboa (2021) |
Jaculus jaculus |
GCF_020740685.1_mJacJac1.mat.Y.cur |
160 |
2,863,865,261 |
561 |
13,702,780 |
44.14 |
300 |
lesser false vampire bat (Vietnam 20211001_DDb primary hap 2024) |
Megaderma spasma |
GCA_043880595.1_ASM4388059v1 |
419 |
2,124,740,378 |
866 |
44,474,144 |
35.96 |
301 |
lesser horseshoe bat (hap1 2024) |
Rhinolophus hipposideros |
GCA_964194185.1_mRhiHip2.hap1.1 |
723 |
2,171,328,640 |
1,627 |
325,400 |
33.62 |
302 |
lesser kestrel (v2 2021) |
Falco naumanni |
GCF_017639655.2_bFalNau1.pat |
291 |
1,215,719,661 |
298 |
4,077,287 |
19.20 |
303 |
lesser noctule (hap1 2024) |
Nyctalus leisleri |
GCA_964264875.1_mNycLei1.hap1.1 |
1,281 |
2,233,532,335 |
1,662 |
332,400 |
42.92 |
304 |
lesser rhea (bPtePen1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Rhea pennata |
GCF_028389875.1_bPtePen1.pri |
180 |
1,269,016,774 |
128 |
1,451,673 |
22.80 |
305 |
lesser sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Saccopteryx leptura |
GCF_036850995.1_mSacLep1_pri_phased_curated |
168 |
2,576,513,769 |
573 |
19,614,433 |
42.31 |
306 |
lesser salmon catfish (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Neoarius graeffei |
GCF_027579695.1_fNeoGra1.pri |
38 |
2,341,916,362 |
334 |
13,260,140 |
71.56 |
307 |
lesser sand-eel (primary hap 2023) |
Ammodytes marinus |
GCA_949987685.1_fAmmMar1.1 |
617 |
777,835,610 |
1,017 |
203,400 |
39.22 |
308 |
lesser weever (primary hap 2023) |
Echiichthys vipera |
GCA_963691815.1_fEchVip8.1 |
133 |
800,398,249 |
606 |
121,200 |
33.26 |
309 |
light-bulb sea squirt (2022) |
Clavelina lepadiformis |
GCA_947623445.1_kaClaLepa1.1 |
103 |
210,089,204 |
58 |
11,600 |
33.50 |
310 |
limp eelpout (primary hap 2023) |
Melanostigma gelatinosum |
GCA_949748355.1_fMelGel1.1 |
534 |
661,975,483 |
589 |
119,200 |
33.26 |
311 |
little owl (hap1.1 2025) |
Athene noctua |
GCA_965140245.1_bAthNoc1.hap1.1 |
717 |
1,355,875,761 |
572 |
114,400 |
25.15 |
312 |
live sharksucker (v2 2021) |
Echeneis naucrates |
GCA_900963305.2_fEcheNa1.2 |
38 |
544,229,243 |
140 |
599,356 |
21.82 |
313 |
lizards B.pumilum (Western Cape Province hap1 2025) |
Bradypodion pumilum |
GCA_047715975.1_rBraPum1.hap1 |
73 |
2,467,904,324 |
109 |
21,800 |
56.48 |
314 |
lizards B.pumilum (Western Cape Province JTBG20231 2024) |
Bradypodion pumilum |
GCA_035047305.1_BraPum1.0 |
21 |
2,486,266,449 |
18 |
1,777 |
56.83 |
315 |
lizards D.cf. smithi (hap1 2024) |
Dibamus cf. smithi |
GCA_046126795.1_rDibSmi1.hap1 |
327 |
2,282,721,590 |
274 |
54,800 |
44.05 |
316 |
lizards F.pardalis (Fpa_1 2023) |
Furcifer pardalis |
GCA_030440675.1_ASM3044067v1 |
11 |
1,609,777,135 |
12 |
11,023 |
42.07 |
317 |
lizards P.bocagei (rPodBoc1.hap1.1 2024) |
Podarcis bocagei |
GCA_964188305.1_rPodBoc1.hap1.1 |
507 |
1,615,206,822 |
1,005 |
201,015 |
41.41 |
318 |
lizards P.erhardii (rPodErh1.hap1.1 2024) |
Podarcis erhardii |
GCA_964252035.1_rPodErh1.hap1.1 |
326 |
1,495,994,634 |
836 |
167,200 |
38.58 |
319 |
lizards P.melisellensis (rPodMel1.hap1.1 2024) |
Podarcis melisellensis |
GCA_964234715.1_rPodMel1.hap1.1 |
386 |
1,574,923,724 |
823 |
164,600 |
40.21 |
320 |
lizards P.pityusensis (rPodPit1.hap1.2 2024) |
Podarcis pityusensis |
GCA_964106645.2_rPodPit1.hap1.2 |
336 |
1,515,373,509 |
1,506 |
301,200 |
38.22 |
321 |
lizards P.vaucheri (hap1.1 2025) |
Podarcis vaucheri |
GCA_965113315.1_rPodVau1.hap1.1 |
285 |
1,614,928,384 |
949 |
189,800 |
41.38 |
322 |
loggerhead turtle (hap1 2025) |
Caretta caretta |
GCA_965140235.1_rCarCar1.hap1 |
36 |
2,217,236,305 |
61 |
583,717 |
34.66 |
323 |
long-finned pilot whale (primary hap 2023) |
Globicephala melas |
GCF_963455315.1_mGloMel1.1 |
993 |
2,651,292,441 |
1,084 |
216,617 |
42.02 |
324 |
long-finned pilot whale (primary hap 2024) |
Globicephala melas |
GCA_963455315.2_mGloMel1.2 |
993 |
2,651,292,441 |
1,084 |
216,617 |
42.02 |
325 |
long-finned pilot whale (primary hap 2024) |
Globicephala melas |
GCF_963455315.2_mGloMel1.2 |
992 |
2,651,276,051 |
1,084 |
216,617 |
42.02 |
326 |
long-tailed duck (primary hap 2024) |
Clangula hyemalis |
GCA_963989345.1_bClaHye2.1 |
272 |
1,206,104,048 |
544 |
108,625 |
26.17 |
327 |
long-tailed hermit (v1 PSU5 primary hap 2022) |
Phaethornis superciliosus |
GCA_023637945.1_DD_ASM_B1 |
70 |
1,020,112,811 |
141 |
3,809,484 |
20.12 |
328 |
long-tailed hermit (v2 PSU5 primary hap 2025) |
Phaethornis superciliosus |
GCA_023637945.2_bPhaSup1.pri |
65 |
1,020,009,783 |
140 |
3,810,214 |
20.12 |
329 |
longspined bullhead (.1 primary hap 2021) |
Taurulus bubalis |
GCA_910589615.1_fTauBub2.1 |
27 |
615,153,901 |
242 |
77,100 |
28.62 |
330 |
lumpfish (v1 primary hap 2019 refseq) |
Cyclopterus lumpus |
GCF_009769545.1_fCycLum1.pri |
48 |
572,885,595 |
347 |
10,182,204 |
28.09 |
331 |
Macqueen's bustard (maternal hap 2024) |
Chlamydotis macqueenii |
GCA_036417535.1_bChlMac1.mat |
329 |
1,273,933,319 |
100 |
20,000 |
27.09 |
332 |
maguari stork (primary hap 2021) |
Ciconia maguari |
GCA_017639555.1_bCicMag1.pri |
153 |
1,239,437,416 |
