VGP - Vertebrate Genomes Project assembly hub

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This assembly hub contains assemblies released by the Vertebrate Genomes Project. (set of alternate/haplotype assemblies)

How to view the assembly of interest

The links to the genome browser in the table below will attach that one specific assembly to the genome browser. Use the links in the column labeled common name and view in browser to view that assembly in the genome browser.

See also: assembly statisticstrack statistics <== additional information for these assemblies.

Cite reference: To reference these resources in publications, please credit:

Clawson, H., Lee, B.T., Raney, B.J. et al. "GenArk: towards a million UCSC genome browsers.
Genome Biol 24, 217 (2023).

Data resource links

NOTE: Click on the column headers to sort the table by that column

The common name and view in browser will attach only that single assembly to the genome browser.
The scientific name and data download link provides access to the files for that one assembly hub.
The class VGP link provides access to the VGP GenomeArk page for that genome.
The other links provide access to NCBI resources for these assemblies.
count common name and
view in UCSC browser
[IGV browser]
scientific name
and data download
NCBI assembly BioSample BioProject assembly date,
source link
VGP link
1 Abyssinian ground-hornbill (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Bucorvus abyssinicus GCA_009769595.1_bBucAby1.alt SAMN12614799 PRJNA561886 2019-12-19 birds
2 adder (hap2 2024)[IGV] Vipera berus GCA_964194405.1_rVipBer3.hap2.1 SAMEA114293681 PRJEB76965 2024-06-27 reptiles
3 Aeolian wall lizard (La Canna islet alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Podarcis raffonei GCA_027172095.1_rPodRaf1.alt SAMN28455423 PRJNA839508 2022-12-21 reptiles
4 African hunting dog (LycPic1hap1 2024)[IGV] Lycaon pictus SAMN36939365 PRJNA1099603 2024-08-01 mammals
5 African ostrich (bStrCam1hap2 2024)[IGV] Struthio camelus GCA_040807015.1_bStrCam1.hap2 SAMN42123890 PRJNA1129092 2024-07-22 birds
6 African savanna elephant (hap1 mLoxAfr1 2023)[IGV] Loxodonta africana GCA_030020305.1_mLoxAfr1.hap1 SAMN32756554 PRJNA924321 2023-05-15 mammals
7 Alvarez's mastiff bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Molossus alvarezi GCA_037176705.1_mMolAlv2.hap2 SAMN40002245 PRJNA1080660 2024-03-15 mammals
8 American alligator (2023 genbank)[IGV] Alligator mississippiensis GCA_030867065.1_rAllMis1 SAMN37045233 PRJNA1006700 2023-08-22 reptiles
9 American flamingo (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Phoenicopterus ruber ruber GCA_009819805.1_bPhoRub2.alt SAMN12614931 PRJNA561889 2019-12-23 birds
10 American mink (hap2 2024)[IGV] Neogale vison GCA_964106205.1_mNeoVis2.hap2.1 SAMEA112468126 PRJEB76008 2024-06-06 mammals
11 American pika (hap2 2023)[IGV] Ochotona princeps GCA_030435715.1_mOchPri1.hap2 SAMN35822658 PRJNA986274 2023-07-13 mammals
12 American shad (fAloSap1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Alosa sapidissima GCA_018492705.1_fAloSap1.alt SAMN18857608 PRJNA728146 2021-05-24 fish
13 amphioxus (hap1 2024)[IGV] Branchiostoma lanceolatum GCA_035149815.1_klBraLanc5.hap1 SAMN38372375 PRJNA1044121 2024-01-05 invertebrate
14 Anna's hummingbird (alternate hap BGI_N300 2018)[IGV] Calypte anna GCA_003957575.1_bCalAnn1_v1.h SAMN02265252 PRJNA489140 2018-12-20 birds
15 Antarctic lanternfish (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Electrona antarctica GCA_951214905.1_fEleAnt2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8748807 PRJEB61833 2023-05-08 fish
16 Arabian camel (hap2 2024)[IGV] Camelus dromedarius GCA_036321565.1_mCamDro1.hap2 SAMN39296380 PRJNA1064427 2024-01-31 mammals
17 Aristotle's catfish (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Silurus aristotelis GCA_946807865.1_fSilAri3.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12595289 PRJEB55687 2022-09-16 fish
18 Asian bonytongue (alternate hap)[IGV] Scleropages formosus GCA_900964985.2_fSclFor1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4872123 PRJEB31996 2019-04-11 fish
19 Asiatic elephant (mEleMax1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Elephas maximus indicus GCA_024166345.1_mEleMax1_alternate_haplotype SAMN29174328 PRJNA850270 2022-07-05 mammals
20 Asiatic tapir (hap1 2023)[IGV] Tapirus indicus GCA_031878655.1_mTapInd1.hap1 SAMN37096863 PRJNA1010471 2023-09-25 mammals
21 Atlantic cod (alternate hap)[IGV] Gadus morhua GCA_902167395.1_gadMor3.0_alternate_haplotype SAMEA5574046 PRJEB33454 2019-07-16 fish
22 Atlantic hagfish (MG_SS 2024)[IGV] Myxine glutinosa GCF_040869285.1_UKY_Mglu_1.0 SAMN41069696 PRJNA1104135 2024-07-30 otherChordates
23 Atlantic halibut (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Hippoglossus hippoglossus GCA_009819745.1_fHipHip1.alt SAMN12629501 PRJNA562002 2019-12-27 fish
24 Atlantic horse mackerel (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Trachurus trachurus GCA_905171655.2_fTraTra1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7524396 PRJEB42173 2021-11-26 fish
25 Atlantic stingray (hap2 2023)[IGV] Hypanus sabinus GCA_030144785.1_sHypSab1.hap2 SAMN32745077 PRJNA924071 2023-06-05 sharks
26 Atlantic white-sided dolphin (mLagAcu1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Lagenorhynchus acutus GCA_964270935.1_mLagAcu1.hap2.1 SAMEA114493133 PRJEB80627 2024-09-30 mammals
27 Australian echidna (mTacAcu1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Tachyglossus aculeatus GCA_015852515.1_mTacAcu1.alt SAMN12634963 PRJNA607238 2020-12-08 mammals
28 axolotl (DD151 2021)[IGV] Ambystoma mexicanum GCA_002915635.3_AmbMex60DD SAMN06554622 PRJNA378970 2021-04-01 amphibians
29 banded archerfish (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Toxotes jaculatrix GCA_017976295.1_fToxJac2.alt SAMN18445299 PRJNA717045 2021-04-15 fish
30 banded killifish (hap2 2024)[IGV] Fundulus diaphanus GCA_037038625.1_fFunDia1.hap2 SAMN39736529 PRJNA1072163 2024-03-06 fish
31 barbel (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Barbus barbus GCA_936446605.1_fBarBab1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13335783 PRJEB52076 2022-04-16 fish
32 Barn swallow (bHirRus1 v3 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Hirundo rustica GCA_015227815.3_bHirRus1.alt.v3 SAMN14675488 PRJNA636191 2021-11-24 birds
33 basking shark (sCetMax3.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Cetorhinus maximus GCA_964194165.1_sCetMax3.hap2.1 SAMEA113902670 PRJEB76904 2024-06-27 sharks
34 bats A.intermedius (hap2 2024)[IGV] Artibeus intermedius GCA_038363225.1_mArtInt1.hap2 SAMN40002248 PRJNA1080655 2024-04-22 mammals
35 bird A.albertisi (hap2 2024)[IGV] Aegotheles albertisi GCA_039906465.1_bAegAlb1.hap2 SAMN41085506 PRJNA1104700 2024-05-30 birds
36 bird E.chinensis (hap1 2024)[IGV] Excalfactoria chinensis GCA_039878515.1_bCotChi1.hap1 SAMN41253798 PRJNA1108769 2024-05-29 birds
37 black and rufous elephant shrew (mRhyPet1hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhynchocyon petersi GCA_043290065.1_mRhyPet1.hap2 SAMN43274963 PRJNA1150233 2024-10-17 mammals
38 black rhinoceros (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Diceros bicornis minor GCA_020826835.1_mDicBic1.pat.decon SAMN22047685 PRJNA773943 2021-11-10 mammals
39 black-capped chickadee (hap2 2023)[IGV] Poecile atricapillus GCA_030490855.1_bPoeAtr1.hap2 SAMN35074507 PRJNA972430 2023-07-18 birds
40 black-headed gull (Kunming 2023)[IGV] Chroicocephalus ridibundus GCA_030820635.1_KIZ_Lrid_1.0 SAMN36812646 PRJNA1001583 2023-08-18 birds
41 black-legged kittiwake (bRisTri1.mat 2023)[IGV] Rissa tridactyla GCA_028501385.1_bRisTri1.mat.cur.20221130 SAMN32104255 PRJNA909854 2023-02-10 birds
42 blackbelly eelpout (fLycPai1 haplotype 1 2023)[IGV] Lycodopsis pacificus GCA_028021495.1_fLycPai1.hap1 SAMN32629383 PRJNA921713 2023-01-26 fish
43 blackcap (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sylvia atricapilla GCA_009819715.1_bSylAtr1.alt SAMN12369542 PRJNA558065 2019-12-23 birds
44 blacktail shiner (hap1 2024)[IGV] Cyprinella venusta GCA_038021265.1_fCypVen1.hap1 SAMN40647018 PRJNA1093101 2024-04-08 fish
45 Blainville's beaked whale (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Mesoplodon densirostris GCA_025094165.1_mMesDen1_alternate_haplotype SAMN29828597 PRJNA873679 2022-09-08 mammals
