Fish Genomes assembly hubs, assembly statistics

Assemblies from NCBI/Genbank/Refseq sources, subset of fish only.

See also: hub accesstrack statistics

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(gap size sum)
1 Acadian redfish (fSebFas1 primary hap 2024) Sebastes fasciatus GCA_043250625.1_fSebFas1.pri 203 833,835,073 471 84,200 37.97
2 alligator pipefish (LvHL_M 2021) Syngnathoides biaculeatus GCF_019802595.1_ASM1980259v1 143 636,535,704 144 14,400 38.03
3 allis shad Alosa alosa GCF_017589495.1_AALO_Geno_1.1 1,095 854,464,681 1,541 767,536 38.87
4 Amazon molly Poecilia formosa GCF_000485575.1_Poecilia_formosa-5.1.2 3,985 748,923,461 36,429 34,735,552 26.04
5 amberjack S.aureovittata (China HTS-2021-v1 2021) Seriola aureovittata GCF_021018895.1_ASM2101889v1 31 647,095,223 150 75,500 26.68
6 American shad (fAloSap1 alternate hap 2021) Alosa sapidissima GCA_018492705.1_fAloSap1.alt 5,410 852,425,339 1 20 38.65
7 American shad (primary hap 2021) Alosa sapidissima GCF_018492685.1_fAloSap1.pri 74 903,581,644 1,639 4,995,812 39.49
8 Andian cavefish (hap1 2023 genbank) Trichomycterus rosablanca GCA_030014385.1_fTriRos1.hap1 349 1,045,025,885 198 39,600 49.04
9 Andian cavefish (hap1 2023 refseq) Trichomycterus rosablanca GCF_030014385.1_fTriRos1.hap1 349 1,045,025,885 198 39,600 49.04
10 annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus GCF_001266775.1_Austrofundulus_limnaeus-1.0 29,784 866,963,076 1,025,519 172,836,531 28.75
11 Antarctic jonasfish (primary hap 2024) Notolepis coatsorum GCA_963971535.1_fNotCoa1.1 5,983 3,427,809,033 15,113 3,020,567 68.42
12 Antarctic lanternfish (alternate hap 2023) Electrona antarctica GCA_951214905.1_fEleAnt2.1_alternate_haplotype 11,436 1,301,265,211 0 0 47.62
13 Antarctic lanternfish (primary hap 2023) Electrona antarctica GCA_951216825.1_fEleAnt2.1 1,901 1,427,445,741 3,179 635,800 52.88
14 Antarctic spiny plunderfish (primary hap 2020) Harpagifer antarcticus GCA_902827135.1_fHarAnt1.1 1,541 941,503,312 1,039 113,043 43.03
15 Arctic char Salvelinus sp. IW2-2015 GCF_002910315.2_ASM291031v2 15,253 2,169,549,916 1,718,015 148,387,905 44.87
16 Arctic char (CBP00131 primary hap 2024) Salvelinus alpinus oquassa GCA_036784965.1_fSalAlp2_p1.0 1,169 2,129,031,653 3,235 647,000 58.15
17 Aristotle's catfish (alternate hap 2022) Silurus aristotelis GCA_946807865.1_fSilAri3.1_alternate_haplotype 7,617 713,076,206 0 0 40.74
18 Aristotle's catfish (primary hap 2022) Silurus aristotelis GCA_946808225.1_fSilAri3.1 241 800,118,513 795 159,000 42.15
19 Arkansas darter Etheostoma cragini GCF_013103735.1_CSU_Ecrag_1.0 4,664 643,078,674 35,052 3,314,141 26.64
20 arroyo chub (AC-1 alternate hap 2022) Gila orcuttii GCA_026230005.1_fGilOrc1.0.hap1 179 1,263,410,250 327 32,700 50.53
21 arroyo chub (AC-1 primary hap 2022) Gila orcuttii GCA_026230025.1_fGilOrc1.0.hap2 341 1,272,848,069 318 31,800 50.58
22 Asian bonytongue (2019) Scleropages formosus GCF_900964775.1_fSclFor1.1 72 784,563,014 145 41,360 26.53
23 Asian bonytongue (alternate hap) Scleropages formosus GCA_900964985.2_fSclFor1.1_alternate_haplotype 2,006 751,313,211 1 25 26.29
24 Asian redtail catfish (EC202008001 2021) Hemibagrus wyckioides GCF_019097595.1_SWU_Hwy_1.0 73 789,816,092 107 10,700 37.39
25 Atlantic bluefin tuna (primary hap 2024 genbank) Thunnus thynnus GCA_963924715.1_fThuThy2.1 120 799,063,593 468 93,600 33.12
26 Atlantic bluefin tuna (primary hap 2024 refseq) Thunnus thynnus GCF_963924715.1_fThuThy2.1 119 799,047,066 468 93,600 33.12
27 Atlantic cod (2019) Gadus morhua GCF_902167405.1_gadMor3.0 227 669,966,409 1,216 23,573,743 33.47
28 Atlantic cod (alternate hap) Gadus morhua GCA_902167395.1_gadMor3.0_alternate_haplotype 3,592 584,119,146 3 75 33.87
29 Atlantic halibut (2019 refseq) Hippoglossus hippoglossus GCF_009819705.1_fHipHip1.pri 57 596,792,615 290 3,413,390 24.17
30 Atlantic halibut (alternate hap 2019) Hippoglossus hippoglossus GCA_009819745.1_fHipHip1.alt 4,053 676,690,381 62 3,468 24.50
31 Atlantic herring (v2) Clupea harengus GCF_900700415.2_Ch_v2.0.2 1,724 786,325,606 1,990 870,691 32.57
32 Atlantic horse mackerel (alternate hap 2021) Trachurus trachurus GCA_905171655.2_fTraTra1.2_alternate_haplotype 1,049 797,027,743 74 4,927 32.73
33 Atlantic horse mackerel (primary hap 2021) Trachurus trachurus GCA_905171665.2_fTraTra1.2 153 801,243,942 222 29,162 32.85
34 Atlantic mackerel (primary hap 2023 genbank) Scomber scombrus GCA_963691925.1_fScoSco1.1 666 764,157,853 1,489 297,822 29.96
35 Atlantic mackerel (primary hap 2023 refseq) Scomber scombrus GCF_963691925.1_fScoSco1.1 665 764,141,294 1,489 297,822 29.96
36 Atlantic salmon (refseq 2021) Salmo salar GCF_905237065.1_Ssal_v3.1 4,011 2,756,584,103 211 21,100 59.39
37 Atlantic salmon (Sally 2015) Salmo salar GCF_000233375.1_ICSASG_v2 232,152 2,966,861,068 138,207 348,002,350 51.87
38 Atlantic turbot (AOZZmale01 2020) Scophthalmus maximus GCF_013347765.1_ASM1334776v1 127 556,696,898 51 2,160 25.82
39 Australian ruff (RE-2024a hap1 2024) Arripis georgiana GCA_042242115.1_fArrGeo1.hap1 625 735,099,811 91 18,000 33.44
40 Australian ruff (RE-2024a hap2 2024) Arripis georgiana GCA_042242135.1_fArrGeo1.hap2 552 801,586,327 98 19,400 38.19
41 ballan wrasse (2016) Labrus bergylta GCF_900080235.1_BallGen_V1 13,466 805,480,521 257 137,791 30.40
42 ballan wrasse (primary hap 2024 genbank) Labrus bergylta GCA_963930695.1_fLabBer1.1 132 720,227,340 815 163,000 30.38
43 ballan wrasse (primary hap 2024 refseq) Labrus bergylta GCF_963930695.1_fLabBer1.1 131 720,210,020 815 163,000 30.38
44 banded archerfish (alternate hap 2021) Toxotes jaculatrix GCA_017976295.1_fToxJac2.alt 2,393 594,660,453 2 26 26.52
45 banded archerfish (primary hap 2021 refseq) Toxotes jaculatrix GCF_017976425.1_fToxJac2.pri 96 621,503,431 98 1,137,472 28.10
46 banded killifish (hap1 2024) Fundulus diaphanus GCA_037039145.1_fFunDia1.hap1 331 1,351,828,608 293 3,461,740 50.48
47 banded killifish (hap2 2024) Fundulus diaphanus GCA_037038625.1_fFunDia1.hap2 196 1,329,922,595 373 6,322,172 50.37
48 barbel (alternate hap 2022) Barbus barbus GCA_936446605.1_fBarBab1.1_alternate_haplotype 8,034 1,319,370,800 1 200 52.21
49 barbel (primary hap 2022) Barbus barbus GCA_936440315.1_fBarBab1.1 92 1,584,929,904 108 21,600 52.50
50 barramundi perch (ASB-BC8 2022) Lates calcarifer GCF_001640805.2_TLL_Latcal_v3 2,997 673,814,222 674 7,539,228 23.61
51 beardfish (hap1 2025) Polymixia lowei GCA_047511565.1_fPolLow2.hap1 327 675,344,950 752 150,427 30.33
52 beardfish (hap2 2025) Polymixia lowei GCA_047511595.1_fPolLow2.hap2 199 671,709,512 756 151,025 30.40
53 bicolor damselfish Stegastes partitus GCF_000690725.1_Stegastes_partitus-1.0.2 5,817 800,485,922 44,409 50,762,588 23.44
54 black goby (alternate hap 2023) Gobius niger GCA_951799965.1_fGobNig1.1_alternate_haplotype 3,523 838,316,121 0 0 45.69
55 black goby (primary hap 2023) Gobius niger GCA_951799975.1_fGobNig1.1 298 870,572,126 636 127,200 40.54
56 black perch (LCO1_2020_lvr alternate hap 2022) Embiotoca jacksoni GCA_022578405.1_fEmbJac1.0.a 62,783 1,686,865,087 639 63,900 26.96
57 black perch (LCO1_2020_lvr primary hap 2022 refseq) Embiotoca jacksoni GCF_022577435.1_fEmbJac1.0.p 229 634,668,633 234 23,401 28.99
58 black rockcod Notothenia coriiceps GCF_000735185.1_NC01 38,657 636,613,682 59,164 13,288,261 29.51