232 |
22,209,791 |
19.58 |
333 |
Malawi cichlid R.sp.'chilingali' (2024) |
Rhamphochromis sp. 'chilingali' |
GCA_963969265.1_fRhaChi2.1 |
82 |
921,184,210 |
422 |
84,400 |
38.20 |
334 |
mallard (hap1 2024) |
Anas platyrhynchos |
GCA_964188345.1_bAnaPla2.hap1.1 |
936 |
1,300,248,985 |
571 |
114,200 |
28.71 |
335 |
mallard (Pekin duck Z2 2020 Zhejiang U) |
Anas platyrhynchos |
GCF_015476345.1_ZJU1.0 |
756 |
1,188,533,289 |
905 |
4,230,438 |
24.63 |
336 |
marbled rockcod (primary hap 2023) |
Notothenia rossii |
GCA_949606895.1_fNotRos5.1 |
943 |
1,042,906,029 |
4,157 |
831,400 |
44.98 |
337 |
Mauritius kestrel (primary hap 2023) |
Falco punctatus |
GCA_963210335.1_bFalPun1.1 |
316 |
1,279,277,844 |
407 |
81,600 |
22.85 |
338 |
Mauritius parakeet (primary hap 2023) |
Psittacula echo |
GCA_963264785.1_bPsiEch3.1 |
172 |
1,203,831,919 |
358 |
71,432 |
25.22 |
339 |
meadow viper (primary hap 2022) |
Vipera ursinii |
GCA_947247035.1_rVipUrs1.1 |
384 |
1,625,023,540 |
1,819 |
363,800 |
45.37 |
340 |
meadow vole (hap1 2024) |
Microtus pennsylvanicus |
GCA_037038515.1_mMicPen1.hap1 |
181 |
2,369,135,991 |
60 |
11,000 |
41.94 |
341 |
Merriam's long-tongued bat (hap1 2024) |
Glossophaga mutica |
GCA_039655065.1_mGloMut1.hap1 |
82 |
2,159,908,085 |
47 |
8,300 |
32.97 |
342 |
Mexican burrowing toad (hap1 2024) |
Rhinophrynus dorsalis |
GCA_037306005.1_aRhiDor1.hap1 |
464 |
4,745,569,335 |
2,032 |
406,419 |
53.56 |
343 |
Mexican gopher tortoise (WGS:JAMKFC01 2022) |
Gopherus flavomarginatus |
GCF_025201925.1_rGopFla2.mat.asm |
621 |
2,460,542,086 |
1,866 |
89,638,462 |
34.69 |
344 |
milkfish (2019) |
Chanos chanos |
GCF_902362185.1_fChaCha1.1 |
31 |
656,929,047 |
112 |
4,230,332 |
26.35 |
345 |
mimic poison frog (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Ranitomeya imitator |
GCF_032444005.1_aRanImi1.pri |
1,672 |
5,956,610,564 |
765 |
80,159 |
76.48 |
346 |
minispotted lanternfish (primary hap 2023) |
Gymnoscopelus microlampas |
GCA_963454915.1_fGymMic1.1 |
374 |
1,318,656,016 |
1,398 |
279,600 |
47.09 |
347 |
minke whale (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata |
GCF_949987535.1_mBalAcu1.1 |
1,374 |
2,772,885,358 |
1,177 |
235,400 |
42.67 |
348 |
monito del monte (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Dromiciops gliroides |
GCF_019393635.1_mDroGli1.pri |
17 |
3,303,199,800 |
260 |
2,929,889 |
42.81 |
349 |
mute swan (v2 primary hap 2021) |
Cygnus olor |
GCF_009769625.2_bCygOlo1.pri.v2 |
171 |
1,134,186,642 |
451 |
9,922,725 |
21.32 |
350 |
narwhal (Baffin Bay Population NGI 2022) |
Monodon monoceros |
GCA_005190385.3_NGI_Narwhal_2 |
101 |
2,341,954,608 |
313 |
31,300 |
37.30 |
351 |
Nathusius's pipistrelle (hap1.1 2025) |
Pipistrellus nathusii |
GCA_964656225.1_mPipNat1.hap1.1 |
1,062 |
1,916,223,105 |
1,836 |
367,200 |
37.99 |
352 |
Natterer's bat (mMyoNat1.hap1.1 2024) |
Myotis nattereri |
GCA_964212035.1_mMyoNat1.hap1.1 |
343 |
2,124,021,592 |
1,620 |
324,000 |
38.31 |
353 |
Nelson's sparrow (bAmmNel1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Ammospiza nelsoni |
GCF_027579445.1_bAmmNel1.pri |
77 |
1,185,463,352 |
215 |
5,092,979 |
25.88 |
354 |
New Caledonian crow (primary hap 2019) |
Corvus moneduloides |
GCF_009650955.1_bCorMon1.pri |
105 |
1,112,734,094 |
289 |
28,870,195 |
19.58 |
355 |
New Zealand spotty (primary hap refseq) |
Notolabrus celidotus |
GCF_009762535.1_fNotCel1.pri |
467 |
846,744,125 |
1,135 |
14,268,481 |
33.39 |
356 |
Nicobar pigeon (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Caloenas nicobarica |
GCF_036013445.1_bCalNic1.hap1 |
806 |
1,285,834,579 |
117 |
20,400 |
28.09 |
357 |
Nile rat (paternal hap 2024) |
Arvicanthis niloticus |
GCA_011762505.3_mArvNil1.pat.X |
1,596 |
2,496,777,707 |
1,624 |
20,289,527 |
33.78 |
358 |
nine-banded armadillo (hap2 2023) |
Dasypus novemcinctus |
GCF_030445035.1_mDasNov1.hap2 |
539 |
3,570,966,115 |
771 |
11,475,092 |
43.66 |
359 |
ninespine stickleback (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Pungitius pungitius |
GCF_949316345.1_fPunPun2.1 |
174 |
480,434,100 |
738 |
147,600 |
28.40 |
360 |
North American deer mouse (MVZ:Mamm:240117 primary hap 2022) |
Peromyscus maniculatus sonoriensis |
GCA_026229955.1_mPerMan1.0.p |
1,838 |
2,847,741,276 |
244 |
24,400 |
48.05 |
361 |
North American porcupine (mEreDor1 primary hap 2023) |
Erethizon dorsatum |
GCA_028451465.1_mEreDor1.pri |
116 |
2,432,147,792 |
277 |
68,864 |
41.67 |
362 |
North Atlantic right whale (hap2 + XY 2023 refseq) |
Eubalaena glacialis |
GCF_028564815.1_mEubGla1.1.hap2._XY |
789 |
2,843,691,573 |
367 |
4,958,084 |
43.93 |
363 |
North Island brown kiwi (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Apteryx mantelli |
GCF_036417845.1_bAptMan1.hap1 |
408 |
1,504,396,159 |
170 |
34,000 |
27.67 |
364 |
northern bat (primary hap 2023) |
Cnephaeus nilssonii |
GCA_951640355.1_mEptNil1.1 |
207 |
2,064,119,045 |
1,423 |
284,600 |
38.22 |
365 |
northern black mastiff bat (mMolNig1 2022) |
Molossus nigricans |