46 Blue whale (JJ_BM4_2016_0621 v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Balaenoptera musculus GCA_008658375.2_mBalMus1.alt.v2 SAMN12287136 PRJNA554523 2020-09-30 mammals
47 blue-and-yellow macaw (hap2 2023)[IGV] Ara ararauna GCA_028858555.1_bAraAra1.hap2 SAMN33059336 PRJNA931363 2023-02-24 birds
48 blunt-snouted clingfish (alternate hap)[IGV] Gouania willdenowi GCA_900650505.1_fGouWil2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104026382 PRJEB30360 2019-02-07 fish
49 Boeseman's rainbowfish (fMelBoe1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Melanotaenia boesemani GCA_017639755.1_fMelBoe1.alt SAMN12623618 PRJNA561966 2021-03-30 fish
50 bonti-bonti (fTelBon1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Telmatherina bonti GCA_933228925.1_fTelBon1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8592627 PRJEB51591 2022-03-23 fish
51 rough bullseye (RE-2024b hap2 2024)[IGV] Pempheris klunzingeri GCA_042242125.1_fPemKlu1.hap2 SAMN40589649 PRJNA1090819 2024-09-25 fish
52 Bornean orangutan (v2 AG05252 alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Pongo pygmaeus GCA_028885525.2_NHGRI_mPonPyg2-v2.0_alt SAMN10521809 PRJNA916740 2024-01-08 primates
53 Botta's pocket gopher (bottae MVZ:Mamm:240275 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_024803745.1_mThoBot1.0.p SAMN29044214 PRJNA851166 2022-09-01 mammals
54 Botta's pocket gopher (hap2 2023)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_031878665.1_mThoBot2.hap2 SAMN37300244 PRJNA1013537 2023-09-25 mammals
55 boutu (hap2 2024)[IGV] Inia geoffrensis GCA_036417475.1_mIniGeo1.hap2 SAMN32797734 PRJNA925498 2024-02-06 mammals
56 bowfin (hap2 2024)[IGV] Amia calva GCA_036365475.1_fAmiCal2.hap2 SAMN39643085 PRJNA1070664 2024-02-06 fish
57 Brauer's lanternfish (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Gymnoscopelus braueri GCA_963281105.1_fGymBra2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12815494 PRJEB65069 2023-08-20 fish
58 Brazilian merganser (hap2 2024)[IGV] Mergus octosetaceus GCA_036850655.1_bMerOct1.hap2 SAMN39710078 PRJNA1072165 2024-02-26 birds
59 Brown anole (rAnoSag1 2024)[IGV] Anolis sagrei GCA_037176775.1_rAnoSag1.pat SAMN40144551 PRJNA1080664 2024-03-15 reptiles
60 budgerigar (paternal hap 2020)[IGV] Melopsittacus undulatus GCA_012275275.1_bMelUnd1.pat SAMN12623090 PRJNA561963 2020-04-13 birds
61 butterfish (fScaArg1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Scatophagus argus GCA_020382915.1_fScaArg1.alt SAMN12623616 PRJNA749580 2021-10-07 fish
62 California sea lion (mZalCal1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Zalophus californianus GCA_009762295.2_mZalCal1.alt.v2 SAMN12368149 PRJNA559674 2020-06-12 mammals
63 Canada lynx (LIC74 v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Lynx canadensis GCA_007474575.2_mLynCan4.alt.v2 SAMN09948483 PRJNA489108 2020-06-12 mammals
64 Caribbean electric ray (hap1 2024 genbank)[IGV] Narcine bancroftii GCA_036971445.1_sNarBan1.hap1 SAMN39325148 PRJNA1063320 2024-03-06 sharks
65 carmine bee-eater (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Merops nubicus GCA_009819585.1_bMerNub1.alt SAMN12621035 PRJNA561895 2019-12-23 birds
66 channel bull blenny (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Cottoperca gobio GCA_900634435.1_fCotGob3.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104242975 PRJEB30256 2019-02-07 fish
67 chevron butterflyfish (hap2 2024)[IGV] Chaetodon trifascialis GCA_039877575.1_fChaTrf1.hap2 SAMN41253346 PRJNA1108765 2024-05-29 fish
68 chicken (Cobb bGalGal5 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCA_027408205.1_bGalGal5.alt SAMN28017485 PRJNA838371 2022-12-27 birds
69 chicken (Cobb bGalGal5 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCA_027408225.1_bGalGal5.pri SAMN28017485 PRJNA838370 2022-12-28 birds
70 chicken (Huxu 2023)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCA_024206055.2_GGswu SAMN20717417 PRJNA693184 2023-02-09 birds
71 chicken white leghorn layer X broiler (v2 broiler haplotype 2021 2021)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCF_016699485.2_bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b SAMN15960293 PRJNA660757 2021-01-19 birds
72 chicken (Ross bGalGal4 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCA_027408255.1_bGalGal4.alt SAMN28017486 PRJNA838368 2022-12-27 birds
73 chicken (Ross bGalGal4 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Gallus gallus GCA_027557775.1_bGalGal4.pri SAMN28017486 PRJNA838369 2023-01-03 birds
74 chimpanzee (v2 AG18354 alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Pan troglodytes GCA_028858805.2_NHGRI_mPanTro3-v2.0_alt SAMN30216104 PRJNA916737 2024-01-08 primates
75 Chinese pangolin (hap2 mManPen7 2023)[IGV] Manis pentadactyla GCA_030020945.1_mManPen7.hap2 SAMN32757332 PRJNA924340 2023-05-16 mammals
76 chub mackerel (fScoJap1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Scomber japonicus GCA_027409835.1_fScoJap1.alt SAMN32224830 PRJNA912109 2022-12-27 fish
77 climbing perch (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Anabas testudineus GCA_900650485.1_fAnaTes1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104026376 PRJEB30391 2019-02-07 fish
78 clouded leopard (mNeoNeb1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Neofelis nebulosa GCA_028018655.1_mNeoNeb1.alt SAMN31801981 PRJNA915743 2023-01-26 mammals
79 common blue-tongued skink (hap1 2024)[IGV] Tiliqua scincoides GCA_035046495.1_rTilSci1.hap1 SAMN37319749 PRJNA1014189 2024-01-04 reptiles
80 common bottlenose dolphin (paternal 2020)[IGV] Tursiops truncatus GCA_011762515.1_mTurTru1.pat SAMN12326775 PRJNA561884 2020-03-25 mammals
81 common brushtail (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Trichosurus vulpecula GCA_011100645.1_mTriVul1.alt SAMN12629507 PRJNA562013 2020-03-09 mammals
82 common buzzard (bButBut1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Buteo buteo GCA_964188375.1_bButBut1.hap2.1 SAMEA114594453 PRJEB76732 2024-06-19 birds
83 common cuckoo (bCucCan1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Cuculus canorus GCA_017976305.1_bCucCan1.alt SAMN12629508 PRJNA562016 2021-04-15 birds
84 common frog (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Rana temporaria GCA_905171725.1_aRanTem1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7521635 PRJEB42170 2021-01-28 amphibians
85 common moorhen (bGalChl1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Gallinula chloropus GCA_964237395.1_bGalChl1.hap2.1 SAMEA113398958 PRJEB79219 2024-08-29 birds
86 common myna (bArcTri1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Acridotheres tristis GCA_027559525.1_bAcrTri1.alt SAMN28454388 PRJNA839506 2023-01-03 birds
87 common pipistrelle (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Pipistrellus pipistrellus GCA_903992515.1_mPipPip1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994724 PRJEB39565 2020-08-04 mammals
88 common pochard (bAytFer1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Aythya ferina GCA_964211795.1_bAytFer1.hap2.1 SAMEA112468034 PRJEB78493 2024-07-30 birds
89 common sole (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Solea solea GCA_958295035.1_fSolSol10.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA10984647 PRJEB63670 2023-07-06 fish
90 common swift (bApuApu2 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Apus apus GCA_020740585.1_bApuApu2.alt.cur SAMN22785356 PRJNA776337 2021-11-03 birds
91 common tern (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sterna hirundo GCA_009819645.1_bSteHir1.alt SAMN12369541 PRJNA558063 2019-12-23 birds
92 common toad (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Bufo bufo GCA_905171715.1_aBufBuf1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7521636 PRJEB42169 2021-01-28 amphibians
93 common vampire bat (HL8 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Desmodus rotundus GCA_022682395.1_HLdesRot8B SAMN24116476 PRJNA789527 2022-03-24 mammals
94 common vampire bat (HL8 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Desmodus rotundus GCA_022682395.2_HLdesRot8B.1 SAMN24116476 PRJNA789527 2022-03-24 mammals
95 common wall lizard (hap2 2024)[IGV] Podarcis muralis GCA_964188365.1_rPodMur119.hap2.1 SAMEA115336776 PRJEB76736 2024-06-19 reptiles
96 common whitefish (fCorLav1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Coregonus lavaretus GCA_964263835.1_fCorLav1.hap2.1 SAMEA111528661 PRJEB80006 2024-09-15 fish