59 black seabass (Rhode Island RG_2023a 2023) Centropristis striata GCF_030273125.1_C.striata_1.0 92 926,021,963 341 33,027 38.92
60 blackbelly eelpout (fLycPai1 haplotype 1 2023) Lycodopsis pacificus GCA_028021495.1_fLycPai1.hap1 461 661,271,547 373 74,600 30.40
61 blackbelly eelpout (fLycPai1 haplotype 2 2023) Lycodopsis pacificus GCA_028022725.1_fLycPai1.hap2 109 646,369,862 366 73,200 29.94
62 blackstripe livebearer (line A6 2022) Poeciliopsis prolifica GCF_027474105.1_Auburn_PproV2 415 674,152,735 89 44,933 28.58
63 blacktail shiner (hap1 2024) Cyprinella venusta GCA_038021265.1_fCypVen1.hap1 673 918,162,819 709 131,200 46.85
64 blacktail shiner (hap2 2024) Cyprinella venusta GCA_038024135.1_fCypVen1.hap2 413 928,717,837 720 134,500 47.57
65 blue catfish (D&B 2022) Ictalurus furcatus GCF_023375685.1_Billie_1.0 43 825,475,682 171 16,147,546 44.46
66 blue tilapia (BGI-SZ) Oreochromis aureus GCF_005870065.1_ASM587006v1 12,952 918,953,803 53,539 93,301,056 23.12
67 blue tilapia (Guangdong) Oreochromis aureus GCF_013358895.1_ZZ_aureus 304 1,005,575,223 723 285,885 32.10
68 blue whiting (primary hap 2024) Micromesistius poutassou GCA_964030765.1_fMicPou1.1 3,832 520,636,573 3,055 611,000 35.17
69 bluestreak cleaner wrasse (JK-2023 2023) Labroides dimidiatus GCA_030710495.1_ASM3071049v1 57 726,375,676 211 20,176 30.23
70 bluestripe pipefish (RoL2022-K1 2023) Doryrhamphus excisus GCF_030265055.1_RoL_Dexc_1.0 57 519,378,276 12 240 41.17
71 blunt-snouted clingfish (alternate hap) Gouania willdenowi GCA_900650505.1_fGouWil2.1_alternate_haplotype 7,674 759,272,921 1 31 42.46
72 blunt-snouted clingfish (v2 2020 genbank) Gouania willdenowi GCA_900634775.2_fGouWil2.2 442 937,169,869 1,160 14,353,515 42.93
73 Boeseman's rainbowfish (fMelBoe1 alternate hap 2021) Melanotaenia boesemani GCA_017639755.1_fMelBoe1.alt 3,194 764,404,102 45 60,336 28.42
74 Boeseman's rainbowfish (primary hap 2021) Melanotaenia boesemani GCF_017639745.1_fMelBoe1.pri 93 865,592,457 440 3,217,901 29.18
75 Bolin's lanternfish (primary hap 2024) Protomyctophum bolini GCA_963924005.1_fProBol1.1 951 1,148,224,649 1,785 357,000 47.04
76 bonti-bonti (fTelBon1 alternate hap 2022) Telmatherina bonti GCA_933228925.1_fTelBon1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,619 781,234,592 0 0 38.85
77 bonti-bonti (primary hap 2022) Telmatherina bonti GCA_933228915.1_fTelBon1.1 146 986,039,709 1,329 265,800 40.16
78 bony fish B.hirsutus (HB-005 2024) Brachionichthys hirsutus GCF_040956055.1_CSIRO-AGI_Bhir_v1 1,370 406,634,837 1,486 148,600 24.98
79 bony fish P.dabryanus (BB 2023) Paramisgurnus dabryanus GCF_030506205.1_PD_contigs_1.0 610 1,425,974,144 1 60 50.18
80 bony fish S.pulcher (SPU_LCO1_2020_fin primary hap 2022) Semicossyphus pulcher GCF_022749685.1_fSemPul1.0.p 178 794,106,426 8 807 31.94
81 bony fish T.vachellii (PV-2020 2023) Tachysurus vachellii GCF_030014155.1_HZAU_Pvac_v1 78 692,121,426 291 145,500 35.39
82 bowfin (hap1 2024 refseq) Amia calva GCF_036373705.1_fAmiCal2.hap1 389 989,103,751 97 19,400 37.74
83 bowfin (hap2 2024) Amia calva GCA_036365475.1_fAmiCal2.hap2 297 958,875,937 80 16,000 36.24
84 Brauer's lanternfish (alternate hap 2023) Gymnoscopelus braueri GCA_963281105.1_fGymBra2.1_alternate_haplotype 10,794 1,279,160,753 5 1,000 46.07
85 Brauer's lanternfish (primary hap 2023) Gymnoscopelus braueri GCA_963280865.1_fGymBra2.1 676 1,367,984,568 2,704 540,800 49.78
86 broad-nosed pipefish (Sweden RoL2023-S1 2023) Syngnathus typhle GCF_033458585.1_RoL_Styp_1.0 495 435,284,570 40 800 43.83
87 brook trout (EN_2023a 2023) Salvelinus fontinalis GCF_029448725.1_ASM2944872v1 2,721 2,496,185,110 4,299 4,308,856 57.12
88 brown-marbled grouper (2020) Epinephelus fuscoguttatus GCF_011397635.1_E.fuscoguttatus.final_Chr_v1 26 1,047,012,452 205 20,500 31.35
89 Burton's mouthbrooder (Broad 2011) Haplochromis burtoni GCF_000239415.1_AstBur1.0 7,994 831,398,301 61,073 132,461,904 20.26
90 Burton's mouthbrooder (NCSU 2021) Haplochromis burtoni GCF_018398535.1_NCSU_Asbu1 7,421 854,588,855 32,418 93,726,465 23.62
91 butterfish (fScaArg1 alternate hap 2021) Scatophagus argus GCA_020382915.1_fScaArg1.alt 1,592 563,244,951 4 52 21.38
92 butterfish (primary hap 2021) Scatophagus argus GCF_020382885.2_fScaArg1.pri 48 570,802,272 77 1,711,559 21.27
93 butterfly blenny (primary hap 2023) Blennius ocellaris GCA_963422515.1_fBleOce1.1 525 728,745,255 1,625 325,000 32.58
94 California sheephead (SPU_LCO1_2020_fin alternate hap 2022) Semicossyphus pulcher GCA_022749735.1_fSemPul1.0.a 13,198 1,095,728,264 2,679 267,900 32.04
95 California sheephead (SPU_LCO1_2020_fin primary hap 2022) Semicossyphus pulcher GCA_022749685.1_fSemPul1.0.p 179 794,122,974 8 807 31.94
96 channel bull blenny (2019 refseq) Cottoperca gobio GCF_900634415.1_fCotGob3.1 322 609,391,784 445 2,553,975 28.72
97 channel bull blenny (alternate hap 2019) Cottoperca gobio GCA_900634435.1_fCotGob3.1_alternate_haplotype 11,555 671,265,480 10 925 26.88
98 channel catfish (USDA103 v2.0 2022) Ictalurus punctatus GCF_001660625.3_Coco_2.0 137 842,942,949 100 5,510,128 46.73
99 cherry salmon (Uvic2021 2024) Oncorhynchus masou masou GCF_036934945.1_UVic_Omas_1.1 17,263 2,664,802,492 4,047 1,594,659 55.66
100 chevron butterflyfish (hap1 2024 refseq) Chaetodon trifascialis GCF_039877785.1_fChaTrf1.hap1 36 662,489,023 49 9,600 24.65
101 chevron butterflyfish (hap2 2024) Chaetodon trifascialis GCA_039877575.1_fChaTrf1.hap2 71 664,933,391 43 8,500 24.11
102 chichlid (S. diagramma) Simochromis diagramma GCF_900408965.1_fSimDia1.1 823 848,827,444 942 39,011 29.00
103 Chinese cavefish (2022) Triplophysa rosa GCF_024868665.1_Trosa_1v2 1,039 684,821,613 9,510 9,903,649 43.83
104 Chinese large-mouth catfish (SWU-2019-XX 2020) Silurus meridionalis GCF_014805685.1_ASM1480568v1 286 742,596,447 597 1,345,608 37.56
105 Chinese sucker (Aquarium Trade MX2 2022) Myxocyprinus asiaticus GCF_019703515.2_UBuf_Myxa_2 353 2,340,864,798 224 112,000 59.93
106 Chinook salmon (v1 2018 female) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha GCF_002872995.1_Otsh_v1.0 14,028 2,425,709,133 272,151 66,933,393 47.70
107 Chinook salmon (v2 Ot180627B 2021 male rfseq) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha GCF_018296145.1_Otsh_v2.0 7,665 2,294,859,190 2,334 231,729 54.65
108 chub mackerel (fScoJap1 alternate hap 2022) Scomber japonicus GCA_027409835.1_fScoJap1.alt 2,162 783,090,595 1 39 30.75
109 chub mackerel (primary hap 2022 refseq) Scomber japonicus GCF_027409825.1_fScoJap1.pri 360 828,681,152 1,572 647,100 32.44
110 chum salmon (Oke142-1_Chum_Gynogen 2020) Oncorhynchus keta GCF_012931545.1_Oket_V1 25,265 1,853,104,330 242,238 86,386,492 46.35
111 chum salmon (PuntledgeMale-10-30-2019 2022) Oncorhynchus keta GCF_023373465.1_Oket_V2 14,075 2,556,477,726 3,433 341,979 55.78
112 climbing perch (alternate hap 2019) Anabas testudineus GCA_900650485.1_fAnaTes1.2_alternate_haplotype 2,641 539,091,056 36 2,107,526 21.00
113 climbing perch (v1.3 2021) Anabas testudineus GCA_900324465.3_fAnaTes1.3 51 555,658,509 266 3,606,496 21.33
114 clown anemonefish (DU_AmpOce 2017) Amphiprion ocellaris GCF_002776465.1_AmpOce1.0 6,405 880,720,895 1,406 545,178 32.00
115 clown anemonefish (Okinawa individual 3 2022) Amphiprion ocellaris GCF_022539595.1_ASM2253959v1 354 863,484,803 1,454 136,641 35.40