GCA_026936385.1_BBF_mMolNig1_v1 |
146 |
2,407,891,554 |
199 |
99,500 |
39.26 |
366 |
northern black mastiff bat (mMolNig1hap1 2024) |
Molossus nigricans |
GCA_039880945.1_mMolNig1.hap1 |
366 |
2,567,103,348 |
113 |
17,300 |
41.59 |
367 |
northern bottlenose whale (primary hap 2023) |
Hyperoodon ampullatus |
GCA_949752795.1_mHypAmp2.1 |
757 |
2,828,760,712 |
1,098 |
219,600 |
44.84 |
368 |
northern cavefish (hap1 2024) |
Amblyopsis spelaea |
GCA_046255685.1_fAmbSpe1.hap1 |
892 |
817,459,139 |
466 |
93,200 |
49.51 |
369 |
northern gannet (hap2 2023) |
Morus bassanus |
GCA_031468815.1_bMorBas2.hap2 |
421 |
1,294,804,326 |
248 |
49,600 |
21.09 |
370 |
northern goshawk (bAccGen1 primary hap v1 2022 refseq) |
Accipiter gentilis |
GCF_929443795.1_bAccGen1.1 |
454 |
1,398,011,397 |
183 |
36,600 |
27.31 |
371 |
northern goshawk (v2 primary hap 2022 genbank) |
Accipiter gentilis |
GCA_929443795.2_bAccGen1.2 |
455 |
1,398,030,142 |
183 |
36,600 |
27.31 |
372 |
northern pike (primary hap 2020 refseq) |
Esox lucius |
GCF_011004845.1_fEsoLuc1.pri |
53 |
918,748,614 |
112 |
1,022,735 |
32.97 |
373 |
northern pintail (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Anas acuta |
GCF_963932015.1_bAnaAcu1.1 |
394 |
1,189,296,988 |
631 |
125,881 |
25.92 |
374 |
northern woolly horseshoe bat (20210929_DDc primary hap 2024) |
Rhinolophus perniger lanosus |
GCA_043748575.1_ASM4374857v1 |
66 |
2,185,535,924 |
63 |
21,100 |
39.98 |
375 |
Norway rat BN7.2 |
Rattus norvegicus |
GCF_015227675.2_mRatBN7.2 |
176 |
2,647,915,728 |
581 |
21,334,956 |
45.26 |
376 |
Obi paradise-crow (lycPyr6 2020) |
Lycocorax pyrrhopterus obiensis |
GCA_014706295.1_ASM1470629v1 |
1,695 |
1,107,771,238 |
1,602 |
5,759,488 |
20.21 |
377 |
ocellated dragonet (captive hap1 2024) |
Neosynchiropus ocellatus |
GCA_044231665.1_SynOce1_v1.hap1 |
107 |
470,091,028 |
99 |
9,900 |
21.06 |
378 |
old wife E.armatus (hap1 2024) |
Enoplosus armatus |
GCF_043641665.1_fEnoArm2.hap1 |
136 |
579,897,767 |
114 |
22,500 |
23.12 |
379 |
olive python (hap1 2023) |
Liasis olivaceus |
GCA_030867105.1_rLiaOli1.hap1 |
43 |
1,486,119,866 |
73 |
297,716 |
30.16 |
380 |
one-colored caecilian (2021) |
Microcaecilia unicolor |
GCA_901765095.2_aMicUni1.2 |
1,081 |
4,685,939,421 |
2,452 |
47,437,278 |
52.44 |
381 |
orange-tipped seq squirt (primary hap 2023) |
Corella eumyota |
GCA_963082875.1_kaCorEumy4.1 |
105 |
129,324,498 |
244 |
48,800 |
51.10 |
382 |
orbiculate cardinalfish (2019) |
Sphaeramia orbicularis |
GCF_902148855.1_fSphaOr1.1 |
340 |
1,342,662,642 |
1,844 |
3,566,081 |
48.65 |
383 |
Pacific ridley (hap1 2025) |
Lepidochelys olivacea |
GCA_965140295.1_rLepOli2.hap1 |
44 |
2,206,585,630 |
69 |
387,990 |
34.74 |
384 |
painted frog (primary hap 2022) |
Discoglossus pictus |
GCA_027410445.1_aDisPic1.pri |
1,318 |
3,872,602,052 |
3,681 |
62,395,995 |
55.23 |
385 |
pale spear-nosed bat (MPI-MPIP v3 mPhyDis1 primary hap 2020) |
Phyllostomus discolor |
GCF_004126475.2_mPhyDis1.pri.v3 |
77 |
2,108,832,841 |
884 |
15,088,856 |
30.59 |
386 |
Pallas's mastiff bat |
Molossus molossus |
GCF_014108415.1_mMolMol1.p |
60 |
2,315,568,481 |
349 |
47,372,874 |
37.10 |
387 |
pallid bat (TK200870 primary hap 2023) |
Antrozous pallidus |
GCA_027563665.1_DD_ASM_mAP_20210503 |
93 |
2,126,460,045 |
234 |
5,884,678 |
39.43 |
388 |
palmate newt (primary hap 2024) |
Lissotriton helveticus |
GCA_964261635.1_aLisHel1.1 |
448 |
23,170,028,842 |
5,245 |
1,049,000 |
63.58 |
389 |
Papuan ground boa (hap2 2024 refseq) |
Candoia aspera |
GCF_035149785.1_rCanAsp1.hap2 |
149 |
1,530,810,380 |
101 |
20,200 |
33.56 |
390 |
parallel lanternfish (primary hap 2024) |
Protomyctophum parallelum |
GCA_964188405.1_fProPar1.1 |
24 |
1,235,328,005 |
2,729 |
545,800 |
48.26 |
391 |
particolored bat (primary hap 2024) |
Vespertilio murinus |
GCA_963924515.1_mVesMur1.1 |
178 |
1,925,577,803 |
980 |
196,000 |
37.48 |
392 |
pejerrey (fOdoBon6 haplotype 1 2023) |
Odontesthes bonariensis |
GCA_027942865.1_fOdoBon6.hap1 |
189 |
945,823,896 |
282 |
91,800 |
35.17 |
393 |
pejerrey (fOdoBon6 haplotype 2 2023) |
Odontesthes bonariensis |
GCA_027942885.1_fOdoBon6.hap2 |
334 |
974,945,057 |
135 |
67,500 |
36.86 |
394 |
peladilla (primary hap 2021) |
Aplochiton taeniatus |
GCA_017639675.1_fAplTae1.pri |
41 |
461,946,147 |
1,158 |
8,155,958 |
27.72 |
395 |
pencil smelt N.antarctica (primary hap 2024) |
Nansenia antarctica |
GCA_963989245.1_fNanAnt1.1 |
1,177 |
1,085,794,659 |
3,299 |
659,800 |
48.79 |
396 |
peregrine falcon (bFalPer1 primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Falco peregrinus |
GCF_023634155.1_bFalPer1.pri |
125 |
1,311,598,859 |
241 |
4,014,394 |
24.67 |
397 |
Peter's clawed frog (aXenPet1 2024) |
Xenopus petersii |
GCA_038501925.1_aXenPet1.paternal.cur |
888 |
2,883,796,191 |
500 |
100,000 |
45.47 |
398 |
Philippine flying lemur (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Cynocephalus volans |
GCF_027409185.1_mCynVol1.pri |
130 |
2,814,418,120 |
116 |
32,500 |
39.52 |