97 common yellowthroat (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Geothlypis trichas GCA_009764545.1_bGeoTri1.alt SAMN12631222 PRJNA589704 2019-12-18 birds
98 convict blenny (fPhoLeu1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Pholidichthys leucotaenia GCA_020510965.1_fPhoLeu1.alt SAMN12623617 PRJNA749576 2021-10-15 fish
99 copperband butterflyfish (fCheRos1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Chelmon rostratus GCA_017976315.1_fCheRos1.alt SAMN12623620 PRJNA561970 2021-04-15 fish
100 corroboree frog (hap1 2023)[IGV] Pseudophryne corroboree GCA_028390055.1_aPseCor3.hap1 SAMN32631236 PRJNA921727 2023-02-01 amphibians
101 Cory's shearwater (bCalBor7.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Calonectris borealis GCA_964196065.1_bCalBor7.hap2.1 SAMEA114294356 PRJEB77029 2024-06-30 birds
102 Cretan wall lizard (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Podarcis cretensis GCA_951804955.1_rPodCre2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12110019 PRJEB62766 2023-06-02 reptiles
103 crucian carp (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Carassius carassius GCA_963082795.1_fCarCar2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296534 PRJEB64836 2023-08-08 fish
104 cuckoo roller (hap1 2023)[IGV] Leptosomus discolor GCA_034619455.1_bLepDis1.hap1 SAMN37284216 PRJNA1013356 2023-12-27 birds
105 cunner (fTauAds1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Tautogolabrus adspersus GCA_020745675.1_fTauAds1.alt.cur SAMN22589422 PRJNA774879 2021-11-05 fish
106 Dalmatian pelican (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pelecanus crispus GCA_030449815.1_bPelCri1.alt SAMN35784560 PRJNA984932 2023-07-13 birds
107 Daubenton's bat (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis daubentonii GCA_963242275.1_mMyoDau2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA9921455 PRJEB65247 2023-08-20 mammals
108 denticle herring (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Denticeps clupeoides GCA_900700345.2_fDenClu1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104129917 PRJEB31546 2019-03-27 fish
109 diamondback terrapin (hap2 rMalTer1 2023)[IGV] Malaclemys terrapin pileata GCA_027887205.1_rMalTer1.hap2 SAMN31394215 PRJNA895897 2023-01-18 reptiles
110 Domestic goose (bAnsAns1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Anser anser GCA_964211785.1_bAnsAns1.hap2.1 SAMEA113398854 PRJEB78492 2024-07-31 birds
111 dorado (hap1 2023)[IGV] Salminus brasiliensis GCA_030448965.1_fSalBra1.hap1 SAMN35075251 PRJNA972454 2023-07-13 fish
112 Downy woodpecker (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Dryobates pubescens GCA_014839825.1_bDryPub1.alt SAMN12629497 PRJNA561992 2020-09-30 birds
113 dugong (hap2 mDugDug1 2023)[IGV] Dugong dugon GCA_030020955.1_mDugDug1.hap2 SAMN33212336 PRJNA932821 2023-05-16 mammals
114 East African grey crowned-crane (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Balearica regulorum gibbericeps GCA_011004865.1_bBalReg1.alt SAMN12615749 PRJNA561891 2020-02-24 birds
115 eastern narrow-mouthed toad (hap2 2023)[IGV] Gastrophryne carolinensis GCA_027917415.1_aGasCar1.hap2 SAMN31805274 PRJNA916749 2023-01-18 amphibians
116 electric eel (fEleEle1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Electrophorus electricus GCA_013347915.1_fEleEle1.alt SAMN12623625 PRJNA561982 2020-06-12 fish
117 emu (hap2 2024)[IGV] Dromaius novaehollandiae GCA_036417515.1_bDroNov1.hap2 SAMN39262816 PRJNA1061217 2024-02-26 birds
118 epaulette shark (alternate hap sHemOce1 2021)[IGV] Hemiscyllium ocellatum GCA_020745765.1_sHemOce1.mat.decon SAMN22550098 PRJNA774309 2021-11-05 sharks
119 ermine (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Mustela erminea GCA_009829165.1_mMusErm1.alt SAMN12611999 PRJNA561930 2020-01-03 mammals
120 Eurasian badger (2021)[IGV] Meles meles GCA_922990625.1_mMelMel3.1_maternal_haplotype_uncurated SAMEA7524400 PRJEB49352 2021-12-18 mammals
121 Eurasian badger (v3.2 2022)[IGV] Meles meles GCA_922984935.2_mMelMel3.2_paternal_haplotype SAMEA7524400 PRJEB49353 2022-03-23 mammals
122 Eurasian collared-dove (bStrDea1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Streptopelia decaocto GCA_964273585.1_bStrDea1.hap2.1 SAMEA113398962 PRJEB80768 2024-10-04 birds
123 Eurasian curlew (hap2 2024)[IGV] Numenius arquata GCA_964059295.1_bNumArq3.hap2.1 SAMEA112693994 PRJEB75988 2024-05-29 birds
124 Eurasian minnow (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Phoxinus phoxinus GCA_949152275.1_fPhoPho1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296539 PRJEB59821 2023-04-09 fish
125 Eurasian nightjar (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Caprimulgus europaeus GCA_907165095.1_bCapEur3.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7524394 PRJEB44541 2021-05-15 birds
126 Eurasian red squirrel (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sciurus vulgaris GCA_902685485.1_mSciVul1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994733 PRJEB35379 2019-11-26 mammals
127 Eurasian river otter (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Lutra lutra GCA_902653095.1_mLutLut1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994731 PRJEB35338 2019-12-09 mammals
128 Eurasian water vole (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Arvicola amphibius GCA_903992525.1_mArvAmp1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994740 PRJEB39549 2020-08-04 mammals
129 European chub (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Squalius cephalus GCA_949319155.1_fSquCep2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296547 PRJEB60238 2023-04-09 fish
130 European flounder (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Platichthys flesus GCA_949316195.1_fPlaFle2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110026475 PRJEB60140 2023-04-08 fish
131 European leaf-toed gecko (hap2 2023)[IGV] Euleptes europaea GCA_029931755.1_rEulEur1.hap2 SAMN32622440 PRJNA919167 2023-05-03 reptiles
132 European mink (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Mustela lutreola GCA_030435785.1_mMusLut2.alt SAMN35784236 PRJNA984927 2023-07-11 mammals
133 European mole (hap2 2024)[IGV] Talpa europaea GCA_964194205.1_mTalEur1.hap2.1 SAMEA112468127 PRJEB76906 2024-06-27 mammals
134 European plaice (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Pleuronectes platessa GCA_947347695.1_fPlePla1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13853390 PRJEB57576 2022-11-27 fish
135 European pond turtle (hap2 rEmyOrb1 2023)[IGV] Emys orbicularis GCA_028017845.1_rEmyOrb1.hap2 SAMN31805221 PRJNA919101 2023-01-26 reptiles
136 European robin (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Erithacus rubecula GCA_903797565.2_bEriRub2.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4760689 PRJEB38657 2021-03-21 birds
137 European shag (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Phalacrocorax aristotelis GCA_949628205.1_bGulAri2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA10059652 PRJEB60538 2023-04-09 birds
138 European shrew (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Sorex araneus GCA_027595995.1_mSorAra2.alt SAMN32477717 PRJNA916524 2023-01-06 mammals
139 European snow vole (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Chionomys nivalis GCA_950005115.1_mChiNiv1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13217622 PRJEB61597 2023-04-29 mammals
140 European starfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Asterias rubens GCA_902459445.1_eAstRub1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994741 PRJEB33973 2019-08-16 echinoderm
141 European turtle dove (v1.2 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699165.2_bStrTur1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994735 PRJEB32725 2021-04-15 birds
142 European woodmouse (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Apodemus sylvaticus GCA_947179525.1_mApoSyl1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7702024 PRJEB56947 2022-11-01 mammals
143 Eurpoean golden plover (bPluApr1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Pluvialis apricaria GCA_017639475.1_bPluApr1.alt SAMN18353970 PRJNA715923 2021-03-30 birds
144 false killer whale (hap2 2024)[IGV] Pseudorca crassidens GCA_039906525.1_mPseCra1.hap2 SAMN41253811 PRJNA1108772 2024-05-31 mammals
145 Filfola wall lizard (rPodFil1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis filfolensis GCA_964270875.1_rPodFil1.hap2.1 SAMEA113403362 PRJEB80629 2024-09-30 reptiles