116 coho salmon (150728-3 2019) Oncorhynchus kisutch GCF_002021735.2_Okis_V2 4,087 2,375,911,593 5,631 469,357 54.83
117 common bream (primary hap 2024) Abramis brama GCA_963993115.1_fAbrBra2.1 208 1,108,218,292 685 137,000 48.57
118 common carp (R8XR3 2021) Cyprinus carpio carpio GCA_905221575.1_Cypcar_WagV4.0 674 1,460,348,793 372 37,200 41.50
119 common carp (SPL01 2021) Cyprinus carpio GCF_018340385.1_ASM1834038v1 6,701 1,680,134,903 26,351 7,988,566 38.58
120 common dab (primary hap 2023) Limanda limanda GCF_963576545.1_fLimLim1.1 338 717,580,706 275 55,000 35.04
121 common dace (hap1.1 2025) Leuciscus leuciscus GCA_965113295.1_fLeuLeu2.hap1.1 876 1,198,377,133 1,202 240,400 42.69
122 common seadragon (TA_2022b 2022) Phyllopteryx taeniolatus GCF_024500385.1_UOR_Ptae_1.2 1,259 652,173,514 196 3,920 40.24
123 common sole (alternate hap 2023) Solea solea GCA_958295035.1_fSolSol10.1_alternate_haplotype 1,318 627,818,797 0 0 31.70
124 common sole (primary hap 2023 refseq) Solea solea GCF_958295425.1_fSolSol10.1 242 643,757,955 373 74,600 32.91
125 common whitefish (fCorLav1.hap1.1 2024) Coregonus lavaretus GCA_964263955.1_fCorLav1.hap1.1 11,150 2,842,862,595 5,995 1,199,000 61.61
126 common whitefish (fCorLav1.hap2.1 2024) Coregonus lavaretus GCA_964263835.1_fCorLav1.hap2.1 3,980 2,352,365,286 4,689 937,818 61.14
127 convict blenny (fPhoLeu1 alternate hap 2021) Pholidichthys leucotaenia GCA_020510965.1_fPhoLeu1.alt 21,417 1,865,716,438 144 143,564 67.06
128 convict blenny (primary hap 2021) Pholidichthys leucotaenia GCA_020510985.1_fPhoLeu1.pri 512 6,032,307,556 2,580 52,780,824 48.95
129 copperband butterflyfish (fCheRos1 alternate hap 2021) Chelmon rostratus GCA_017976315.1_fCheRos1.alt 2,125 601,666,562 1 500 32.92
130 copperband butterflyfish (primary hap 2021) Chelmon rostratus GCF_017976325.1_fCheRos1.pri 29 644,208,431 60 11,380 21.59
131 corkwing wrasse (primary hap 2022) Symphodus melops GCA_947650265.1_fSymMel2.1 395 636,368,453 1,379 275,800 28.78
132 Corydoras catfish unclassified (C115 2021) Corydoras sp. C115 GCA_019802505.1_Lin1PacBio.ctg.fa.r3p3_pilon_3_oneline.fasta 2,080 699,660,186 0 0 45.33
133 crested bigscale (hap1.1 2025) Poromitra crassiceps GCA_964638095.1_fPorCra3.hap1.1 2,788 1,630,001,977 2,975 595,000 57.57
134 crested bigscale (hap2.1 2025) Poromitra crassiceps GCA_964638665.1_fPorCra3.hap2.1 1,407 1,511,638,839 2,894 578,800 56.40
135 crucian carp (alternate hap 2023) Carassius carassius GCA_963082795.1_fCarCar2.1_alternate_haplotype 3,713 209,623,727 0 0 46.45
136 crucian carp (primary hap 2023 refseq) Carassius carassius GCF_963082965.1_fCarCar2.1 277 1,684,296,438 832 166,400 45.86
137 cuckoo wrasse (primary hap 2023) Labrus mixtus GCF_963584025.1_fLabMix1.1 324 740,563,171 570 114,014 33.86
138 cunner (fTauAds1 alternate hap 2021) Tautogolabrus adspersus GCA_020745675.1_fTauAds1.alt.cur 1,476 695,716,069 31 74,261 30.23
139 cunner (primary hap 2021) Tautogolabrus adspersus GCA_020745685.1_fTauAds1.pri.cur 64 723,582,185 283 4,256,220 30.38
140 Dalai köbertrulling (WHDGS20190420 2020) Triplophysa dalaica GCF_015846415.1_ASM1584641v1 51 607,940,176 116 11,600 40.25
141 Danionella translucida (Bolton 2019) Danionella cerebrum GCA_007224835.1_ASM722483v1 27,639 735,303,417 8,366 9,600,144 35.07
142 Danionella translucida (fDanTra1 2020) Danionella cerebrum GCA_903798025.1_fDanTra1.1 11,344 657,340,729 18,487 38,677,057 28.85
143 dark-edged splitfin (DD_20200921_A 2022 refseq) Girardinichthys multiradiatus GCF_021462225.1_DD_fGirMul_XY1 72 1,150,004,004 409 6,172,100 38.37
144 delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus GCF_021917145.1_fHypTra1 376 437,273,953 1,474 354,099 32.53
145 denticle herring (alternate hap 2019) Denticeps clupeoides GCA_900700345.2_fDenClu1.1_alternate_haplotype 1,972 457,704,509 4 226 27.74
146 denticle herring (v2 2020) Denticeps clupeoides GCA_900700375.2_fDenClu1.2 461 567,417,970 464 4,648,387 28.83
147 dorado (hap1 2023) Salminus brasiliensis GCA_030448965.1_fSalBra1.hap1 182 1,078,246,036 641 20,261,167 36.11
148 dorado (hap2 2023) Salminus brasiliensis GCA_030463535.1_fSalBra1.hap2 104 1,066,501,646 726 9,072,217 36.78
149 double-spotted pufferfish T.bimaculatus (TB-2018 2019) Takifugu bimaculatus GCA_004026145.2_XU_Tbim_1.0 1,158 404,311,738 1,033 104,200 22.77
150 dwarf seahorse (Florida 2022) Hippocampus zosterae GCF_025434085.1_ASM2543408v3 213 544,521,268 79 1,580 41.86
151 eastern happy (v3 2021) Astatotilapia calliptera GCA_900246225.5_fAstCal1.3 249 880,445,568 490 1,186,663 35.92
152 eastern happy (primary hap 2024) Astatotilapia calliptera GCA_964374335.1_fAstCal68.1 31 933,429,770 40 4,500 32.72
153 electric eel (fEleEle1 alternate hap 2020) Electrophorus electricus GCA_013347915.1_fEleEle1.alt 2,629 428,136,346 0 0 24.43
154 electric eel (fEleEle1 primary hap 2020) Electrophorus electricus GCF_013358815.1_fEleEle1.pri 89 589,358,956 227 10,599,768 24.89
155 electric eel (MRS-EE1 2018 U Wisconsin) Electrophorus electricus GCF_003665695.1_Ee_SOAP_WITH_SSPACE 8,786 551,880,868 119,361 17,042,720 21.59
156 elephant fish B.brachyistius (T26 2022) Brienomyrus brachyistius GCF_023856365.1_BBRACH_0.4 1,425 988,088,817 234 112,552 35.02
157 emerald rockcod Trematomus bernacchii GCF_902827165.1_fTreBer1.1 864 867,125,071 932 117,692 40.13
158 Eurasian minnow (alternate hap 2023) Phoxinus phoxinus GCA_949152275.1_fPhoPho1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,941 925,610,136 8 1,600 44.35
159 Eurasian minnow (primary hap 2023) Phoxinus phoxinus GCA_949152265.1_fPhoPho1.1 125 950,498,056 881 176,200 44.44
160 European anchovy (BLACKSEA-1 2023) Engraulis encrasicolus GCF_034702125.1_IST_EnEncr_1.0 1,922 1,435,200,347 9,202 222,396 50.58
161 European chub (alternate hap 2023) Squalius cephalus GCA_949319155.1_fSquCep2.1_alternate_haplotype 7,425 979,250,430 12 2,400 48.14
162 European chub (primary hap 2023) Squalius cephalus GCA_949319135.1_fSquCep2.1 106 1,101,930,522 588 117,600 49.02
163 European conger (primary hap 2023 refseq) Conger conger GCF_963514075.1_fConCon1.1 380 1,136,402,888 1,009 201,800 35.55
164 European flounder (alternate hap 2023) Platichthys flesus GCA_949316195.1_fPlaFle2.1_alternate_haplotype 1,915 587,918,088 0 0 26.42
165 European flounder (primary hap 2023 genbank) Platichthys flesus GCA_949316205.1_fPlaFle2.1 109 597,138,466 482 96,400 27.15
166 European flounder (primary hap 2023 refseq) Platichthys flesus GCF_949316205.1_fPlaFle2.1 108 597,120,941 482 96,400 27.16
167 European perch Perca fluviatilis GCF_010015445.1_GENO_Pfluv_1.0 303 951,345,774 801 292,795 37.11
168 European plaice (alternate hap 2022) Pleuronectes platessa GCA_947347695.1_fPlePla1.1_alternate_haplotype 3,219 613,421,917 3 600 28.01
169 European plaice (primary hap 2022 refseq) Pleuronectes platessa GCF_947347685.1_fPlePla1.1 355 687,388,084 1,072 214,400 33.59
170 European seabass (2021) Dicentrarchus labrax GCF_905237075.1_dlabrax2021 303 695,910,406 272 1,022,065 26.22
171 European smelt (primary hap 2023 genbank) Osmerus eperlanus GCA_963692335.1_fOsmEpe2.1 1,008 508,737,883 2,462 492,400 35.91
172 European smelt (primary hap 2023 refseq) Osmerus eperlanus GCF_963692335.1_fOsmEpe2.1 1,007 508,721,272 2,462 492,400 35.92