399 |
picturesque dragonet (SynPic1 hap2 2024) |
Synchiropus picturatus |
GCA_044231675.1_ASM4423167v1 |
300 |
492,062,741 |
100 |
10,000 |
24.57 |
400 |
pig (Bamei 2023) |
Sus scrofa |
GCA_030704935.1_ASM3070493v1 |
379 |
2,671,498,991 |
878 |
439,000 |
40.58 |
401 |
pig-tailed macaque (mMacNem1hap1 2024) |
Macaca nemestrina |
GCA_043159975.1_mMacNem.hap1 |
362 |
3,116,305,216 |
260 |
45,400 |
53.54 |
402 |
pinecone soldierfish (2019) |
Myripristis murdjan |
GCF_902150065.1_fMyrMur1.1 |
87 |
835,254,674 |
253 |
1,865,832 |
28.16 |
403 |
pink pigeon (primary hap 2023) |
Nesoenas mayeri |
GCA_963082525.1_bNesMay2.1 |
143 |
1,183,271,950 |
509 |
101,800 |
22.92 |
404 |
pink sea squirt (2022) |
Ascidia mentula |
GCA_947561715.1_kaAscMent1.1 |
96 |
196,975,169 |
32 |
6,400 |
26.22 |
405 |
pink-footed goose (primary hap 2024) |
Anser brachyrhynchus |
GCA_964034855.1_bAnsBra1.1 |
715 |
1,287,337,719 |
1,137 |
227,400 |
29.51 |
406 |
pitted-shelled turtle (YL-2023 2023) |
Carettochelys insculpta |
GCA_033958435.1_ASM3395843v1 |
134 |
2,180,317,067 |
12 |
2,400 |
47.95 |
407 |
plains spadefoot toad (primary hap 2022) |
Spea bombifrons |
GCF_027358695.1_aSpeBom1.2.pri |
17 |
987,655,159 |
102 |
3,822,643 |
36.29 |
408 |
platypus (Pmale09 v4 2020) |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus |
GCF_004115215.2_mOrnAna1.pri.v4 |
322 |
1,859,281,927 |
515 |
15,158,118 |
50.98 |
409 |
plumbeous ibis (primary hap 2021) |
Theristicus caerulescens |
GCA_020745775.1_bTheCae1.pri.cur |
88 |
1,203,372,763 |
104 |
2,268,207 |
20.10 |
410 |
pollack (primary hap 2023) |
Pollachius pollachius |
GCA_949987615.1_fPolPol2.1 |
616 |
606,767,444 |
1,810 |
362,000 |
33.80 |
411 |
pool frog (hap1 2025) |
Pelophylax lessonae |
GCA_965119305.1_aPelLes1.hap1.1 |
1,328 |
5,811,246,175 |
3,044 |
608,800 |
60.24 |
412 |
prehistoric monster fish (2019 refseq) |
Thalassophryne amazonica |
GCF_902500255.1_fThaAma1.1 |
464 |
2,446,592,878 |
2,554 |
12,594,266 |
59.92 |
413 |
proboscis bat (hap1 2024) |
Rhynchonycteris naso |
GCA_037038545.1_mRhyNas2.hap1 |
41 |
2,455,066,473 |
68 |
10,600 |
41.49 |
414 |
Puerto Rican coqui (hap1 2024) |
Eleutherodactylus coqui |
GCA_035609145.1_aEleCoq1.hap1 |
957 |
3,371,316,047 |
659 |
131,800 |
54.01 |
415 |
pygmy chimpanzee (v2 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Pan paniscus |
GCF_029289425.2_NHGRI_mPanPan1-v2.0_pri |
31 |
3,244,905,271 |
6 |
5,035,000 |
50.67 |
416 |
pygmy sperm whale (haplotype 1 2022 refseq) |
Kogia breviceps |
GCF_026419965.1_mKogBre1_haplotype_1 |
581 |
2,555,855,246 |
143 |
4,797,769 |
39.97 |
417 |
rabbit (primary hap 2024) |
Oryctolagus cuniculus |
GCA_964237555.1_mOryCun1.1 |
222 |
2,804,674,863 |
2,276 |
455,200 |
41.73 |
418 |
rabbit (primary hap 2024) |
Oryctolagus cuniculus |
GCF_964237555.1_mOryCun1.1 |
221 |
2,804,657,419 |
2,276 |
455,200 |
41.73 |
419 |
rainbow smelt (fOsmMor3 primary hap 2024) |
Osmerus mordax |
GCA_038355195.1_fOsmMor3.pri |
365 |
497,673,479 |
1,907 |
364,200 |
35.25 |
420 |
razorbill (2006_11_07_Graehlm_vinge_78 2019) |
Alca torda |
GCA_008658365.1_bAlcTor1_primary |
95 |
1,178,492,568 |
227 |
3,561,127 |
20.12 |
421 |
red deer (2021) |
Cervus elaphus |
GCF_910594005.1_mCerEla1.1 |
144 |
2,886,603,524 |
40 |
10,400 |
44.67 |
422 |
red fox (hap1 2024) |
Vulpes vulpes |
GCA_964106825.2_mVulVul1.hap1.2 |
461 |
2,411,727,275 |
1,845 |
369,000 |
33.01 |
423 |
red-bellied piranha (primary hap 2020) |
Pygocentrus nattereri |
GCF_015220715.1_fPygNat1.pri |
55 |
1,222,050,449 |
303 |
10,159,184 |
35.79 |
424 |
red-billed tropicbird (maternal hap 2024) |
Phaethon aethereus |
GCA_964289735.1_bPhaAeh10.maternal.1 |
657 |
1,321,027,743 |
1,269 |
253,800 |
25.01 |
425 |
red-crested pochard (primary hap 2024) |
Netta rufina |
GCA_964035555.1_bNetRuf1.1 |
141 |
1,166,978,622 |
714 |
142,800 |
24.55 |
426 |
red-crested turaco (primary hap 2019) |
Tauraco erythrolophus |
GCA_009769465.1_bTauEry1.pri |
140 |
1,252,271,553 |
344 |
26,400,695 |
22.20 |
427 |
red-fronted tinkerbird (primary hap 2020 refseq) |
Pogoniulus pusillus |
GCF_015220805.1_bPogPus1.pri |
252 |
1,272,338,968 |
307 |
6,012,757 |
35.91 |
428 |
red-legged seriema (primary hap 2019) |
Cariama cristata |
GCA_009819825.1_bCarCri1.pri |
110 |
1,215,245,693 |
194 |
4,933,338 |
19.73 |
429 |
red-throated loon (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Gavia stellata |
GCF_030936135.1_bGavSte3.hap2 |
1,185 |
1,321,270,170 |
249 |
49,800 |
23.65 |
430 |
red-winged blackbird (BioBank_ID:100140 2023) |
Agelaius phoeniceus |
GCF_020745825.1_Agelaius_phoeniceus_1.1 |
410 |
1,188,547,179 |
106 |
51,600 |
25.46 |
431 |
reedfish (2021) |
Erpetoichthys calabaricus |
GCF_900747795.2_fErpCal1.3 |
169 |
3,613,551,144 |
1,431 |
29,707,657 |
47.53 |
432 |
Reeves' muntjac (alternate hap 2024) |
Muntiacus reevesi |
GCA_963930665.1_mMunRee1.1_alternate_haplotype |
8,892 |
2,863,788,737 |
0 |
0 |
48.30 |
433 |
Reeves' muntjac (primary hap 2024) |
Muntiacus reevesi |