146 fire-bellied toad (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Bombina bombina GCA_027579415.1_aBomBom1.alt SAMN32378350 PRJNA915413 2023-01-06 amphibians
147 Fleay's barred frog (hap2 2024)[IGV] Mixophyes fleayi GCA_038048865.1_aMixFle1.hap2 SAMN39657083 PRJNA1071268 2024-04-17 amphibians
148 flier cichlid (alternate hap MPI-CPG 2019)[IGV] Archocentrus centrarchus GCA_007364235.1_fArcCen1_v1.h SAMN09948522 PRJNA489130 2019-07-24 fish
149 Florida worm lizard (hap1 rRhiFlo1 2023)[IGV] Rhineura floridana GCA_030035715.1_rRhiFlo1.hap1 SAMN34105704 PRJNA953089 2023-05-16 reptiles
150 freshwater garfish (fXenCan1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Xenentodon cancila GCA_014839645.1_fXenCan1.alt SAMN12623622 PRJNA561974 2020-09-30 fish
151 Gaboon caecilian (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Geotrypetes seraphini GCA_902459495.1_aGeoSer1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104387963 PRJEB33991 2019-08-18 amphibians
152 garden warbler (bSylBor1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Sylvia borin GCA_014839765.1_bSylBor1.alt SAMN12618613 PRJNA561946 2020-09-30 birds
153 gharial (hap1 2023)[IGV] Gavialis gangeticus GCA_030020385.1_rGavGan2.hap1 SAMN34116453 PRJNA953441 2023-05-16 reptiles
154 giant manta (hap2 2023)[IGV] Mobula birostris GCA_030035685.1_sMobBir1.hap2 SAMN32746370 PRJNA924118 2023-05-22 sharks
155 gilthead seabream (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sparus aurata GCA_900880695.1_fSpaAur1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104384835 PRJEB31902 2019-07-11 fish
156 golden eagle (v1.4 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos GCA_902153765.2_bAquChr1.4_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994725 PRJEB33298 2021-03-26 birds
157 Goodes thornscrub tortoise (Sinaloan alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Gopherus evgoodei GCA_007399395.1_rGopEvg1_v1.alt SAMN03496275 PRJNA489104 2019-07-24 reptiles
158 Grand Cayman blue iguana (hap2 2023)[IGV] Cyclura pinguis GCA_030412085.1_rCycPin1.hap2 SAMN35151422 PRJNA973804 2023-07-05 reptiles
159 gray short-tailed opossum (mMonDom1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Monodelphis domestica GCA_027917375.1_mMonDom1.alt SAMN31801966 PRJNA915591 2023-01-17 mammals
160 gray squirrel (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sciurus carolinensis GCA_902685475.1_mSciCar1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994726 PRJEB35385 2019-11-26 mammals
161 gray wolf (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Canis lupus GCA_905319845.1_mCanLor1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7532739 PRJEB43199 2021-03-21 mammals
162 great fruit-eating bat (mArtLit1hap2 2024)[IGV] Artibeus lituratus GCA_038363175.2_mArtLit1.hap2 SAMN40002247 PRJNA1080657 2024-05-17 mammals
163 great potoo (bNycGra1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Nyctibius grandis GCA_013368595.1_bNycGra1.alt SAMN12622411 PRJNA562021 2020-06-23 birds
164 great white shark (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Carcharodon carcharias GCA_017639455.1_sCarCar2.alt SAMN12629504 PRJNA562008 2021-03-30 sharks
165 greater argentine (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Argentina silus GCA_951799415.1_fArgSil1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110137623 PRJEB62528 2023-05-27 fish
166 greater horseshoe bat (MPI-CBG alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Rhinolophus ferrumequinum GCA_004115295.1_mRhiFer1_v1.h SAMN09948510 PRJNA489105 2019-01-28 mammals
167 greater pipefish (v1 alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Syngnathus acus GCA_901709685.1_fSynAcu1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104381750 PRJEB32742 2019-06-02 fish
168 greater pipefish (v2 2023 genbank)[IGV] Syngnathus acus GCA_948146105.1_fSynAcu2.1 SAMEA13854528 PRJEB58844 2023-01-18 fish
169 greater pipefish (v2 alternate haplotype 2023)[IGV] Syngnathus acus GCA_948146095.1_fSynAcu2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13854528 PRJEB58843 2023-01-18 fish
170 greater sand-eel (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Hyperoplus immaculatus GCA_949358355.1_fHypImm3.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13854416 PRJEB60327 2023-04-09 fish
171 green sea turtle (v2 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Chelonia mydas GCA_015220195.2_rCheMyd1.alt.v2 SAMN12612360 PRJNA561942 2021-07-15 reptiles
172 grey whale (mEscRob2 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Eschrichtius robustus GCA_028021475.1_mEscRob2.alt SAMN32629250 PRJNA921703 2023-01-26 mammals
173 gudgeon (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Gobio gobio GCA_949357705.1_fGobGob1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296538 PRJEB60323 2023-04-09 fish
174 gyrfalcon (bFalRus1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Falco rusticolus GCA_015220155.1_bFalRus1.alt SAMN12629496 PRJNA561989 2020-11-02 birds
175 Harpy eagle (bHarHar1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Harpia harpyja GCA_026419925.1_bHarHar1 SAMN31530492 PRJNA896140 2022-11-25 birds
176 Hawaiian crow (bCorHaw1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Corvus hawaiiensis GCA_020740675.1_bCorHaw1.alt.cur SAMN22550278 PRJNA774316 2021-11-03 birds
177 hazel dormouse (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Muscardinus avellanarius GCA_963383665.1_mMusAve1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110180654 PRJEB65339 2023-08-27 mammals
178 hemichordates Saccoglossus (HW-2024a hap2 2024)[IGV] Saccoglossus sp. HW-2024a GCA_040954595.1_ASM4095459v1 SAMN40579982 PRJNA1090635 2024-08-01 invertebrate
179 hippopotamus (mHipAmp2 hap1 2023)[IGV] Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko GCA_030028035.1_mHipAmp2.hap1 SAMN33342074 PRJNA936167 2023-05-17 mammals
180 hoatzin (hap2 2023)[IGV] Opisthocomus hoazin GCA_030867165.1_bOpiHoa1.hap2 SAMN37055462 PRJNA1007257 2023-08-24 birds
181 honeycomb rockfish (fSebUmb1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Sebastes umbrosus GCA_015220095.1_fSebUmb1.alt SAMN12629503 PRJNA562006 2020-11-02 fish
182 horn shark (hap1 2024)[IGV] Heterodontus francisci GCA_036365525.1_sHetFra1.hap1 SAMN39432692 PRJNA1064416 2024-02-06 sharks
183 horse (maternal 2024)[IGV] Equus caballus GCA_036418255.1_mEquCab1.mat SAMN39296386 PRJNA1064425 2024-02-07 mammals
184 hourglass treefrog (maternal 2023 genbank)[IGV] Dendropsophus ebraccatus GCA_027789725.1_aDenEbr1.mat SAMN32145295 PRJNA910818 2023-01-13 amphibians
185 house finch (bHaeMex1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Haemorhous mexicanus GCA_027406555.1_bHaeMex1.alt SAMN28453576 PRJNA839498 2022-12-27 birds
186 house mouse (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_949316305.1_mMusMuc1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA112251260 PRJEB60145 2023-04-08 mammals
187 house sparrow (hap2 2024)[IGV] Passer domesticus GCA_036417895.1_bPasDom1.hap2 SAMN39255856 PRJNA1064420 2024-02-07 birds
188 human (mHomSap3 WGS:JACSEX01 2021)[IGV] Homo sapiens GCA_016695395.2_mHomSap3.mat SAMN12568975 PRJNA562023 2021-01-19 primates
189 human (WGS:JACSEW01 2021 alternate hap)[IGV] Homo sapiens GCA_016700455.2_mHomSap3.pat SAMN12568975 PRJNA562022 2021-01-19 primates
190 Humboldt's penguin (bSphHub1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Spheniscus humboldti GCA_027474345.1_bSphHub1.alt SAMN28408465 PRJNA838344 2022-12-27 birds
191 hybrid cattle (Angus x Brahman F1 Angus haplotype 2018)[IGV] Bos indicus x Bos taurus GCA_003369685.2_UOA_Angus_1 SAMN08473802 PRJNA432857 2018-11-30 mammals
192 Indian glassy fish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Parambassis ranga GCA_900651595.1_fParRan2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4675621 PRJEB30258 2019-02-12 fish
193 Indo-Pacific tarpon (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Megalops cyprinoides GCA_013368575.1_fMegCyp1.alt SAMN12623619 PRJNA561968 2020-06-23 fish
194 Italian wall lizard (rPodSic1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis siculus GCA_964188395.1_rPodSic1.hap2.1 SAMEA115336774 PRJEB76731 2024-06-19 reptiles
195 Japanese sawshark (hap2 2024)[IGV] Pristiophorus japonicus GCA_044704965.1_sPriJap1.hap2 SAMN44116980 PRJNA1170978 2024-11-13 sharks
196 jewelled blenny (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Salarias fasciatus GCA_902148835.1_fSalaFa1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4966329 PRJEB33183 2019-07-03 fish