173 European sprat (primary hap 2023) Sprattus sprattus GCA_963457725.1_fSprSpr1.1 387 840,332,306 1,501 300,226 35.52
174 fathead minnow Pimephales promelas GCF_016745375.1_EPA_FHM_2.0 911 1,066,429,022 5,594 141,038,611 35.72
175 flathead mullet Mugil cephalus GCF_022458985.1_CIBA_Mcephalus_1.1 24 634,849,760 445 222,500 24.79
176 flier cichlid (alternate hap MPI-CPG 2019) Archocentrus centrarchus GCA_007364235.1_fArcCen1_v1.h 9,292 1,034,011,644 13 209,959 30.50
177 flier cichlid (MPI-CPG 2019 refseq) Archocentrus centrarchus GCF_007364275.1_fArcCen1 188 932,930,362 744 16,903,477 30.69
178 freshwater garfish (fXenCan1 alternate hap 2020) Xenentodon cancila GCA_014839645.1_fXenCan1.alt 5,169 658,557,970 2 1,000 26.36
179 freshwater garfish (primary hap 2020) Xenentodon cancila GCA_014839995.1_fXenCan1.pri 410 736,214,936 1,373 7,503,584 27.54
180 giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus GCF_005281545.1_ASM528154v1 4,201 1,087,415,941 23,415 39,254,828 30.31
181 gilthead seabream (alternate hap 2019) Sparus aurata GCA_900880695.1_fSpaAur1.1_alternate_haplotype 7,239 668,417,842 2 532 24.38
182 gilthead seabream (v2 2021) Sparus aurata GCA_900880675.2_fSpaAur1.2 176 833,595,063 1,050 342,268 29.60
183 golden-line barbel Sinocyclocheilus grahami GCF_001515645.1_SAMN03320097.WGS_v1.1 31,277 1,750,287,761 136,894 182,848,609 37.17
184 goldfish Carassius auratus GCF_003368295.1_ASM336829v1 6,216 1,820,635,050 2,247 224,700 40.21
185 grass carp (HZGC_01 2021) Ctenopharyngodon idella GCF_019924925.1_HZGC01 31 893,215,104 150 150,000 40.24
186 great blue-spotted mudskipper (Guang Dong 2022) Boleophthalmus pectinirostris GCF_026225935.1_ASM2622593v1 600 941,505,238 3,407 3,486,618 54.69
187 great blue-spotted mudskipper (pooled male+femail 2014 BGI) Boleophthalmus pectinirostris GCF_000788275.1_BP.fa 16,620 955,752,150 92,327 65,847,082 42.56
188 greater amberjack Seriola dumerili GCF_002260705.1_Sdu_1.0 34,656 677,686,174 9,742 5,561,840 24.75
189 greater argentine (alternate hap 2023) Argentina silus GCA_951799415.1_fArgSil1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,805 550,403,860 0 0 35.98
190 greater argentine (primary hap 2023) Argentina silus GCA_951799395.1_fArgSil1.1 1,024 670,765,936 1,752 350,400 39.30
191 greater pipefish (v1 alternate hap 2019) Syngnathus acus GCA_901709685.1_fSynAcu1.1_alternate_haplotype 1,848 234,858,432 2 600 23.32
192 greater pipefish (v1.2 2020 refseq) Syngnathus acus GCF_901709675.1_fSynAcu1.2 87 324,331,233 43 13,700 25.95
193 greater pipefish (v2 2023 genbank) Syngnathus acus GCA_948146105.1_fSynAcu2.1 251 359,216,277 95 19,000 34.10
194 greater pipefish (v2 alternate haplotype 2023) Syngnathus acus GCA_948146095.1_fSynAcu2.1_alternate_haplotype 4,533 334,243,819 0 0 29.10
195 greater sand-eel (alternate hap 2023) Hyperoplus immaculatus GCA_949358355.1_fHypImm3.1_alternate_haplotype 4,952 763,769,615 0 0 38.84
196 greater sand-eel (primary hap 2023) Hyperoplus immaculatus GCA_949357725.1_fHypImm3.1 1,568 797,804,280 1,188 237,600 40.07
197 green swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii GCF_003331165.1_Xiphophorus_hellerii-4.1 87 732,906,125 661 2,127,807 28.89
198 grey gurnard (primary hap 2023) Eutrigla gurnardus GCA_963514095.1_fEutGur1.1 319 680,483,561 553 110,600 35.71
199 gudgeon (alternate hap 2023) Gobio gobio GCA_949357705.1_fGobGob1.1_alternate_haplotype 7,245 1,349,092,698 8 1,600 67.88
200 gudgeon (primary hap 2023) Gobio gobio GCA_949357685.1_fGobGob1.1 231 1,460,679,231 1,046 209,200 68.84
201 Gulf pipefish (Florida 2022) Syngnathus scovelli GCF_024217435.2_RoL_Ssco_1.2 495 428,400,902 11 220 43.65
202 Gulf pipefish (RoL_Ssco_1.1 Florida 2022 refseq) Syngnathus scovelli GCF_024217435.1_RoL_Ssco_1.1 496 428,432,749 11 220 43.65
203 Gulf pipefish (RoL_Ssco_1.2 Florida 2022 genbank) Syngnathus scovelli GCA_024217435.4_RoL_Ssco_1.2 496 428,417,373 11 220 43.65
204 guppy Poecilia reticulata GCF_000633615.1_Guppy_female_1.0_MT 2,767 731,621,225 458,354 67,451,939 25.67
205 honeycomb rockfish (fSebUmb1 alternate hap 2020) Sebastes umbrosus GCA_015220095.1_fSebUmb1.alt 2,131 765,970,641 21 855 37.65
206 honeycomb rockfish (primary hap 2020) Sebastes umbrosus GCF_015220745.1_fSebUmb1.pri 138 800,904,020 215 1,393,892 36.28
207 horned golden-line barbel Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous GCF_001515625.1_SAMN03320098_v1.1 164,172 1,655,785,943 150,790 134,307,852 35.97
208 humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus GCF_018320785.1_ASM1832078v1 46 1,173,472,134 284 28,400 33.01
209 Indian glassy fish (alternate hap 2019) Parambassis ranga GCA_900651595.1_fParRan2.1_alternate_haplotype 2,242 486,545,135 230 2,056,711 24.11
210 Indian glassy fish (v2 2020) Parambassis ranga GCA_900634625.2_fParRan2.2 157 551,029,983 1,523 10,561,548 25.10
211 Indian medaka Oryzias melastigma GCF_002922805.2_ASM292280v2 8,493 778,703,520 51,550 40,471,418 33.35
212 Indo-Pacific tarpon (2020) Megalops cyprinoides GCF_013368585.1_fMegCyp1.pri 207 959,258,046 63 283,098 22.11
213 Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus GCF_001970005.1_Flounder_ref_guided_V1.0 9,525 643,911,827 40,314 122,165,179 17.39
214 Japanese flounder (ysfri-2021 2022) Paralichthys olivaceus GCF_024713975.1_ASM2471397v2 25 588,187,604 21 2,100 26.58
215 Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes GCF_002234675.1_ASM223467v1 25 734,057,086 491 491,000 34.95
216 jewelled blenny (2019) Salarias fasciatus GCF_902148845.1_fSalaFa1.1 203 797,507,141 602 10,447,897 26.61
217 jewelled blenny (alternate hap 2019) Salarias fasciatus GCA_902148835.1_fSalaFa1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,516 894,675,777 9 3,272,521 28.60
218 John dory (alternate hap 2023) Zeus faber GCA_960530785.1_fZeuFab8.1_alternate_haplotype 5,370 809,816,570 0 0 40.06
219 John dory (primary hap 2023) Zeus faber GCA_960531495.1_fZeuFab8.1 191 804,731,948 887 177,400 39.97
220 kelp grouper (mb 2019) Epinephelus moara GCF_006386435.1_YSFRI_EMoa_1.0 4,563 1,030,477,684 48,394 30,797,138 29.13
221 kelp perch (BFR_SWC_R1_liver_20210118 2023) Brachyistius frenatus GCF_029030835.1_ASM2903083v1 1,003 595,935,260 0 0 26.91
222 Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1 alternate hap 2020 genbank) Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus GCA_009829135.1_fPerMag1.alt 2,799 698,977,026 1 500 39.04
223 Korean giant-fin mudskipper (v1.2 primary hap 2023) Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus GCF_009829125.3_fPerMag1.2.pri 122 752,605,561 701 7,178,761 43.07
224 lake trout Salvelinus namaycush GCF_016432855.1_SaNama_1.0 4,121 2,345,513,378 3,264 326,400 54.51
225 lake whitefish (EN20210322 male 2021 Laval U) Coregonus clupeaformis GCF_018398675.1_ASM1839867v1 6,355 2,682,612,311 1,716 74,680 61.22
226 lake whitefish (EN_2021a female 2021 Laval U) Coregonus clupeaformis GCF_020615455.1_ASM2061545v1 7,334 2,753,287,365 1,159 120,877 61.18
227 lantern fish (primary hap 2024) Nannobrachium achirus GCA_963921795.1_fNanAch1.1 673 1,658,848,640 2,397 479,400 54.08
228 large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea GCF_000972845.2_L_crocea_2.0 9,998 657,939,657 7,424 2,166,101 24.87