GCF_963930625.1_mMunRee1.1 |
267 |
2,656,168,540 |
682 |
136,400 |
39.90 |
434 |
Rice's whale (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Balaenoptera ricei |
GCF_028023285.1_mBalRic1.hap2 |
774 |
2,678,442,663 |
334 |
2,621,494 |
41.09 |
435 |
rifleman (primary hap 2021) |
Acanthisitta chloris |
GCA_016904835.1_bAcaChl1.pri |
206 |
1,077,387,582 |
195 |
4,215,879 |
19.97 |
436 |
Riggenbach's reed frog (aHypRig1 primary hap 2024) |
Hyperolius riggenbachi |
GCF_040937935.1_aHypRig1.pri |
477 |
4,915,935,452 |
3,039 |
606,696 |
60.27 |
437 |
ring-tailed lemur (primary hap 2021) |
Lemur catta |
GCF_020740605.2_mLemCat1.pri |
185 |
2,245,601,549 |
210 |
3,641,621 |
37.86 |
438 |
Risso's dolphin (hap1.1 2024) |
Grampus griseus |
GCA_964374135.1_mGraGri1.hap1.1 |
1,146 |
2,667,081,928 |
1,138 |
227,600 |
43.58 |
439 |
river trout (v2 2021) |
Salmo trutta |
GCA_901001165.2_fSalTru1.2 |
1,441 |
2,371,880,186 |
3,941 |
73,600,705 |
55.89 |
440 |
roach minnow (primary hap 2023) |
Rutilus rutilus |
GCA_951802725.1_fRutRut2.1 |
85 |
1,100,195,650 |
471 |
94,200 |
49.02 |
441 |
rock gunnel (primary hap 2021) |
Pholis gunnellus |
GCA_910591455.2_fPhoGun1.2 |
101 |
588,696,950 |
418 |
137,000 |
25.63 |
442 |
rock pigeon (v2 racing homer 2024 refseq) |
Columba livia |
GCF_036013475.1_bColLiv1.pat.W.v2 |
869 |
1,325,566,026 |
249 |
46,900 |
29.94 |
443 |
rock ptarmigan (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Lagopus muta |
GCF_023343835.1_bLagMut1_primary |
165 |
1,026,771,810 |
210 |
71,937 |
21.77 |
444 |
rouch bullseye (RE-2024b hap1 2024 refseq) |
Pempheris klunzingeri |
GCF_042242105.1_fPemKlu1.hap1 |
441 |
646,252,061 |
87 |
17,200 |
24.57 |
445 |
rough bullseye (RE-2024b hap1 2024 genbank) |
Pempheris klunzingeri |
GCA_042242105.1_fPemKlu1.hap1 |
441 |
646,252,061 |
87 |
17,200 |
30.17 |
446 |
royal ground snake (hap1 2023 genbank) |
Erythrolamprus reginae |
GCA_031021105.1_rEryReg1.hap1 |
400 |
1,964,049,041 |
1,391 |
278,200 |
53.46 |
447 |
royal ground snake (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Erythrolamprus reginae |
GCF_031021105.1_rEryReg1.hap1 |
400 |
1,964,049,041 |
1,391 |
278,200 |
59.53 |
448 |
rudd (fScaEry2.hap1.1 2024) |
Scardinius erythrophthalmus |
GCA_964197995.1_fScaEry2.hap1.1 |
755 |
1,229,666,150 |
836 |
167,200 |
51.27 |
449 |
rufous frog (hap2 2023) |
Leptodactylus fuscus |
GCA_031893055.1_aLepFus1.hap2 |
1,266 |
2,197,996,823 |
976 |
20,381,759 |
59.61 |
450 |
saddleback dolphin (v2 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Delphinus delphis |
GCF_949987515.2_mDelDel1.2 |
630 |
2,663,516,986 |
968 |
193,431 |
42.65 |
451 |
Saker falcon (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Falco cherrug |
GCF_023634085.1_bFalChe1.pri |
283 |
1,309,385,023 |
258 |
3,961,655 |
24.96 |
452 |
saltmarsh sparrow (bAmmCau1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Ammospiza caudacuta |
GCF_027887145.1_bAmmCau1.pri |
282 |
1,241,209,685 |
363 |
2,919,107 |
29.04 |
453 |
San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 primary hap 2023) |
Anniella stebbinsi |
GCA_029215775.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap1 |
134 |
1,890,507,581 |
21 |
2,100 |
39.04 |
454 |
San Diegan tiger whiptail (HBS 135688 2022) |
Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri |
GCA_023333525.1_rAspTig1.0.p |
74 |
1,335,668,279 |
39 |
3,900 |
36.99 |
455 |
San Diego alligator lizard (v1.1 HBS135686 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Elgaria multicarinata webbii |
GCF_023053635.1_rElgMul1.1.pri |
34 |
1,790,500,004 |
73 |
12,700 |
40.44 |
456 |
sand lizard (primary hap 2019) |
Lacerta agilis |
GCF_009819535.1_rLacAgi1.pri |
29 |
1,391,404,169 |
379 |
3,491,078 |
34.50 |
457 |
sardine (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Sardina pilchardus |
GCF_963854185.1_fSarPil1.1 |
240 |
869,396,467 |
1,654 |
330,800 |
37.59 |
458 |
Sardinian treefrog (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Hyla sarda |
GCF_029499605.1_aHylSar1.hap1 |
3,474 |
4,142,159,359 |
2,297 |
459,227 |
64.33 |
459 |
Savannah sparrow (primary hap 2023) |
Passerculus sandwichensis |
GCA_031885435.1_bPasSan2.pri |
110 |
1,270,940,266 |
249 |
2,812,735 |
27.00 |
460 |
Schreibers' long-fingered bat (hap1 2024) |
Miniopterus schreibersii |
GCA_964146895.1_mMinSch1.hap1.1 |
265 |
1,852,127,854 |
1,322 |
264,400 |
31.12 |
461 |
sea lamprey (primary hap 2020) |
Petromyzon marinus |
GCF_010993605.1_kPetMar1.pri |
1,434 |
1,089,050,413 |
930 |
15,013,687 |
50.62 |
462 |
seaside sparrow (bAmmMar1 primary hap 2024) |
Ammospiza maritima maritima |
GCA_036010785.1_bAmmMar1.pri |
501 |
1,397,856,043 |
365 |
2,055,583 |
34.58 |
463 |
shanny (primary hap 2023) |
Lipophrys pholis |
GCA_963383615.1_fLipPho2.1 |
847 |
768,243,328 |
598 |
119,616 |
29.07 |
464 |
sharpnose sevengill shark (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Heptranchias perlo |
GCA_035084215.1_sHepPer1.hap1 |
1,880 |
3,249,935,392 |
1,834 |