197 John dory (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Zeus faber GCA_960530785.1_fZeuFab8.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111562156 PRJEB64532 2023-07-26 fish
198 kagu (bRhyJub1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Rhynochetos jubatus GCA_027595965.1_bRhyJub1.alt SAMN31802033 PRJNA916496 2023-01-06 birds
199 kakapo (Jane alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Strigops habroptila GCA_004011185.1_bStrHab1_v1.h SAMN09948751 PRJNA489134 2019-01-10 birds
200 killer whale (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Orcinus orca GCA_937001455.1_mOrcOrc1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8800229 PRJEB52132 2022-05-01 mammals
201 king vulture (hap2 2024)[IGV] Sarcoramphus papa GCA_037950955.1_bSarPap1.hap2 SAMN40647026 PRJNA1093107 2024-04-04 birds
202 Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1 alternate hap 2020 genbank)[IGV] Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus GCA_009829135.1_fPerMag1.alt SAMN12629500 PRJNA561999 2020-01-03 fish
203 lammergeier (bGypBar2 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Gypaetus barbatus GCA_028017155.1_bGypBar2.alt SAMN32256411 PRJNA912842 2023-01-26 birds
204 lance-tailed manakin (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Chiroxiphia lanceolata GCA_009829205.1_bChiLan1.alt SAMN12620979 PRJNA561944 2020-01-03 birds
205 lanner falcon (bFalBia1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Falco biarmicus GCA_023634305.1_bFalBia1.alt SAMN28688289 PRJNA842827 2022-06-01 birds
206 large-eye snaggletooth (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Borostomias antarcticus GCA_949987545.1_fBorAnt1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8748812 PRJEB61590 2023-04-29 fish
207 largescale foureyes (fAnaAna1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Anableps anableps GCA_014839705.1_fAnaAna1.alt SAMN12623628 PRJNA561986 2020-09-30 fish
208 Lataste's viper (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Vipera latastei GCA_024294605.1_rVipLat1.alt SAMN28408464 PRJNA838199 2022-07-16 reptiles
209 leatherback sea turtle (v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Dermochelys coriacea GCA_009762595.2_rDerCor1.alt.v2 SAMN12629498 PRJNA561994 2020-12-08 reptiles
210 lesser Egyptian jerboa (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Jaculus jaculus GCA_020740715.1_mJacJac1.pat.decon SAMN20391724 PRJNA773798 2021-11-03 mammals
211 lesser horseshoe bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhinolophus hipposideros GCA_964194215.1_mRhiHip2.hap2.1 SAMEA113980802 PRJEB76909 2024-06-27 mammals
212 lesser kestrel (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Falco naumanni GCA_017639645.1_bFalNau1.mat SAMN16870685 PRJNA702665 2021-03-30 birds
213 lesser noctule (mNycLei1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Nyctalus leisleri GCA_964264895.1_mNycLei1.hap2.1 SAMEA114250308 PRJEB80300 2024-09-21 mammals
214 lesser rhea (bPtePen1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Rhea pennata GCA_028389885.1_bPtePen1.alt SAMN32606345 PRJNA918802 2023-02-01 birds
215 lesser salmon catfish (fNeoGra1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Neoarius graeffei GCA_027579805.1_fNeoGra1.alt SAMN28453209 PRJNA839495 2023-01-06 fish
216 lesser sand-eel (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Ammodytes marinus GCA_950004245.1_fAmmMar1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110137622 PRJEB61583 2023-04-29 fish
217 limp eelpout (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Melanostigma gelatinosum GCA_949748265.1_fMelGel1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12815492 PRJEB60806 2023-04-08 fish
218 live sharksucker (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Echeneis naucrates GCA_900963505.1_fEcheNa1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4966390 PRJEB31993 2019-04-11 fish
219 lizards P.bocagei (rPodBoc1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis bocagei GCA_964188325.1_rPodBoc1.hap2.1 SAMEA115336769 PRJEB76739 2024-06-21 reptiles
220 lizards P.erhardii (rPodErh1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis erhardii GCA_964251985.1_rPodErh1.hap2.1 SAMEA115336771 PRJEB79340 2024-08-29 reptiles
221 lizards P.melisellensis (rPodMel1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis melisellensis GCA_964234825.1_rPodMel1.hap2.1 SAMEA115336775 PRJEB79072 2024-08-31 reptiles
222 lizards P.pityusensis (rPodPit1.hap2.2 2024)[IGV] Podarcis pityusensis GCA_964106635.2_rPodPit1.hap2.2 SAMEA114217797 PRJEB76013 2024-07-05 reptiles
223 long-tailed hermit (PSU5 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Phaethornis superciliosus GCA_023637925.1_DD_ASM_B1a SAMN23532249 PRJNA785156 2022-06-01 birds
224 longspined bullhead (fTauBub2.1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Taurulus bubalis GCA_910589325.1_fTauBub2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7522994 PRJEB45316 2021-07-07 fish
225 lumpfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Cyclopterus lumpus GCA_009769515.1_fCycLum1.alt SAMN12629502 PRJNA562004 2019-12-19 fish
226 lumpfish (primary hap v2.1 2023 genbank)[IGV] Cyclopterus lumpus GCA_963457625.1_fCycLum2.1 SAMEA112789128 PRJEB66140 2023-09-20 fish
227 Macqueen's bustard (paternal 2024)[IGV] Chlamydotis macqueenii GCA_036418225.1_bChlMac1.pat SAMN39296383 PRJNA1064423 2024-02-07 birds
228 maguari stork (bCicMag1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Ciconia maguari GCA_017639665.1_bCicMag1.alt SAMN18353822 PRJNA715732 2021-03-30 birds
229 mallard (hap2 2024)[IGV] Anas platyrhynchos GCA_964188335.1_bAnaPla2.hap2.1 SAMEA113398833 PRJEB76741 2024-06-19 birds
230 marbled rockcod (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Notothenia rossii GCA_949606865.1_fNotRos5.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12815441 PRJEB60488 2023-04-09 fish
231 Mauritius kestrel (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Falco punctatus GCA_963210275.1_bFalPun1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA14356472 PRJEB65027 2023-08-19 birds
232 Mauritius parakeet (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Psittacula echo GCA_963243765.1_bPsiEch3.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12361725 PRJEB65272 2023-08-20 birds
233 meadow viper (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Vipera ursinii GCA_947247025.1_rVipUrs1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12832258 PRJEB57182 2022-10-30 reptiles
234 meadow vole (hap2 2024)[IGV] Microtus pennsylvanicus GCA_037039175.1_mMicPen1.hap2 SAMN39894136 PRJNA1074850 2024-03-06 mammals
235 Merriam's long-tongued bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Glossophaga mutica GCA_039656995.1_mGloMut1.hap2 SAMN40946060 PRJNA1099663 2024-05-17 mammals
236 Mexican burrowing toad (hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhinophrynus dorsalis GCA_037306015.1_aRhiDor1.hap2 SAMN40302865 PRJNA1085475 2024-03-20 amphibians
237 Mexican gopher tortoise (WGS:JAMKFD01 2022)[IGV] Gopherus flavomarginatus GCA_025201965.1_rGopFla2.pat.asm SAMN24199108 PRJNA794189 2022-09-08 reptiles
238 milkfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Chanos chanos GCA_902362175.1_fChaCha1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA5159473 PRJEB33881 2019-08-16 fish
239 minke whale (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Balaenoptera acutorostrata GCA_950005055.1_mBalAcu1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380540 PRJEB61580 2023-04-29 mammals
240 monito del monte (mDroGli1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Dromiciops gliroides GCA_019395325.1_mDroGli1.alt SAMN18857598 PRJNA728142 2021-07-29 mammals
241 mute swan (bCygOlo1 v2 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Cygnus olor GCA_009769485.2_bCygOlo1.alt.v2 SAMN12621369 PRJNA561961 2021-03-30 birds
242 Natterer's bat (mMyoNat1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Myotis nattereri GCA_964212025.1_mMyoNat1.hap2.1 SAMEA114614248 PRJEB78591 2024-08-02 mammals
243 Nelson's sparrow (bAmmNel1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Ammospiza nelsoni GCA_027579665.1_bAmmNel1.alt SAMN28421656 PRJNA839457 2023-01-06 birds