229 large-eye snaggletooth (alternate hap 2023) Borostomias antarcticus GCA_949987545.1_fBorAnt1.1_alternate_haplotype 5,761 788,134,964 0 0 42.72
230 large-eye snaggletooth (primary hap 2023) Borostomias antarcticus GCA_949987555.1_fBorAnt1.1 1,378 909,249,001 2,631 526,200 46.88
231 largemouth bass (2-A1 2021) Micropterus salmoides GCA_019677235.1_HNU_Msal_1.0 202 877,669,248 672 335,002 29.68
232 largemouth bass (LMB-PRFRI aquatic 2020) Micropterus salmoides GCF_014851395.1_ASM1485139v1 4,753 963,613,914 2,909 1,454,500 29.63
233 largescale foureyes (fAnaAna1 alternate hap 2020) Anableps anableps GCA_014839705.1_fAnaAna1.alt 5,088 445,542,990 0 0 27.42
234 largescale foureyes (primary hap 2020) Anableps anableps GCA_014839685.1_fAnaAna1.pri 33 867,632,993 107 306,559 29.88
235 leafy seadragon (BA_2022a 2022) Phycodurus eques GCF_024500275.1_UOR_Pequ_1.1 1,537 666,479,602 76 1,760 41.21
236 lemon sole (primary hap 2024) Microstomus kitt GCA_964266715.1_fMicKit1.1 1,581 752,333,918 409 81,800 39.40
237 leopard coralgrouper Plectropomus leopardus GCF_008729295.1_YSFRI_Pleo_2.0 94,260 895,705,288 3,611 15,810,414 29.38
238 lesser salmon catfish (fNeoGra1 alternate hap 2023) Neoarius graeffei GCA_027579805.1_fNeoGra1.alt 6,590 2,195,086,485 3 67 62.71
239 lesser salmon catfish (primary hap 2023 refseq) Neoarius graeffei GCF_027579695.1_fNeoGra1.pri 38 2,341,916,362 334 13,260,140 71.56
240 lesser sand-eel (alternate hap 2023) Ammodytes marinus GCA_950004245.1_fAmmMar1.1_alternate_haplotype 3,619 756,335,084 1 200 38.09
241 lesser sand-eel (primary hap 2023) Ammodytes marinus GCA_949987685.1_fAmmMar1.1 617 777,835,610 1,017 203,400 39.22
242 lesser weever (primary hap 2023) Echiichthys vipera GCA_963691815.1_fEchVip8.1 133 800,398,249 606 121,200 33.26
243 limp eelpout (alternate hap 2023) Melanostigma gelatinosum GCA_949748265.1_fMelGel1.1_alternate_haplotype 2,698 629,798,166 2 400 30.28
244 limp eelpout (primary hap 2023) Melanostigma gelatinosum GCA_949748355.1_fMelGel1.1 534 661,975,483 589 119,200 33.26
245 live sharksucker (alternate hap 2019) Echeneis naucrates GCA_900963505.1_fEcheNa1.1_alternate_haplotype 1,405 528,272,450 19 224,651 22.09
246 live sharksucker (v2 2021) Echeneis naucrates GCA_900963305.2_fEcheNa1.2 38 544,229,243 140 599,356 21.82
247 longspined bullhead (.1 primary hap 2021) Taurulus bubalis GCA_910589615.1_fTauBub2.1 27 615,153,901 242 77,100 28.62
248 longspined bullhead (fTauBub2.1 alternate hap 2021) Taurulus bubalis GCA_910589325.1_fTauBub2.1_alternate_haplotype 1,778 614,755,631 0 0 28.10
249 lumpfish (alternate hap 2019) Cyclopterus lumpus GCA_009769515.1_fCycLum1.alt 1,866 480,967,379 0 0 28.18
250 lumpfish (primary hap v2.1 2023 genbank) Cyclopterus lumpus GCA_963457625.1_fCycLum2.1 232 586,296,809 954 190,814 30.29
251 lumpfish (v1 primary hap 2019 refseq) Cyclopterus lumpus GCF_009769545.1_fCycLum1.pri 48 572,885,595 347 10,182,204 28.09
252 lyretail cichlid Neolamprologus brichardi GCF_000239395.1_NeoBri1.0 9,083 847,883,811 109,100 161,986,532 19.51
253 Malawi cichlid R.sp.'chilingali' (2024) Rhamphochromis sp. 'chilingali' GCA_963969265.1_fRhaChi2.1 82 921,184,210 422 84,400 38.20
254 mandarin fish (FFG_IHB_CAS 2021) Siniperca chuatsi GCF_020085105.1_ASM2008510v1 65 718,820,513 93 9,300 27.44
255 mandarin fish (RoL2022-P1 2023) Synchiropus splendidus GCF_027744825.2_RoL_Sspl_1.0 97 582,898,256 19 361 32.12
256 mangrove rivulus Kryptolebias marmoratus GCF_001649575.2_ASM164957v2 300 680,655,669 32,278 38,822,415 27.34
257 marbled rockcod (alternate hap 2023) Notothenia rossii GCA_949606865.1_fNotRos5.1_alternate_haplotype 8,737 1,005,523,998 0 0 45.04
258 marbled rockcod (primary hap 2023) Notothenia rossii GCA_949606895.1_fNotRos5.1 943 1,042,906,029 4,157 831,400 44.98
259 Mariana snailfish (Mariana Trench HS2019 2023) Pseudoliparis swirei GCF_029220125.1_NWPU_hadal_v1 200 626,455,521 974 874,774 37.78
260 Mexican tetra (2017 WashU) Astyanax mexicanus GCF_000372685.2_Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0 2,415 1,335,239,194 621 43,642,769 42.58
261 Mexican tetra (ESR-SI-001 2022) Astyanax mexicanus GCF_023375975.1_AstMex3_surface 109 1,373,169,186 14 7,000 47.33
262 Mexican tetra (Pach_M1 Pachon cave 2021) Astyanax mexicanus GCA_019721115.1_AMEX_1.1 195 1,378,811,567 334 165,606 47.76
263 milkfish (2019) Chanos chanos GCF_902362185.1_fChaCha1.1 31 656,929,047 112 4,230,332 26.35
264 milkfish (alternate hap 2019) Chanos chanos GCA_902362175.1_fChaCha1.1_alternate_haplotype 1,937 637,484,823 3 700 26.50
265 minispotted lanternfish (primary hap 2023) Gymnoscopelus microlampas GCA_963454915.1_fGymMic1.1 374 1,318,656,016 1,398 279,600 47.09
266 monkeyface prickleback (CVI_PGR_0920_01 alternate hap 2022) Cebidichthys violaceus GCA_023349535.1_fCebVio1.0.a 486 606,177,218 927 92,700 27.32
267 monkeyface prickleback (CVI_PGR_0920_01 primary hap 2022) Cebidichthys violaceus GCA_023349555.1_fCebVio1.0.p 725 575,660,146 936 93,600 27.15
268 monkeyface prickleback (CVI_PGR_0920_01 primary hap 2022) Cebidichthys violaceus GCF_023349555.1_fCebVio1.0.p 724 575,643,635 936 93,600 27.15
269 Monterrey platyfish Xiphophorus couchianus GCF_001444195.1_X_couchianus-1.0 68 688,541,509 229 1,031,462 28.28
270 mummichog (Maine) Fundulus heteroclitus GCF_000826765.1_Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2 10,180 1,021,898,560 123,625 89,424,232 26.05
271 mummichog (U. Missouri) Fundulus heteroclitus GCF_011125445.2_MU-UCD_Fhet_4.1 1,031 1,203,505,739 2,820 1,407,874 33.01
272 New Zealand spotty (alternate hap 2019 genbank) Notolabrus celidotus GCA_009762545.1_fNotCel1.alt 3,286 770,553,912 0 0 33.61
273 New Zealand spotty (primary hap 2019 genbank) Notolabrus celidotus GCA_009762535.1_fNotCel1.pri 468 846,760,650 1,135 14,268,481 33.39
274 New Zealand spotty (primary hap refseq) Notolabrus celidotus GCF_009762535.1_fNotCel1.pri 467 846,744,125 1,135 14,268,481 33.39
275 Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus GCF_001858045.2_O_niloticus_UMD_NMBU 2,460 1,005,681,550 551 55,001 31.17
276 ninespine stickleback (alternate hap 2023) Pungitius pungitius GCA_949316245.1_fPunPun2.1_alternate_haplotype 1,934 413,337,341 0 0 27.13
277 ninespine stickleback (NSP_V7 2020) Pungitius pungitius GCF_902500615.1_NSP_V7 1,667 466,599,196 341 34,100 25.74
278 ninespine stickleback (primary hap 2023 genbank) Pungitius pungitius GCA_949316345.1_fPunPun2.1 175 480,450,674 738 147,600 28.40
279 ninespine stickleback (primary hap 2023 refseq) Pungitius pungitius GCF_949316345.1_fPunPun2.1 174 480,434,100 738 147,600 28.40
280 North African catfish (Netherlands MV-2021 2022) Clarias gariepinus GCF_024256425.1_CGAR_prim_01v2 48 969,620,777 0 0 44.81
281 northern cavefish (hap1 2024) Amblyopsis spelaea GCA_046255685.1_fAmbSpe1.hap1 892 817,459,139 466 93,200 49.51
282 northern cavefish (hap2 2024) Amblyopsis spelaea GCA_046255725.1_fAmbSpe1.hap2 667 865,090,090 484 96,800 52.00
283 northern pike Esox lucius GCF_004634155.1_Eluc_v4 811 940,906,975 584 58,400 33.32
284 northern pike (alternate hap 2020) Esox lucius GCA_011004835.1_fEsoLuc1.alt 3,813 622,571,242 11 417,274 31.83
285 northern pike (primary hap 2020 refseq) Esox lucius GCF_011004845.1_fEsoLuc1.pri 53 918,748,614 112 1,022,735 32.97
286 northern snakehead (prfri 2023) Channa argus GCF_033026475.1_Channa_argus_male_v1.0 291 675,473,700 52 2,546 29.41