366,800 |
57.50 |
465 |
sharptooth jobfish (hap1 2024) |
Pristipomoides typus |
GCA_045363895.1_fPriTyp1.hap1 |
283 |
1,147,302,341 |
84 |
16,600 |
35.20 |
466 |
siamang (v2.1 Jambi primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Symphalangus syndactylus |
GCF_028878055.3_NHGRI_mSymSyn1-v2.1_pri |
27 |
3,262,904,224 |
2 |
1,000,001 |
55.90 |
467 |
Siamese fighting fish (v4 primary hap 2023) |
Betta splendens |
GCF_900634795.4_fBetSpl5.4 |
36 |
427,001,245 |
321 |
31,466 |
23.21 |
468 |
Skyros wall lizard (v2 hap1 2024) |
Podarcis gaigeae |
GCA_964106915.2_rPodGai1.hap1.2 |
211 |
1,514,643,635 |
883 |
176,600 |
38.22 |
469 |
slow loris (primary hap 2022) |
Nycticebus coucang |
GCF_027406575.1_mNycCou1.pri |
84 |
2,917,154,053 |
218 |
4,119,506 |
40.79 |
470 |
smaller spotted catshark (v1.1 primary hap 2020 refseq) |
Scyliorhinus canicula |
GCF_902713615.1_sScyCan1.1 |
646 |
4,220,406,627 |
7,146 |
64,220,747 |
51.42 |
471 |
smaller spotted catshark (v1.2 primary hap 2021 genbank) |
Scyliorhinus canicula |
GCA_902713615.2_sScyCan1.2 |
645 |
4,220,389,930 |
7,146 |
64,220,747 |
51.42 |
472 |
smalleye Pacific opah (hap2 2023 refseq) |
Lampris incognitus |
GCF_029633865.1_fLamInc1.hap2 |
544 |
1,482,357,630 |
3,115 |
622,730 |
53.30 |
473 |
smalltooth sawfish (v2.1 primary hap 2019 refseq) |
Pristis pectinata |
GCF_009764475.1_sPriPec2.1.pri |
172 |
2,267,840,987 |
698 |
20,562,876 |
54.48 |
474 |
snake N.helvetica (rNatHel1.hap1.1 2024) |
Natrix helvetica |
GCA_964273705.1_rNatHel1.hap1.1 |
487 |
1,777,516,490 |
2,010 |
402,000 |
46.17 |
475 |
song sparrow (primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Melospiza melodia melodia |
GCF_035770615.1_bMelMel2.pri |
353 |
1,541,245,192 |
299 |
1,079,098 |
39.28 |
476 |
soprano pipistrelle (primary hap 2023) |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus |
GCA_949987585.1_mPipPyg2.1 |
243 |
1,895,125,685 |
161 |
32,017 |
37.73 |
477 |
South Island takahe (primary hap 2021) |
Porphyrio hochstetteri |
GCA_020800305.1_bPorHoc1.mat.Z.cur |
174 |
1,270,294,353 |
327 |
5,316,249 |
25.92 |
478 |
southern bluefin tuna (primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Thunnus maccoyii |
GCF_910596095.1_fThuMac1.1 |
58 |
782,423,979 |
184 |
31,592 |
26.89 |
479 |
Southern dwarf chameleon (Gauteng JTBG20232 2024) |
Bradypodion ventrale |
GCA_035047345.1_BraVen1.1 |
113 |
2,373,187,502 |
22 |
2,189 |
54.44 |
480 |
southern grasshopper mouse (2020) |
Onychomys torridus |
GCF_903995425.1_mOncTor1.1 |
2,949 |
2,468,394,440 |
2,143 |
26,162,626 |
32.74 |
481 |
southern tamandua (mTamTet1 primary hap 2022) |
Tamandua tetradactyla |
GCA_023851605.1_mTamTet1.pri |
201 |
3,205,741,135 |
961 |
17,897,414 |
45.80 |
482 |
southern two-toed sloth (mChoDid1 primary hap 2020) |
Choloepus didactylus |
GCF_015220235.1_mChoDid1.pri |
146 |
3,214,702,648 |
1,243 |
80,992,407 |
40.51 |
483 |
Sowerby's beaked whale (hap1 2024) |
Mesoplodon bidens |
GCA_964165515.1_mMesBid2.hap1.1 |
1,602 |
2,999,098,505 |
1,095 |
219,000 |
45.32 |
484 |
spangled emperor (hap1 2024) |
Lethrinus nebulosus |
GCA_045362495.1_fLetNeb1.hap1 |
226 |
1,133,212,262 |
196 |
38,700 |
29.01 |
485 |
speckled mousebird (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Colius striatus |
GCF_028858725.1_bColStr4.1.hap1 |
191 |
1,212,482,152 |
161 |
5,847,728 |
23.44 |
486 |
speckled wood butterfly (refseq 2021) |
Pararge aegeria |
GCF_905163445.1_ilParAegt1.1 |
70 |
516,571,003 |
11 |
1,998 |
44.44 |
487 |
spotted gar (fLepOcu1hap2 2024) |
Lepisosteus oculatus |
GCF_040954835.1_fLepOcu1.hap2 |
816 |
1,200,589,847 |
95 |
19,000 |
38.23 |
488 |
spotted ratfish (hap2 2024) |
Hydrolagus colliei |
GCA_035084275.1_sHydCol1.hap2 |
532 |
1,003,172,678 |
1,952 |
390,400 |
44.82 |
489 |
starry smooth-hound (sMusAst1.hap1.1 2024) |
Mustelus asterias |
GCA_964213995.1_sMusAst1.hap1.1 |
5,314 |
3,679,792,345 |
3,590 |
718,000 |
54.95 |
490 |
sterlet (maternal hap 2022 refseq) |
Acipenser ruthenus |
GCF_902713425.1_fAciRut3.2_maternal_haplotype |
1,731 |
1,899,810,788 |
433 |
86,300 |
43.22 |
491 |
Stoliczka's trident bat (China 2021113_DDA primary hap 2024) |
Aselliscus stoliczkanus |
GCA_043727835.1_ASM4372783v1 |
75 |
2,268,696,503 |
87 |
28,868 |
40.53 |
492 |
stone loach (primary hap 2022) |
Barbatula barbatula |
GCA_947034865.1_fBarBar1.1 |
100 |
617,663,352 |
825 |
165,000 |
39.89 |
493 |
striped catfish (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus |
GCF_027358585.1_fPanHyp1.pri |
58 |
764,974,446 |
236 |
3,879,978 |
37.93 |
494 |
striped dolphin (primary hap 2023) |
Stenella coeruleoalba |
GCA_951394435.1_mSteCoe1.1 |
638 |
2,691,423,227 |
993 |
198,431 |
43.09 |
495 |
Sumatran orangutan (v2 AG06213 primary hap 2024 refseq) |
Pongo abelii |
GCF_028885655.2_NHGRI_mPonAbe1-v2.0_pri |
30 |
3,259,870,029 |
11 |
8,061,256 |
54.90 |
496 |
Suruca trogon (primary hap 2021) |
Trogon surrucura |
GCA_020746105.1_bTroSur1.pri.cur |
182 |
1,165,749,515 |
253 |
10,270,755 |