244 New Caledonian crow (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Corvus moneduloides GCA_009651025.1_bCorMon1.alt SAMN12368441 PRJNA560982 2019-11-12 birds
245 New Zealand spotty (alternate hap 2019 genbank)[IGV] Notolabrus celidotus GCA_009762545.1_fNotCel1.alt SAMN12623201 PRJNA561957 2019-12-17 fish
246 Nicobar pigeon (hap2 2024)[IGV] Caloenas nicobarica GCA_036010745.1_bCalNic1.hap2 SAMN39256628 PRJNA1061159 2024-01-24 birds
247 nine-banded armadillo (mDasNov1 hap1 2023)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCA_030445055.1_mDasNov1.hap1 SAMN32738980 PRJNA923799 2023-07-13 mammals
248 nine-banded armadillo (mDasNov1 hap1 2023)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCA_030445055.2_mDasNov1.1.hap1 SAMN32738980 PRJNA923799 2023-07-13 mammals
249 ninespine stickleback (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pungitius pungitius GCA_949316245.1_fPunPun2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296545 PRJEB60135 2023-04-08 fish
250 North American porcupine (mEreDor1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Erethizon dorsatum GCA_028500835.1_mEreDor1.alt SAMN32359106 PRJNA915122 2023-02-03 mammals
251 North Atlantic right whale (hap1 2023)[IGV] Eubalaena glacialis GCA_028571275.1_mEubGla1.hap1 SAMN32746534 PRJNA924127 2023-02-09 mammals
252 North Atlantic right whale (hap2 2023 genbank)[IGV] Eubalaena glacialis GCA_028564815.1_mEubGla1.hap2 SAMN32746534 PRJNA924128 2023-02-09 mammals
253 North Island brown kiwi (hap2 2024)[IGV] Apteryx mantelli GCA_036417975.1_bAptMan1.hap2 SAMN39257886 PRJNA1061175 2024-02-06 birds
254 northern bat (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Eptesicus nilssonii GCA_951640545.1_mEptNil1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA14098186 PRJEB62201 2023-05-18 mammals
255 northern black mastiff bat (mMolNig1hap2 2024)[IGV] Molossus nigricans GCA_039880925.1_mMolNig1.hap2 SAMN40002246 PRJNA1093104 2024-05-29 mammals
256 northern bottlenose whale (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Hyperoodon ampullatus GCA_949752845.1_mHypAmp2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA10839125 PRJEB60894 2023-04-09 mammals
257 northern gannet (hap1 2023)[IGV] Morus bassanus GCA_031468805.1_bMorBas2.hap1 SAMN37096299 PRJNA1009680 2023-09-15 birds
258 northern goshawk (bAccGen1 v1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Accipiter gentilis GCA_929447715.1_bAccGen1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8235650 PRJEB50703 2022-02-13 birds
259 northern pike (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Esox lucius GCA_011004835.1_fEsoLuc1.alt SAMN12623624 PRJNA561978 2020-02-24 fish
260 Norway rat BN7 haplotype[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_015244455.1_mRatBN7.1_alternate_haplotype SAMN16261960 PRJNA663241 2020-11-04 mammals
261 olive python (hap2 2023)[IGV] Liasis olivaceus GCA_030867085.1_rLiaOli1.hap2 SAMN32739907 PRJNA923813 2023-08-24 reptiles
262 orange-tipped seq squirt (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Corella eumyota GCA_963082865.1_kaCorEumy4.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7536466 PRJEB64847 2023-08-08 otherChordates
263 orbiculate cardinalfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sphaeramia orbicularis GCA_902148825.1_fSphaOr1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4966328 PRJEB33176 2019-07-03 fish
264 painted frog (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Discoglossus pictus GCA_027410455.1_aDisPic1.alt SAMN32227109 PRJNA912128 2022-12-27 amphibians
265 pale spear-nosed bat (MPI-MPIP v3 mPhyDis1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Phyllostomus discolor GCA_004115245.2_mPhyDis1.alti.v3 SAMN09948786 PRJNA489142 2020-05-11 mammals
266 Papuan ground boa (hap1 2024)[IGV] Candoia aspera GCA_035125265.1_rCanAsp1.hap1 SAMN37159891 PRJNA1009781 2024-01-05 reptiles
267 parallel lanternfish (alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Protomyctophum parallelum GCA_964188415.1_fProPar1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12815440 PRJEB76808 2024-06-21 fish
268 peladilla (fAplTae1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Aplochiton taeniatus GCA_017639685.1_fAplTae1.alt SAMN12623621 PRJNA561972 2021-03-30 fish
269 peregrine falcon (bFalPer1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Falco peregrinus GCA_023634185.1_bFalPer1.alt SAMN28688290 PRJNA842833 2022-06-01 birds
270 Peter's clawed frog (aXenPet1 2024)[IGV] Xenopus petersii GCA_038501915.1_aXenPet1.maternal.cur SAMN39187339 PRJNA1058703 2024-04-29 amphibians
271 Philippine flying lemur (mCynVol1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Cynocephalus volans GCA_027409165.1_mCynVol1.alt SAMN32206947 PRJNA911845 2022-12-27 mammals
272 pig-tailed macaque (mMacNem1hap2 2024)[IGV] Macaca nemestrina GCA_043161795.1_mMacNem.hap2 SAMN41827875 PRJNA1123829 2024-10-15 mammals
273 pinecone soldierfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Myripristis murdjan GCA_902148815.1_fMyrMur1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA4872133 PRJEB33187 2019-07-03 fish
274 pink pigeon (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Nesoenas mayeri GCA_963082445.1_bNesMay2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12922160 PRJEB64782 2023-08-08 birds
275 plains spadefoot toad (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Spea bombifrons GCA_027382365.2_aSpeBom1.2.alt SAMN28408467 PRJNA838346 2022-12-27 amphibians
276 platypus (alternate hap Pmale09 2020)[IGV] Ornithorhynchus anatinus GCA_004115175.2_mOrnAna1.alt.v3 SAMN08537700 PRJNA489115 2020-04-06 mammals
277 plumbeous ibis (bTheCae1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Theristicus caerulescens GCA_020745805.1_bTheCae1.alt.cur SAMN22550094 PRJNA774321 2021-11-05 birds
278 pollack (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pollachius pollachius GCA_949987605.1_fPolPol2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111562038 PRJEB61574 2023-04-29 fish
279 prehistoric monster fish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Thalassophryne amazonica GCA_902500245.1_fThaAma1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104129913 PRJEB34605 2019-09-30 fish
280 proboscis bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhynchonycteris naso GCA_037038555.1_mRhyNas2.hap2 SAMN39947078 PRJNA1076652 2024-03-06 mammals
281 Puerto Rican coqui (hap2 2024)[IGV] Eleutherodactylus coqui GCA_035609135.1_aEleCoq1.hap2 SAMN39150572 PRJNA1057918 2024-01-12 amphibians
282 pygmy chimpanzee (paternal 2024)[IGV] Pan paniscus GCA_028858825.2_NHGRI_mPanPan1-v2.0_pat SAMN13935689 PRJNA916734 2024-01-05 primates
283 pygmy sperm whale (mKogBre1 haplotype 2 2022)[IGV] Kogia breviceps GCA_026419985.1_mKogBre1_haplotype_2 SAMN31719513 PRJNA901931 2022-11-27 mammals
284 razorbill (alternate hap 2006_11_07_Graehlm_vinge_78 2019)[IGV] Alca torda GCA_008658355.1_bAlcTor1_alternate SAMN12292087 PRJNA554521 2019-09-23 birds
285 red deer (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Cervus elaphus GCA_910593805.1_mCerEla1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7523520 PRJEB45837 2021-07-07 mammals
286 red fox (hap2 2024)[IGV] Vulpes vulpes GCA_964106925.2_mVulVul1.hap2.2 SAMEA113398840 PRJEB75989 2024-06-27 mammals
287 red-bellied piranha (fPygNat1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Pygocentrus nattereri GCA_015220065.1_fPygNat1.alt SAMN12623623 PRJNA561976 2020-11-02 fish
288 red-billed tropicbird (paternal hap 2024)[IGV] Phaethon aethereus GCA_964289755.1_bPhaAeh10.paternal.1 SAMEA8228673 PRJEB81453 2024-10-25 birds
289 red-crested turaco (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Tauraco erythrolophus GCA_009764505.1_bTauEry1.alt SAMN12621036 PRJNA561948 2019-12-18 birds
290 red-fronted tinkerbird (bPogPus1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Pogoniulus pusillus GCA_015220175.1_bPogPus1.alt SAMN15098508 PRJNA637954 2020-11-02 birds
291 red-legged seriema (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Cariama cristata GCA_009819485.1_bCarCri1.alt SAMN12614807 PRJNA561893 2019-12-23 birds
292 red-throated loon (hap1 2023)[IGV] Gavia stellata GCA_030936125.1_bGavSte3.hap1 SAMN37096312 PRJNA1008846 2023-08-30 birds
293 red-throated loon (hap2 2023 genbank)[IGV] Gavia stellata GCA_030936135.1_bGavSte3.hap2 SAMN37096312 PRJNA1008847 2023-08-30 birds
294 reedfish (v3 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCA_900700845.3_fErpCal1.3_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104026374 PRJEB31582 2021-07-07 fish