287 ocellated dragonet (captive hap1 2024) Neosynchiropus ocellatus GCA_044231665.1_SynOce1_v1.hap1 107 470,091,028 99 9,900 21.06
288 ocellated dragonet (captive hap2 2024) Neosynchiropus ocellatus GCA_044231645.1_SynOce1_v1.hap2 129 471,984,592 111 11,100 21.93
289 Old Calabar mormyrid (PKING1 2018) Paramormyrops kingsleyae GCF_002872115.1_PKINGS_0.1 4,666 799,417,351 49,579 63,880,082 20.88
290 old wife E.armatus (hap1 2024) Enoplosus armatus GCF_043641665.1_fEnoArm2.hap1 136 579,897,767 114 22,500 23.12
291 old wife E.armatus (hap2 2024) Enoplosus armatus GCA_043640875.1_fEnoArm2.hap2 94 578,326,983 100 19,800 22.89
292 orangethroat darter Etheostoma spectabile GCF_008692095.1_UIUC_Espe_1.0 3,119 854,806,606 101,221 4,031,177 31.23
293 orbiculate cardinalfish (2019) Sphaeramia orbicularis GCF_902148855.1_fSphaOr1.1 340 1,342,662,642 1,844 3,566,081 48.65
294 orbiculate cardinalfish (alternate hap 2019) Sphaeramia orbicularis GCA_902148825.1_fSphaOr1.1_alternate_haplotype 6,896 1,135,435,641 142 630,303 45.58
295 oriental weatherfish (BS_2022a 2023) Misgurnus anguillicaudatus GCF_027580225.1_HAU_Mang_1.0 358 1,104,586,043 614 61,301 45.73
296 P.nyererei 1_Seehausen Pundamilia nyererei GCF_000239375.1_PunNye1.0 7,233 830,129,318 60,817 131,372,167 20.67
297 Pacific cod (2023) Gadus macrocephalus GCF_031168955.1_ASM3116895v1 24 555,697,652 4,826 482,163 38.54
298 Pacific halibut (PH-IPHC-18 2020) Hippoglossus stenolepis GCF_013339905.1_IPHC_HiSten_1.0 120 594,145,200 219 21,900 25.27
299 Pacific halibut (QCI-W04-F060 2022) Hippoglossus stenolepis GCF_022539355.2_HSTE1.2 53 602,165,188 1,131 325,822 24.80
300 Pacific saury (AMF1-May2022 2023) Cololabis saira GCF_033807715.1_fColSai1.1 759 1,146,362,327 900 450,000 44.02
301 panther danio (primary hap 2020) Danio aesculapii GCF_903798145.1_fDanAes4.1 342 1,381,485,597 1,821 16,316,683 56.15
302 parallel lanternfish (alternate hap 2024) Protomyctophum parallelum GCA_964188415.1_fProPar1.1_alternate_haplotype 23 1,013,731,500 4,955 991,000 46.52
303 parallel lanternfish (primary hap 2024) Protomyctophum parallelum GCA_964188405.1_fProPar1.1 24 1,235,328,005 2,729 545,800 48.26
304 Patagonian blennie (Puerto Natales JMC-PN-2008 2024) Eleginops maclovinus GCF_036324505.1_JC_Emac_rtc_rv5 27 606,306,633 380 190,000 25.60
305 pejerrey (fOdoBon6 haplotype 1 2023) Odontesthes bonariensis GCA_027942865.1_fOdoBon6.hap1 189 945,823,896 282 91,800 35.17
306 pejerrey (fOdoBon6 haplotype 2 2023) Odontesthes bonariensis GCA_027942885.1_fOdoBon6.hap2 334 974,945,057 135 67,500 36.86
307 peladilla (fAplTae1 alternate hap 2021) Aplochiton taeniatus GCA_017639685.1_fAplTae1.alt 5,690 560,414,924 11 839 28.85
308 peladilla (primary hap 2021) Aplochiton taeniatus GCA_017639675.1_fAplTae1.pri 41 461,946,147 1,158 8,155,958 27.72
309 pencil smelt N.antarctica (primary hap 2024) Nansenia antarctica GCA_963989245.1_fNanAnt1.1 1,177 1,085,794,659 3,299 659,800 48.79
310 picturesque dragonet (SynPic1 hap1 2024) Synchiropus picturatus GCA_044231685.1_ASM4423168v1 355 500,467,214 122 12,200 25.26
311 picturesque dragonet (SynPic1 hap2 2024) Synchiropus picturatus GCA_044231675.1_ASM4423167v1 300 492,062,741 100 10,000 24.57
312 pike-perch Sander lucioperca GCF_008315115.2_SLUC_FBN_1.2 337 901,238,333 711 194,059 36.52
313 pinecone soldierfish (2019) Myripristis murdjan GCF_902150065.1_fMyrMur1.1 87 835,254,674 253 1,865,832 28.16
314 pinecone soldierfish (alternate hap 2019) Myripristis murdjan GCA_902148815.1_fMyrMur1.1_alternate_haplotype 2,193 819,084,930 6 688 27.94
315 pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha GCF_021184085.1_OgorEven_v1.0 19,028 2,690,283,663 5,213 1,188,012 57.36
316 ploughfish Gymnodraco acuticeps GCF_902827175.1_fGymAcu1.1 2,618 996,888,495 1,569 192,604 45.12
317 pollack (alternate hap 2023) Pollachius pollachius GCA_949987605.1_fPolPol2.1_alternate_haplotype 4,970 591,893,695 0 0 33.27
318 pollack (primary hap 2023) Pollachius pollachius GCA_949987615.1_fPolPol2.1 616 606,767,444 1,810 362,000 33.80
319 predatory carp (Z2021 2022) Chanodichthys erythropterus GCF_024489055.1_ASM2448905v1 51 1,085,526,929 181 18,100 61.41
320 prehistoric monster fish (2019 refseq) Thalassophryne amazonica GCF_902500255.1_fThaAma1.1 464 2,446,592,878 2,554 12,594,266 59.92
321 prehistoric monster fish (alternate hap 2019) Thalassophryne amazonica GCA_902500245.1_fThaAma1.1_alternate_haplotype 19,579 1,767,810,094 8 248 58.58
322 rainbow smelt (fOsmMor3 primary hap 2024) Osmerus mordax GCA_038355195.1_fOsmMor3.pri 365 497,673,479 1,907 364,200 35.25
323 rainbow smelt (fOsmMor3 primary hap 2024) Osmerus mordax GCF_038355195.1_fOsmMor3.pri 366 497,690,099 1,907 364,200 35.24
324 rainbow trout (Arlee) Oncorhynchus mykiss GCF_013265735.2_USDA_OmykA_1.1 743 2,341,688,614 486 6,184,519 53.80
325 rainbow trout (Swanson) Oncorhynchus mykiss GCF_002163495.1_Omyk_1.0 131,961 2,178,999,613 427,894 251,515,894 44.07
326 razorback sucker (HMW12.3.18 2022) Xyrauchen texanus GCF_025860055.1_RBS_HiC_50CHRs 1,746 2,186,823,573 1,873 936,500 51.92
327 red drum (XU1910 2020) Sciaenops ocellatus GCA_014183145.1_ASM1418314v1 34,462 684,633,790 11,577 30,266,824 23.28
328 red-bellied piranha (fPygNat1 alternate hap 2020) Pygocentrus nattereri GCA_015220065.1_fPygNat1.alt 1,751 289,313,524 0 0 49.72
329 red-bellied piranha (Pna-1 2016) Pygocentrus nattereri GCF_001682695.1_Pygocentrus_nattereri-1.0.2 283,518 1,285,352,492 62,964 33,286,579 34.80
330 red-bellied piranha (primary hap 2020) Pygocentrus nattereri GCF_015220715.1_fPygNat1.pri 55 1,222,050,449 303 10,159,184 35.79
331 reedfish (2021) Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCF_900747795.2_fErpCal1.3 169 3,613,551,144 1,431 29,707,657 47.53
332 reedfish (v1 alternate hap 2019) Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCA_900700845.2_fErpCal1.1_alternate_haplotype 38,593 2,607,661,443 5 52,479 45.67
333 ringed pipefish (RoL2022-P2 2023) Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus GCF_027744805.1_RoL_Ddac_1.1 157 670,648,883 14 280 41.09
334 Rio pearlfish (Nwh7 v2 2021) Nematolebias whitei GCF_014905685.2_NemWhi1 18,998 1,218,316,901 100,521 97,663,390 42.85
335 river trout (v2 2021) Salmo trutta GCA_901001165.2_fSalTru1.2 1,441 2,371,880,186 3,941 73,600,705 55.89
336 roach minnow (alternate hap 2023) Rutilus rutilus GCA_951802655.1_fRutRut2.1_alternate_haplotype 4,606 1,042,711,183 6 1,200 48.42
337 roach minnow (primary hap 2023) Rutilus rutilus GCA_951802725.1_fRutRut2.1 85 1,100,195,650 471 94,200 49.02
338 rock gunnel (alternate hap 2021) Pholis gunnellus GCA_910591705.2_fPhoGun1.2_alternate_haplotype 2,165 590,303,236 1 500 25.85
339 rock gunnel (primary hap 2021) Pholis gunnellus GCA_910591455.2_fPhoGun1.2 101 588,696,950 418 137,000 25.63
340 rohu (BAU-BD-2019 2022) Labeo rohita GCF_022985175.1_IGBB_LRoh.1.0 2,870 1,126,558,565 5,144 181,047,225 41.98
341 Rosablanca catfish (hap2 2023) Trichomycterus rosablanca GCA_030015355.1_fTriRos1.hap2 302 996,754,446 192 38,400 48.41
342 rouch bullseye (RE-2024b hap1 2024 refseq) Pempheris klunzingeri GCF_042242105.1_fPemKlu1.hap1 441 646,252,061 87 17,200 24.57
343 rough bullseye (RE-2024b hap2 2024) Pempheris klunzingeri GCA_042242125.1_fPemKlu1.hap2 84 632,781,980 93 18,300 30.94