22.51 |
497 |
Suwannee snapping turtle (hap2 2023) |
Macrochelys suwanniensis |
GCA_033349115.1_rMacSuw1.hap2 |
199 |
1,937,254,095 |
361 |
72,200 |
32.82 |
498 |
Swainson's thrush (v2 primary hap 2020) |
Catharus ustulatus |
GCF_009819885.2_bCatUst1.pri.v2 |
160 |
1,131,616,530 |
429 |
12,903,695 |
22.52 |
499 |
swamp sparrow (bMelGeo1 primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Melospiza georgiana |
GCF_028018845.1_bMelGeo1.pri |
40 |
1,162,015,399 |
236 |
1,233,091 |
24.53 |
500 |
swift parrot (hap1 2024) |
Lathamus discolor |
GCF_037157495.1_bLatDis1.hap1 |
367 |
1,241,003,407 |
186 |
2,209,747 |
26.11 |
501 |
tailed frog (A.truei hap1 2024) |
Ascaphus truei |
GCA_040206685.1_aAscTru1.hap1 |
3,549 |
3,722,616,900 |
6,020 |
1,204,076 |
55.73 |
502 |
tammar wallaby (mMacEug1 primary hap 2023) |
Notamacropus eugenii |
GCA_028372415.1_mMacEug1.pri |
315 |
3,448,908,279 |
515 |
6,550,697 |
39.53 |
503 |
Tasmanian devil |
Sarcophilus harrisii |
GCF_902635505.1_mSarHar1.11 |
106 |
3,086,674,442 |
354 |
46,771 |
44.34 |
504 |
tawny frogmouth (bPodStr1 primary hap 2023) |
Podargus strigoides |
GCA_028020825.1_bPodStr1.pri |
1,038 |
1,271,141,449 |
203 |
2,167,278 |
27.67 |
505 |
tawny owl (hap1 2023) |
Strix aluco |
GCA_031877795.1_bStrAlu1.hap1 |
203 |
1,414,802,443 |
281 |
4,312,653 |
27.44 |
506 |
thickback sole (primary hap 2023) |
Microchirus variegatus |
GCA_963457635.1_fMicVar1.1 |
188 |
724,694,306 |
454 |
90,800 |
40.27 |
507 |
thicklip grey mullet (primary hap 2023) |
Chelon labrosus |
GCA_963514085.1_fCheLab1.1 |
363 |
717,420,143 |
610 |
122,000 |
27.59 |
508 |
thorny skate (v1.1 primary hap CabotCenter1 2020) |
Amblyraja radiata |
GCF_010909765.2_sAmbRad1.1.pri |
957 |
2,558,784,953 |
3,753 |
190,972,533 |
52.28 |
509 |
three-spined stickleback (hap1 2024) |
Gasterosteus aculeatus |
GCA_964276395.1_fGasAcu3.hap1.1 |
130 |
511,155,287 |
331 |
66,200 |
27.34 |
510 |
tiny Cayenne caecilian |
Microcaecilia unicolor |
GCF_901765095.1_aMicUni1.1 |
1,081 |
4,685,939,420 |
2,452 |
47,437,278 |
52.44 |
511 |
torafugu (fTakRub1.3 2021 genbank) |
Takifugu rubripes |
GCA_901000725.3_fTakRub1.3 |
128 |
384,126,663 |
402 |
3,688,529 |
20.93 |
512 |
tourmaline sunangel (hap1 2024) |
Heliangelus exortis |
GCA_036169615.1_bHelExo1.hap1 |
131 |
1,049,650,714 |
437 |
85,400 |
21.23 |
513 |
Townsend's big-eared bat (haplotype 2 of 2 COTO_CA2020_CCGP 2022) |
Corynorhinus townsendii |
GCA_026230045.1_mCorTow1.0.hap2 |
182 |
1,961,562,149 |
217 |
21,700 |
36.37 |
514 |
trahira (v1 hap2 2023) |
Hoplias malabaricus |
GCA_029633875.1_fHopMal1.hap2 |
452 |
1,117,251,445 |
907 |
44,518,715 |
39.05 |
515 |
trahira (v2 hap1 2024 genbank) |
Hoplias malabaricus |
GCA_029633855.2_fHopMal1.hap1 |
597 |
1,186,354,877 |
989 |
65,101,941 |
37.57 |
516 |
trefoil horseshoe bat (Malaysia primary hap 2024) |
Rhinolophus trifoliatus |
GCA_043728145.1_ASM4372814v1 |
126 |
2,232,422,560 |
397 |
162,620 |
40.80 |
517 |
True's beaked whale (hap1.1 2024) |
Mesoplodon mirus |
GCA_964341445.1_mMesMir1.hap1.1 |
2,757 |
3,442,419,404 |
1,240 |
248,016 |
51.52 |
518 |
tufted duck (2019) |
Aythya fuligula |
GCF_009819795.1_bAytFul2.pri |
105 |
1,127,004,725 |
163 |
9,417,397 |
22.39 |
519 |
tundra swan (primary hap 2025) |
Cygnus columbianus |
GCA_965151615.1_bCygCol1.1 |
603 |
1,293,538,149 |
540 |
108,000 |
28.81 |
520 |
Tungara frog (aEngPut4 2024) |
Engystomops pustulosus |
GCA_040894005.1_aEngPut4.maternal |
936 |
2,158,203,323 |
436 |
87,200 |
52.56 |
521 |
tunicate A.aspersa (primary hap 2024) |
Ascidiella aspersa |
GCA_963924565.1_kaAscAspe10.1 |
75 |
308,571,401 |
393 |
73,800 |
35.09 |
522 |
tunicate A.turbinatum (primary hap 2021) |
Aplidium turbinatum |
GCA_918807975.1_kaAplTurb1.1 |
27 |
605,507,883 |
53 |
19,600 |
42.73 |
523 |
tunicate S.clava (kaStyClav1.hap1.1 2024) |
Styela clava |
GCA_964204865.1_kaStyClav1.hap1.1 |
389 |
377,969,001 |
34 |
6,800 |
38.35 |
524 |
turbot (primary hap 2023) |
Scophthalmus maximus |
GCA_963854745.1_fScoMax1.1 |
108 |
550,297,089 |
805 |
161,000 |
25.96 |
525 |
two-lined caecilian (v1.1 2019 refseq) |
Rhinatrema bivittatum |
GCF_901001135.1_aRhiBiv1.1 |
1,330 |
5,319,239,201 |
3,573 |
33,955,840 |
66.86 |
526 |
two-lined caecilian (v1.2 2021 genbank) |
Rhinatrema bivittatum |
GCA_901001135.2_aRhiBiv1.2 |
1,330 |
5,319,239,186 |
3,573 |
33,955,840 |
66.85 |
527 |
vaquita (mPhoSin1 2019) |
Phocoena sinus |
GCF_008692025.1_mPhoSin1.pri |
64 |
2,371,524,154 |
212 |
8,045,651 |
44.14 |
528 |
village indigobird (merged hap OUT-0048 2022 refseq) |
Vidua chalybeata |
GCF_026979565.1_bVidCha1_merged_haplotype |
177 |
1,080,440,577 |
458 |
165,531 |
20.96 |
529 |
village indigobird (purged dups hap OUT-0048 2022) |
Vidua chalybeata |
GCA_026979555.1_bVidCha1_purged_dups_haplotype |
1,939 |
154,870,056 |
0 |
0 |
34.87 |
530 |
warty frogfish (primary hap 2020) |
Antennarius maculatus |
GCA_013358685.1_fAntMac1.pri |
155 |
549,949,511 |
219 |
733,384 |
29.79 |
531 |