295 Rice's whale (hap1 2023)[IGV] Balaenoptera ricei GCA_028017805.1_mBalRic1.hap1 SAMN32629060 PRJNA921697 2023-01-26 mammals
296 Rice's whale (hap2 2023 genbank)[IGV] Balaenoptera ricei GCA_028023285.1_mBalRic1.hap2 SAMN32629060 PRJNA921698 2023-01-30 mammals
297 rifleman (bAcaChl1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Acanthisitta chloris GCA_016880875.1_bAcaChl1.alt SAMN16442762 PRJNA561955 2021-02-10 birds
298 Riggenbach's reed frog (aHypRig1 alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Hyperolius riggenbachi GCA_040937895.1_aHypRig1.alt SAMN42123895 PRJNA1129094 2024-07-25 amphibians
299 ring-tailed lemur (mLemCat1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Lemur catta GCA_020740595.1_mLemCat1.alt SAMN12621102 PRJNA561950 2021-11-03 primates
300 roach minnow (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Rutilus rutilus GCA_951802655.1_fRutRut2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296543 PRJEB62671 2023-05-29 fish
301 rock gunnel (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Pholis gunnellus GCA_910591705.2_fPhoGun1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7522838 PRJEB45448 2021-11-18 fish
302 rock pigeon (racing homer bColLiv1 2024)[IGV] Columba livia GCA_036010775.2_bColLiv1.mat.v2 SAMN38891892 PRJNA1054132 2024-04-08 birds
303 rock pigeon (racing homer maternal 2024)[IGV] Columba livia GCA_036010775.1_bColLiv1.mat SAMN38891892 PRJNA1054132 2024-02-06 birds
304 rock ptarmigan (bLagMut1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Lagopus muta GCA_023344045.1_bLagMut1_alternate SAMN25144835 PRJNA836585 2022-05-12 birds
305 Rosablanca catfish (hap2 2023)[IGV] Trichomycterus rosablanca GCA_030015355.1_fTriRos1.hap2 SAMN32755940 PRJNA924297 2023-05-15 fish
306 royal ground snake (hap2 2023)[IGV] Erythrolamprus reginae GCA_031021085.1_rEryReg1.hap2 SAMN32631248 PRJNA921729 2023-08-30 reptiles
307 royal ground snake (hap3 2023)[IGV] Erythrolamprus reginae GCA_031001685.1_rEryReg1.hap3 SAMN32631248 PRJNA996865 2023-08-30 reptiles
308 rudd (Europe DD20220513a primary hap 2022)[IGV] Scardinius erythrophthalmus GCA_024453875.1_ASM2445387v1 SAMN28618522 PRJNA841808 2022-07-27 fish
309 rufous frog (hap1 2023)[IGV] Leptodactylus fuscus GCA_031893025.1_aLepFus1.hap1 SAMN37055805 PRJNA1007263 2023-09-26 amphibians
310 saddleback dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Delphinus delphis GCA_949987525.1_mDelDel1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380534 PRJEB61572 2023-04-29 mammals
311 Saker falcon (bFalChe1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Falco cherrug GCA_023634115.1_bFalChe1.alt SAMN28688204 PRJNA842830 2022-06-01 birds
312 saltmarsh sparrow (bAmmCau1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Ammospiza caudacuta GCA_027887135.1_bAmmCau1.alt SAMN28421630 PRJNA839451 2023-01-17 birds
313 San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Anniella stebbinsi GCA_029215795.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap2 SAMN33386066 PRJNA938518 2023-03-14 reptiles
314 sand lizard (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Lacerta agilis GCA_009819545.1_rLacAgi1.alt SAMN12629509 PRJNA562019 2019-12-23 reptiles
315 Sardinian treefrog (hap2 2023)[IGV] Hyla sarda GCA_029493135.1_aHylSar1.hap2 SAMN32629340 PRJNA921708 2023-03-30 amphibians
316 Schreibers' long-fingered bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Miniopterus schreibersii GCA_964145185.1_mMinSch1.hap2.1 SAMEA113980738 PRJEB76207 2024-06-04 mammals
317 sea lamprey (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Petromyzon marinus GCA_010993595.1_kPetMar1.alt SAMN12629506 PRJNA562012 2020-02-24 otherChordates
318 shanny (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Lipophrys pholis GCA_963383635.1_fLipPho2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7522844 PRJEB65341 2023-08-26 fish
319 sharpnose sevengill shark (hap2 2024)[IGV] Heptranchias perlo GCA_035084135.1_sHepPer1.hap2 SAMN38891902 PRJNA1054129 2024-01-04 sharks
320 siamang (Jambi alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Symphalangus syndactylus GCA_028878085.3_NHGRI_mSymSyn1-v2.0_alt SAMN30216103 PRJNA916728 2024-01-05 primates
321 siamang (v2 Jambi alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Symphalangus syndactylus GCA_028878085.2_NHGRI_mSymSyn1-v2.0_alt SAMN30216103 PRJNA916728 2024-01-05 primates
322 Siamese fighting fish (v5.4 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Betta splendens GCA_900651605.2_fBetSpl5.4_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104381735 PRJEB30366 2023-04-08 fish
323 Skyros wall lizard (rPodGai1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Podarcis gaigeae GCA_964106785.1_rPodGai1.hap2.1 SAMEA114217796 PRJEB76109 2024-06-06 reptiles
324 slow loris (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Nycticebus coucang GCA_027406535.1_mNycCou1.alt SAMN28408555 PRJNA838347 2022-12-27 primates
325 smaller spotted catshark (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Scyliorhinus canicula GCA_902713625.2_sScyCan1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994730 PRJEB35944 2021-01-28 sharks
326 smalleye Pacific opah (hap1 2023)[IGV] Lampris incognitus GCA_029633845.1_fLamInc1.hap1 SAMN34060140 PRJNA951789 2023-04-07 fish
327 smalltooth sawfish (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Pristis pectinata GCA_009764485.1_sPriPec2.alt SAMN12629505 PRJNA562010 2019-12-18 sharks
328 snake N.helvetica (rNatHel1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Natrix helvetica GCA_964273795.1_rNatHel1.hap2.1 SAMEA114598156 PRJEB80795 2024-10-04 reptiles
329 soprano pipistrelle (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pipistrellus pygmaeus GCA_949987765.1_mPipPyg2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA9921456 PRJEB61582 2023-04-29 mammals
330 South Island takahe (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Porphyrio hochstetteri GCA_020801775.1_bPorHoc1.pat.decon SAMN22550412 PRJNA774332 2021-11-08 birds
331 southern bluefin tuna (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Thunnus maccoyii GCA_910596085.1_fThuMac1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8654747 PRJEB46020 2021-07-07 fish
332 southern tamandua (mTamTet1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Tamandua tetradactyla GCA_023853755.1_mTamTet1.alt SAMN12612337 PRJNA561940 2022-06-22 mammals
333 southern two-toed sloth (mChoDid1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Choloepus didactylus GCA_015220265.1_mChoDid1.alt SAMN12612024 PRJNA561938 2020-11-02 mammals
334 Sowerby's beaked whale (hap2 2024)[IGV] Mesoplodon bidens GCA_964148845.1_mMesBid2.hap2.1 SAMEA112165298 PRJEB76217 2024-06-06 mammals
335 speckled mousebird (bColStr4 hap2 2023)[IGV] Colius striatus GCA_028858625.2_bColStr4.1.hap2 SAMN33339572 PRJNA936150 2023-02-24 birds
336 speckled mousebird (hap2 2023)[IGV] Colius striatus GCA_028858625.1_bColStr4.hap2 SAMN33339572 PRJNA936150 2023-02-24 birds
337 spotted gar (fLepOcu1hap1 2024)[IGV] Lepisosteus oculatus GCA_040954845.1_fLepOcu1.hap1 SAMN41155427 PRJNA1106998 2024-08-01 fish
338 spotted ratfish (hap1 2024)[IGV] Hydrolagus colliei GCA_035084065.1_sHydCol1.hap1 SAMN39156054 PRJNA1058004 2024-01-05 sharks
339 starry smooth-hound (sMusAst1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Mustelus asterias GCA_964214025.1_sMusAst1.hap2.1 SAMEA114298637 PRJEB78882 2024-08-10 sharks
340 sterlet (paternal hap 2022)[IGV] Acipenser ruthenus GCA_902713435.2_fAciRut3.2_paternal_haplotype SAMEA5572864 PRJEB35913 2022-02-01 fish
341 stone loach (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Barbatula barbatula GCA_947034905.1_fBarBar1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA11296540 PRJEB56421 2022-10-08 fish
342 striped catfish (fPanHyp1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Pangasianodon hypophthalmus GCA_027382375.1_fPanHyp1.alt SAMN32348883 PRJNA914798 2022-12-27 fish
343 striped dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Stenella coeruleoalba GCA_951394445.1_mSteCoe1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380539 PRJEB62075 2023-05-13 mammals
344 Sumatran orangutan (v2 AG06213 alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Pongo abelii GCA_028885685.2_NHGRI_mPonAbe1-v2.0_alt SAMN10521808 PRJNA916741 2024-01-05 primates