344 rudd (Europe DD20220513a primary hap 2022) Scardinius erythrophthalmus GCA_024453875.1_ASM2445387v1 110 1,135,838,337 418 88,160 49.98
345 rudd (fScaEry2.hap1.1 2024) Scardinius erythrophthalmus GCA_964197995.1_fScaEry2.hap1.1 755 1,229,666,150 836 167,200 51.27
346 sablefish (Golden Eagle Sablefish UVic2021 2023) Anoplopoma fimbria GCF_027596085.1_Afim_UVic_2022 7,493 653,543,715 723 71,904 28.31
347 sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna GCF_001443285.1_P_latipinna-1.0 17,986 815,142,410 41,735 135,369,525 22.54
348 sansaifugu (HTHZ2018 2019) Takifugu flavidus GCF_003711565.1_ASM371156v2 868 366,303,280 250 24,406 21.67
349 sardine (primary hap 2023 genbank) Sardina pilchardus GCA_963854185.1_fSarPil1.1 241 869,414,035 1,654 330,800 37.59
350 sardine (primary hap 2023 refseq) Sardina pilchardus GCF_963854185.1_fSarPil1.1 240 869,396,467 1,654 330,800 37.59
351 scribbled pipefish (RoL2023-P3 2023) Corythoichthys intestinalis GCF_030265065.1_ASM3026506v1 109 1,326,793,283 9 180 63.96
352 Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis GCF_019176455.1_IFAPA_SoseM_1 1,937 603,535,267 662 65,441 28.32
353 shanny (alternate hap 2023) Lipophrys pholis GCA_963383635.1_fLipPho2.1_alternate_haplotype 3,846 738,669,690 1 34 28.51
354 shanny (primary hap 2023) Lipophrys pholis GCA_963383615.1_fLipPho2.1 847 768,243,328 598 119,616 29.07
355 sharptooth jobfish (hap1 2024) Pristipomoides typus GCA_045363895.1_fPriTyp1.hap1 283 1,147,302,341 84 16,600 35.20
356 sharptooth jobfish (hap2 2024) Pristipomoides typus GCA_045363885.1_fPriTyp1.hap2 172 1,146,345,582 76 15,100 35.15
357 sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus GCF_000732505.1_C_variegatus-1.0 9,259 1,035,184,475 113,210 135,655,219 27.50
358 shortfin molly Poecilia mexicana GCF_001443325.1_P_mexicana-1.0 18,102 801,710,366 37,507 121,884,386 22.83
359 Siamese fighting fish (v1 alternate hap 2019) Betta splendens GCA_900651605.1_fBetSpl5.1_alternate_haplotype 3,705 426,643,682 2 125 22.60
360 Siamese fighting fish (v4 primary hap 2023) Betta splendens GCF_900634795.4_fBetSpl5.4 36 427,001,245 321 31,466 23.21
361 Siamese fighting fish (v5.4 alternate hap 2023) Betta splendens GCA_900651605.2_fBetSpl5.4_alternate_haplotype 3,764 441,035,931 108 2,919 23.26
362 silver crucian carp (wild population from Czech Republic Cgi1373 2022) Carassius gibelio GCF_023724105.1_carGib1.2-hapl.c 51 1,583,351,535 2,597 1,296,088 45.06
363 smalleye Pacific opah (hap1 2023) Lampris incognitus GCA_029633845.1_fLamInc1.hap1 1,059 1,477,069,270 3,120 623,912 53.60
364 smalleye Pacific opah (hap2 2023 refseq) Lampris incognitus GCF_029633865.1_fLamInc1.hap2 544 1,482,357,630 3,115 622,730 53.30
365 smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu GCF_021292245.1_ASM2129224v1 15,020 829,587,215 34,581 3,005,762 28.32
366 snake pipefish (RoL-2023_Sb 2023) Entelurus aequoreus GCF_033978785.1_RoL_Eaeq_v1.1 424 1,892,198,045 2,564 51,280 67.28
367 sockeye salmon (On170113-E2 v2 2019) Oncorhynchus nerka GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1 34,757 1,925,212,521 25,658 74,077,259 48.61
368 sockeye salmon (Pitt River 2024) Oncorhynchus nerka GCF_034236695.1_Oner_Uvic_2.0 11,378 2,645,636,310 4,351 1,747,557 57.62
369 South Georgia icefish Pseudochaenichthys georgianus GCF_902827115.1_fPseGeo1.1 1,563 1,026,101,545 2,461 639,506 45.87
370 southern bluefin tuna (alternate hap 2021) Thunnus maccoyii GCA_910596085.1_fThuMac1.1_alternate_haplotype 895 782,574,410 0 0 33.63
371 southern bluefin tuna (primary hap 2021 refseq) Thunnus maccoyii GCF_910596095.1_fThuMac1.1 58 782,423,979 184 31,592 26.89
372 southern platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus GCF_002775205.1_X_maculatus-5.0-male 102 704,321,165 156 3,327,905 28.29
373 Southwestern China cavefish Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis GCF_001515605.1_SAMN03320099.WGS_v1.1 85,682 1,632,718,266 168,741 119,821,887 36.99
374 spangled emperor (hap1 2024) Lethrinus nebulosus GCA_045362495.1_fLetNeb1.hap1 226 1,133,212,262 196 38,700 29.01
375 spangled emperor (hap2 2024) Lethrinus nebulosus GCA_045362485.1_fLetNeb1.hap2 151 1,122,130,221 244 47,200 29.19
376 spiny chromis (Palm Island Apoly-LR-REF 2022) Acanthochromis polyacanthus GCF_021347895.1_KAUST_Apoly_ChrSc 81 956,771,783 871 74,752 35.47
377 spiny chromis (Palm Islands 2017) Acanthochromis polyacanthus GCF_002109545.1_ASM210954v1 30,414 991,584,656 209,115 148,830,929 22.65
378 spotted green pufferfish (2004) Tetraodon nigroviridis GCA_000180735.1_ASM18073v1 25,773 342,403,326 18,974 30,008,907 18.72
379 spotted tilapia (v1 MD_Pm_ZW 2024) Pelmatolapia mariae GCF_036321145.1_Pm_UMD_F 792 940,981,472 23 1,150 30.76
380 spotted tilapia (v2 MD_Pm_ZW 2024) Pelmatolapia mariae GCF_036321145.2_Pm_UMD_F_2 791 972,201,687 24 1,200 30.69
381 sterlet (maternal hap 2022 refseq) Acipenser ruthenus GCF_902713425.1_fAciRut3.2_maternal_haplotype 1,731 1,899,810,788 433 86,300 43.22
382 sterlet (v2 paternal hap 2022) Acipenser ruthenus GCA_902713435.2_fAciRut3.2_paternal_haplotype 1,517 1,882,648,115 475 95,000 41.60
383 stone loach (alternate hap 2022) Barbatula barbatula GCA_947034905.1_fBarBar1.1_alternate_haplotype 2,237 571,749,702 0 0 38.06
384 stone loach (primary hap 2022) Barbatula barbatula GCA_947034865.1_fBarBar1.1 100 617,663,352 825 165,000 39.89
385 stone moroko (DD20220531a primary hap 2022) Pseudorasbora parva GCF_024679245.1_ASM2467924v1 81 1,228,868,788 497 102,560 63.65
386 straightnose pipefish (RoL-2023_Sa 2023) Nerophis ophidion GCF_033978795.1_RoL_Noph_v1.0 473 1,845,757,181 1,172 23,440 67.08
387 striated frogfish (MH-2024 2024) Antennarius striatus GCF_040054535.1_ASM4005453v1 42 548,561,997 18 2,715 29.69
388 striped catfish (fPanHyp1 alternate hap 2022) Pangasianodon hypophthalmus GCA_027382375.1_fPanHyp1.alt 3,274 738,869,872 1 45 37.85
389 striped catfish (primary hap 2022 refseq) Pangasianodon hypophthalmus GCF_027358585.1_fPanHyp1.pri 58 764,974,446 236 3,879,978 37.93
390 striped catfish Indonesia Pangasianodon hypophthalmus GCF_009078355.1_GENO_Phyp_1.0 150 758,973,678 463 175,919 32.50
391 striped catfish Vietnam Pangasianodon hypophthalmus GCF_003671635.1_VN_pangasius 567 715,760,110 23,755 19,239,465 30.11
392 striped sea-bass Morone saxatilis GCF_004916995.1_NCSU_SB_2.0 630 598,127,127 73,335 5,158,999 22.76
393 Sumatra barb Puntigrus tetrazona GCF_018831695.1_ASM1883169v1 1,122 730,818,536 5,075 394,129 32.49
394 swamp eel Monopterus albus GCF_001952655.1_M_albus_1.0 20,622 684,144,148 51,257 54,828,134 21.96
395 swordfish Xiphias gladius GCF_016859285.1_ASM1685928v1 1,482 691,780,295 449 224,500 23.97
396 tambaqui Colossoma macropomum GCF_904425465.1_Colossoma_macropomum 1,269 1,221,847,006 420 37,940 35.37
397 thickback sole (primary hap 2023) Microchirus variegatus GCA_963457635.1_fMicVar1.1 188 724,694,306 454 90,800 40.27
398 thicklip grey mullet (primary hap 2023) Chelon labrosus GCA_963514085.1_fCheLab1.1 363 717,420,143 610 122,000 27.59
399 three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus GCF_016920845.1_GAculeatus_UGA_version5 2,937 471,894,361 3,125 3,574,186 21.96