warty newt (primary hap 2024) |
Triturus cristatus |
GCA_964204655.1_aTriCri1.1 |
1,304 |
22,324,633,092 |
4,698 |
939,600 |
50.89 |
532 |
West African lungfish (Aquariam Glaser DD20220218a primary hap 2024) |
Protopterus annectens |
GCA_040939525.1_ASM4093952v1 |
7,125 |
40,524,173,670 |
24,438 |
5,865,120 |
72.73 |
533 |
western capercaillie (primary hap 2023) |
Tetrao urogallus |
GCA_951394365.1_bTetUro1.1 |
318 |
1,013,184,029 |
973 |
194,600 |
21.16 |
534 |
western European hedgehog (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Erinaceus europaeus |
GCF_950295315.1_mEriEur2.1 |
1,174 |
2,720,683,831 |
3,760 |
752,000 |
54.51 |
535 |
western lowland gorilla (v2 KB3781 2024 refseq) |
Gorilla gorilla gorilla |
GCF_029281585.2_NHGRI_mGorGor1-v2.0_pri |
26 |
3,545,850,636 |
2 |
2,000,000 |
50.90 |
536 |
western lowland gorilla (v2.1 KB3781 2024 genbank) |
Gorilla gorilla gorilla |
GCA_029281585.3_NHGRI_mGorGor1-v2.1_pri |
26 |
3,545,850,631 |
2 |
2,000,000 |
50.90 |
537 |
western terrestrial garter snake (primary hap 2019) |
Thamnophis elegans |
GCF_009769535.1_rThaEle1.pri |
365 |
1,672,190,305 |
1,518 |
38,185,703 |
42.64 |
538 |
whiskered bat (hap1 2024) |
Myotis mystacinus |
GCA_964094495.2_mMyoMys1.hap1.1 |
526 |
2,081,199,042 |
1,566 |
313,200 |
37.63 |
539 |
whiskered treeswift (primary hap 2021) |
Hemiprocne comata |
GCA_020745705.1_bHemCom1.pri.cur |
146 |
1,164,813,063 |
218 |
10,174,467 |
21.46 |
540 |
white leghorn X broiler chicken (v2 leghorn haplotype 2021) |
Gallus gallus |
GCF_016700215.2_bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w |
276 |
1,050,511,239 |
409 |
4,496,311 |
20.97 |
541 |
white-beaked dolphin (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Lagenorhynchus albirostris |
GCF_949774975.1_mLagAlb1.1 |
410 |
2,544,835,795 |
1,070 |
214,000 |
39.75 |
542 |
white-crowned manakin (hap1 2024 refseq) |
Pseudopipra pipra |
GCF_036250125.1_bDixPip1.hap1 |
696 |
1,165,201,947 |
323 |
64,600 |
21.92 |
543 |
white-rumped munia (maternal hap 2024) |
Lonchura striata |
GCA_046129695.1_bLonStr1.mat |
161 |
1,207,550,942 |
176 |
31,200 |
27.72 |
544 |
white-tailed eagle (primary hap 2022 refseq) |
Haliaeetus albicilla |
GCF_947461875.1_bHalAlb1.1 |
189 |
1,320,315,924 |
424 |
84,800 |
23.68 |
545 |
white-throated dipper (primary hap 2023 refseq) |
Cinclus cinclus |
GCF_963662255.1_bCinCin1.1 |
277 |
1,170,837,027 |
658 |
131,600 |
26.63 |
546 |
white-toothed pygmy shrew (mSunEtr1 primary hap 2022) |
Suncus etruscus |
GCF_024139225.1_mSunEtr1.pri.cur |
147 |
2,471,666,657 |
1,010 |
10,644,072 |
46.52 |
547 |
white-tufted-ear marmoset (v1.2 2021 refseq) |
Callithrix jacchus |
GCF_011100555.1_mCalJa1.2.pat.X |
1,233 |
2,874,864,526 |
1,165 |
13,690,514 |
47.55 |
548 |
whooping crane (maternal hap 2023 refseq) |
Grus americana |
GCF_028858705.1_bGruAme1.mat |
930 |
1,257,837,975 |
262 |
4,676,178 |
22.13 |
549 |
Xingu scale-backed antbird (hap1 2024) |
Willisornis vidua |
GCA_045364795.1_bWilVid1_haplotype_1 |
1,510 |
1,233,406,177 |
773 |
154,600 |
26.66 |
550 |
yellow-bellied marmot (hap1 2025) |
Marmota flaviventris |
GCA_047511675.1_mMarFla1.hap1 |
814 |
2,704,668,329 |
330 |
55,900 |
34.99 |
551 |
yellow-bellied toad (maternal hap 2024) |
Bombina variegata |
GCA_964205295.1_aBomVar4.maternal.1 |
4,757 |
9,369,791,316 |
6,671 |
1,334,200 |
70.88 |
552 |
yellow-crowned parrot (bAmaOch1hap1 2024) |
Amazona ochrocephala |
GCA_039720435.1_bAmaOch1.hap1 |
1,679 |
1,361,915,838 |
198 |
35,700 |
30.39 |
553 |
yellow-legged gull (primary hap 2024) |
Larus michahellis |
GCA_964199755.1_bLarMic1.1 |
618 |
1,405,581,498 |
500 |
100,000 |
29.78 |
554 |
yellow-spotted hyrax (mHetBru1 2023) |
Heterohyrax brucei |
GCA_028571685.1_mHetBru1.pri |
62 |
3,488,059,404 |
276 |
68,688 |
45.91 |
555 |
yellow-throated sandgrouse (primary hap 2019) |
Pterocles gutturalis |
GCA_009769525.1_bPteGut1.pri |
89 |
1,127,422,757 |
242 |
4,303,557 |
21.19 |
556 |
yellowfin seabream (v.2019 primary hap 2020) |
Acanthopagrus latus |
GCF_904848185.1_fAcaLat1.1 |
66 |
685,144,197 |
149 |
14,900 |
22.83 |
557 |
yellowfin tuna (primary hap 2021) |
Thunnus albacares |
GCF_914725855.1_fThuAlb1.1 |
68 |
792,101,331 |
70 |
23,300 |
27.09 |
558 |
Yong Hoi Sen's woolly horseshoe bat (Malaysia 20210929_DDd primary hap 2024) |
Rhinolophus yonghoiseni |
GCA_043880425.1_ASM4388042v1 |
1,486 |
2,323,192,134 |
196 |
76,160 |
42.06 |
559 |
zebra finch (v1.4 Blue55 female primary hap 2021 refseq) |
Taeniopygia guttata |
GCF_003957565.2_bTaeGut1.4.pri |
199 |
1,056,271,262 |
352 |
3,634,788 |
20.99 |
560 |
zebra shark (hap1 2023 refseq) |
Stegostoma tigrinum |
GCF_030684315.1_sSteTig4.hap1 |
835 |
3,198,515,386 |
1,159 |
17,106,481 |
64.64 |
561 |
zebrafish (WGS:CALUEM01 primary hap 2022) |
Danio rerio |
GCA_944039275.1_fDanRer4.1 |
73 |
1,413,675,870 |
381 |
122,395 |
51.91 |
562 |
zig-zag eel (v1.3 2021 genbank) |
Mastacembelus armatus |
GCA_900324485.3_fMasArm1.3 |
123 |
591,951,591 |
238 |
13,231,344 |
23.47 |