345 Suruca trogon (bTroSur1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Trogon surrucura GCA_020746095.1_bTroSur1.alt.cur SAMN22550082 PRJNA774296 2021-11-05 birds
346 Suwannee snapping turtle (hap1 2023)[IGV] Macrochelys suwanniensis GCA_033296515.1_rMacSuw1.hap1 SAMN37052244 PRJNA1006848 2023-11-06 reptiles
347 Swainson's thrush (bCatUst1 v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Catharus ustulatus GCA_009819505.2_bCatUst1.alt.v2 SAMN12618602 PRJNA561934 2020-11-05 birds
348 swamp sparrow (bMelGeo1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Melospiza georgiana GCA_028019105.1_bMelGeo1.alt SAMN22787412 PRJNA915610 2023-01-26 birds
349 Swift parrot (hap2 2024)[IGV] Lathamus discolor GCA_037157625.1_bLatDis1.hap2 SAMN40289871 PRJNA1085018 2024-03-15 birds
350 tailed frog (A.truei hap2 2024)[IGV] Ascaphus truei GCA_040206675.1_aAscTru1.hap2 SAMN41155128 PRJNA1106993 2024-06-17 amphibians
351 tammar wallaby (mMacEug1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Notamacropus eugenii GCA_028389975.1_mMacEug1.alt SAMN28408687 PRJNA838351 2023-02-01 mammals
352 tawny frogmouth (bPodStr1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Podargus strigoides GCA_028020675.1_bPodStr1.alt SAMN31801959 PRJNA912328 2023-01-26 birds
353 tawny owl (hap2 2023)[IGV] Strix aluco GCA_031877785.1_bStrAlu1.hap2 SAMN37055808 PRJNA1007266 2023-09-25 birds
354 thorny skate (alternate hap CabotCenter1 2020)[IGV] Amblyraja radiata GCA_010909745.1_sAmbRad1.alt SAMN09948523 PRJNA591368 2020-02-14 sharks
355 three-spined stickleback (hap2 2024)[IGV] Gasterosteus aculeatus GCA_964276385.1_fGasAcu3.hap2.1 SAMEA11296546 PRJEB81175 2024-10-25 fish
356 zebra shark (hap2 2023)[IGV] Stegostoma tigrinum GCA_030684295.1_sSteTig4.hap2 SAMN35823397 PRJNA986594 2023-08-07 sharks
357 tiny Cayenne caecilian (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Microcaecilia unicolor GCA_901765105.1_aMicUni1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104387962 PRJEB32738 2019-07-08 amphibians
358 torafugu (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Takifugu rubripes GCA_901000745.3_fTakRub1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104384834 PRJEB31989 2019-06-05 fish
359 tourmaline sunangel (hap2 2024)[IGV] Heliangelus exortis GCA_036172335.1_bHelExo1.hap2 SAMN37253778 PRJNA1012325 2024-01-26 birds
360 trahira (v1 hap1 2023)[IGV] Hoplias malabaricus GCA_029633855.1_fHopMal1.hap1 SAMN32740525 PRJNA923842 2023-04-07 fish
361 tufted duck (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Aythya fuligula GCA_009819845.1_bAytFul2.alt SAMN12621346 PRJNA561953 2019-12-23 birds
362 Tungara frog (aEngPut4 2024)[IGV] Engystomops pustulosus GCA_040894015.1_aEngPut4.paternal SAMN42463661 PRJNA1135146 2024-07-30 amphibians
363 tunicate S.clava (kaStyClav1.hap2.1 2024)[IGV] Styela clava GCA_964204955.1_kaStyClav1.hap2.1 SAMEA7536473 PRJEB78413 2024-07-27 otherChordates
364 two-lined caecilian (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Rhinatrema bivittatum GCA_901001175.1_aRhiBiv1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104387956 PRJEB32112 2019-06-02 amphibians
365 vaquita (alternate hap mPhoSin1 2019)[IGV] Phocoena sinus GCA_008692045.1_mPhoSin1.alt SAMN12325353 PRJNA557832 2019-09-24 mammals
366 warty frogfish (fAntMac1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Antennarius maculatus GCA_013347815.1_fAntMac1.alt SAMN12623626 PRJNA561980 2020-06-12 fish
367 western capercaillie (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Tetrao urogallus GCA_951394355.1_bTetUro1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA9654429 PRJEB62069 2023-05-13 birds
368 western European hedgehog (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Erinaceus europaeus GCA_950295305.1_mEriEur2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13207416 PRJEB61757 2023-05-01 mammals
369 western lowland gorilla (paternal KB3781 2024)[IGV] Gorilla gorilla gorilla GCA_028885475.2_NHGRI_mGorGor1-v2.0_pat SAMN04003007 PRJNA916733 2024-01-08 primates
370 western terrestrial garter snake (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Thamnophis elegans GCA_009769695.1_rThaEle1.alt SAMN12629499 PRJNA561997 2019-12-19 reptiles
371 whiskered bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Myotis mystacinus GCA_964195625.1_mMyoMys1.hap2.1 SAMEA114250307 PRJEB76003 2024-06-30 mammals
372 whiskered treeswift (bHemCom1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Hemiprocne comata GCA_020745695.1_bHemCom1.alt.cur SAMN22588383 PRJNA774830 2021-11-05 birds
373 white-beaked dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Lagenorhynchus albirostris GCA_949774935.1_mLagAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380537 PRJEB60993 2023-04-09 mammals
374 white-crowned manakin (hap2 2024)[IGV] Pseudopipra pipra GCA_036250135.1_bDixPip1.hap2 SAMN32739894 PRJNA1057370 2024-01-31 birds
375 white-tailed eagle (bHalAlb1.1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Haliaeetus albicilla GCA_947461935.1_bHalAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA12857288 PRJEB57864 2022-12-02 birds
376 white-toothed pygmy shrew (mSunEtr1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Suncus etruscus GCA_024140225.1_mSunEtr1.alt.cur SAMN28420931 PRJNA839355 2022-07-05 mammals
377 white-tufted-ear marmoset (maternal 2020)[IGV] Callithrix jacchus GCA_011078405.1_mCalJac1.mat SAMN12368443 PRJNA558086 2020-03-10 primates
378 whooping crane (paternal hap 2023)[IGV] Grus americana GCA_028858595.1_bGruAme1.pat SAMN32775697 PRJNA924954 2023-02-24 birds
379 yellow-bellied toad (paternal hap 2024)[IGV] Bombina variegata GCA_964205305.1_aBomVar4.paternal.1 SAMEA112651403 PRJEB76885 2024-07-29 amphibians
380 yellow-crowned parrot (bAmaOch1hap2 2024)[IGV] Amazona ochrocephala GCA_039720425.1_bAmaOch1.hap2 SAMN41018448 PRJNA1102368 2024-05-24 birds
381 yellow-legged gull (bLarMic1.1_alternate_haplotype 2024)[IGV] Larus michahellis GCA_964199725.1_bLarMic1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA114211328 PRJEB77561 2024-07-13 birds
382 yellow-spotted hyrax (mHetBru1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Heterohyrax brucei GCA_028571665.1_mHetBru1.alt SAMN33092455 PRJNA931598 2023-02-08 mammals
383 yellow-throated sandgrouse (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Pterocles gutturalis GCA_009769505.1_bPteGut1.alt SAMN12623217 PRJNA561959 2019-12-19 birds
384 yellowfin seabream (v.2019 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Acanthopagrus latus GCA_904848175.1_fAcaLat1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMN16236878 PRJEB40701 2020-10-12 fish
385 yellowfin tuna (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Thunnus albacares GCA_914744365.1_fThuAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8654749 PRJEB47266 2021-09-15 fish
386 zebra finch (alternate hap Blue55 v1 2020)[IGV] Taeniopygia guttata GCA_009859025.1_bTaeGut2.p.v1.alt SAMN09946140 PRJNA489187 2020-01-13 birds
387 zebra finch (Black17 v1.4 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Taeniopygia guttata GCA_003957525.2_bTaeGut1.4.alt SAMN02981239 PRJNA489099 2021-04-28 birds
388 zebra finch (v3 Blue55 maternal 2020)[IGV] Taeniopygia guttata GCA_008822115.3_bTaeGut2.mat.v3 SAMN09946140 PRJNA489100 2020-02-21 birds
389 zebra finch (Blue55 paternal W 2020)[IGV] Taeniopygia guttata GCF_008822105.2_bTaeGut2.pat.W.v2 SAMN09946140 PRJNA555095 2020-02-12 birds
390 zebrafish (fDanRer4 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Danio rerio GCA_944039255.1_fDanRer4.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA14088276 PRJEB53408 2022-06-17 fish
391 zebrafish (WGS:CAHPTA01 2020)[IGV] Danio rerio GCA_903684865.1_fDreABH1.1 SAMEA4760846 PRJEB38589 2020-06-28 fish
392 zebrafish (WGS:CAHPTB02 2020)[IGV] Danio rerio GCA_903684855.2_fDreTuH1.2 SAMEA4760849 PRJEB38588 2020-07-31 fish
393 zig-zag eel (alternate hap)[IGV] Mastacembelus armatus GCA_900700395.1_fMasArm1.2_alternate_haplotype SAMEA104026378 PRJEB31553 2019-04-01 fish

Alternate sets of VGP assembliesNCBI Refseq
Index pages:  primary assembly alternate/haplotype trio mat/pat legacy/superseded other NCBI Refseq assemblies
Assembly statistics:  primary assembly alternate/haplotype trio mat/pat legacy/superseded other NCBI Refseq assemblies
Track statistics:  primary assembly alternate/haplotype trio mat/pat legacy/superseded other NCBI Refseq assemblies