400 three-spined stickleback (hap1 2024) Gasterosteus aculeatus GCA_964276395.1_fGasAcu3.hap1.1 130 511,155,287 331 66,200 27.34
401 three-spined stickleback (hap2 2024) Gasterosteus aculeatus GCA_964276385.1_fGasAcu3.hap2.1 170 457,351,142 309 61,800 27.07
402 tidewater goby (DKJ021-1_F 2022) Eucyclogobius newberryi GCA_026437355.1_fEucNew1.0.hap2 755 913,837,424 894 89,400 47.96
403 tidewater goby (DKJ021-1_F 2022) Eucyclogobius newberryi GCA_026437365.1_fEucNew1.0.hap1 820 984,795,555 794 79,400 49.87
404 tiger tail seahorse (QL1 v2 2016) Hippocampus comes GCF_001891065.2_H_comes_QL1_v1.1 32,914 492,131,402 22,977 34,075,199 24.57
405 tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis GCF_000523025.1_Cse_v1.0 29,643 470,199,494 33,269 24,157,720 24.84
406 torafugu (alternate hap 2019) Takifugu rubripes GCA_901000745.3_fTakRub1.2_alternate_haplotype 2,012 350,016,965 38 625,268 20.31
407 torafugu (fTakRub1.2 2019 refseq) Takifugu rubripes GCF_901000725.2_fTakRub1.2 128 384,126,662 402 3,688,529 20.93
408 torafugu (fTakRub1.3 2021 genbank) Takifugu rubripes GCA_901000725.3_fTakRub1.3 128 384,126,663 402 3,688,529 20.93
409 trahira (v2 hap2 2024) Hoplias malabaricus GCA_029633875.2_fHopMal1.hap2 451 1,026,599,506 792 38,873,505 38.80
410 trahira (v1 hap1 2024 refseq) Hoplias malabaricus GCF_029633855.1_fHopMal1.hap1 598 1,186,371,479 989 65,101,941 37.57
411 trahira (v2 hap1 2024 genbank) Hoplias malabaricus GCA_029633855.2_fHopMal1.hap1 597 1,186,354,877 989 65,101,941 37.57
412 turbot (primary hap 2023) Scophthalmus maximus GCA_963854745.1_fScoMax1.1 108 550,297,089 805 161,000 25.96
413 turbot (ysfricsl-2021 2022) Scophthalmus maximus GCF_022379125.1_ASM2237912v1 28 538,234,718 0 0 24.37
414 turquoise killifish (GRZ 2015) Nothobranchius furzeri GCF_001465895.1_Nfu_20140520 5,897 1,242,518,059 85,562 385,709,548 27.64
415 turquoise killifish (GRZ-AD 2024) Nothobranchius furzeri GCF_043380555.1_NfurGRZ-RIMD1 304 1,479,202,486 369 71,400 67.93
416 turquoise killifish (MZM-0403 2023) Nothobranchius furzeri GCF_027789165.1_UI_Nfuz_MZM_1.0 2,681 1,513,041,927 3,093 102,568,068 56.57
417 walking catfish (CIFAMagur01 2020) Clarias magur GCA_013621035.1_C_magur1.0 3,484 941,297,321 605 469,042 37.15
418 walleye pollock (NIFS_2021 2022) Gadus chalcogrammus GCF_026213295.1_NIFS_Gcha_1.0 168 629,936,721 2,816 281,600 38.86
419 warty frogfish (fAntMac1 alternate hap 2020) Antennarius maculatus GCA_013347815.1_fAntMac1.alt 2,294 530,348,589 0 0 29.49
420 warty frogfish (primary hap 2020) Antennarius maculatus GCA_013358685.1_fAntMac1.pri 155 549,949,511 219 733,384 29.79
421 western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis GCF_019740435.1_SWU_Gaff_1.0 37 680,166,006 181 17,569,858 26.88
422 western speckled dace (OS25496 2023) Rhinichthys klamathensis goyatoka GCF_029890125.1_OSU_Roscu_1.1 930 1,065,491,053 0 0 48.43
423 White Sands pupfish Cyprinodon tularosa GCF_016077235.1_ASM1607723v1 2,003 1,086,882,241 0 0 38.10
424 wolf-eel Anarrhichthys ocellatus GCF_004355925.1_GSC_Weel_1.0 10,315 611,444,226 23,891 43,723,504 22.11
425 woolly sculpin (alternate hap CAN_PGR_092001 2022) Clinocottus analis GCA_023055415.1_fCliAna1.0.a 171 534,899,999 222 22,200 25.81
426 woolly sculpin (CAN_PGR_092001 2022) Clinocottus analis GCA_023055335.1_fCliAna1.0.p 443 538,118,947 219 21,900 25.91
427 woolly sculpin (CAN_PGR_092001 primary hap 2022) Clinocottus analis GCF_023055335.1_fCliAna1.0.p 442 538,100,726 219 21,900 25.92
428 worm pipefish (RoL_2023-P1 2023) Nerophis lumbriciformis GCF_033978685.1_RoL_Nlum_1.0 630 3,157,240,560 146 2,910 67.36
429 Wuchang bream Megalobrama amblycephala GCF_018812025.1_ASM1881202v1 243 1,109,888,616 1,281 1,913,768 43.12
430 Yangtze koukloug (SWU-2019 2020) Onychostoma macrolepis GCF_012432095.1_ASM1243209v1 353 886,586,436 617 3,343,332 50.19
431 yellow catfish (hzauxx_2018 2022) Tachysurus fulvidraco GCF_022655615.1_HZAU_PFXX_2.0 517 712,016,913 817 399,063 35.54
432 yellow catfish (Tf-2017 2018) Tachysurus fulvidraco GCF_003724035.1_ASM372403v1 663 713,810,725 1,760 6,333,458 35.55
433 yellow perch (YP-PL-M2 2019) Perca flavescens GCF_004354835.1_PFLA_1.0 268 877,456,336 831 414,502 35.96
434 yellowfin seabream (v.2019 alternate hap 2020) Acanthopagrus latus GCA_904848175.1_fAcaLat1.1_alternate_haplotype 349 47,986,553 80 8,000 20.44
435 yellowfin seabream (v.2019 primary hap 2020) Acanthopagrus latus GCF_904848185.1_fAcaLat1.1 66 685,144,197 149 14,900 22.83
436 yellowfin tuna (alternate hap 2021) Thunnus albacares GCA_914744365.1_fThuAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype 640 786,643,039 0 0 28.56
437 yellowfin tuna (primary hap 2021) Thunnus albacares GCF_914725855.1_fThuAlb1.1 68 792,101,331 70 23,300 27.09
438 yellowtail amberjack (v2 SW California HSWRI2012SDOR001 2017) Seriola lalandi dorsalis GCF_002814215.2_Sedor1 98,345 731,697,021 33,661 16,134,034 25.04
439 zebra mbuna Maylandia zebra GCF_000238955.4_M_zebra_UMD2a 1,690 957,485,262 641 64,100 31.59
440 zebrafish (fDanRer4 alternate hap 2022) Danio rerio GCA_944039255.1_fDanRer4.1_alternate_haplotype 4,719 458,104,506 0 0 59.54
441 zebrafish (T5D 2021) Danio rerio GCA_018400075.1_ASM1840007v1 25 1,338,639,271 20,876 1,845,030 61.21
442 zebrafish (WGS:CAHPTA01 2020) Danio rerio GCA_903684865.1_fDreABH1.1 1,252 1,354,075,779 712 197,709 61.16
443 zebrafish (WGS:CAHPTB02 2020) Danio rerio GCA_903684855.2_fDreTuH1.2 755 1,360,506,095 1,352 82,877 60.94
444 zebrafish (WGS:CALUEM01 primary hap 2022) Danio rerio GCA_944039275.1_fDanRer4.1 73 1,413,675,870 381 122,395 51.91
445 zebrafish GRCz11 Danio rerio GCF_000002035.6_GRCz11 1,923 1,679,203,469 20,258 4,693,618 57.84
446 zig-zag eel (alternate hap) Mastacembelus armatus GCA_900700395.1_fMasArm1.2_alternate_haplotype 1,437 43,703,874 0 0 18.09
447 zig-zag eel (v1.2 2019 refseq) Mastacembelus armatus GCF_900324485.2_fMasArm1.2 123 591,951,587 238 13,231,344 23.47
448 zig-zag eel (v1.3 2021 genbank) Mastacembelus armatus GCA_900324485.3_fMasArm1.3 123 591,951,591 238 13,231,344 23.47
TOTALS:total assembly count 448 2,531,909 433,135,569,289 7,372,313 5,564,443,927  

Additional hubs with collections of assemblies
Collection Hub index pages: Assembly statistics: Track statistics:
Primates 221 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Mammals 651 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Birds 419 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fishes 448 assemblies assembly stats track stats
other vertebrates 297 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Invertebrates 1130 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Plants 310 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fungi 920 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Viruses 291 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Bacteria 112 assemblies assembly stats track stats
legacy/superseded 542 assemblies assembly stats track stats
collections below are subsets of the assemblies above
VGP - Vertebrate Genome Project 1159 assemblies assembly stats track stats
CCGP - The California Conservation Genomics Project 126 assemblies assembly stats track stats
HPRC - Human Pangenome Reference Consortium 96 assemblies assembly stats track stats
BRC - BRC Analytics - Bioinformatics Research Center 778 assemblies assembly stats track stats