Birds Genomes assembly hubs, assembly statistics

Assemblies from NCBI/Genbank/Refseq sources, subset of birds only.

See also: hub accesstrack statistics

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(gap size sum)
1 Abyssinian ground-hornbill (alternate hap 2019) Bucorvus abyssinicus GCA_009769595.1_bBucAby1.alt 3,527 1,024,138,499 0 0 18.52
2 Abyssinian ground-hornbill (primary hap 2019) Bucorvus abyssinicus GCA_009769605.1_bBucAby1.pri 112 1,132,597,561 204 8,074,542 19.24
3 acorn woodpecker (bairdi alternate hap 2022) Melanerpes formicivorus GCA_026170555.1_bMelFor1.0.a 2,294 1,438,781,011 1,555 155,500 43.03
4 acorn woodpecker (bairdi primary hap 2022) Melanerpes formicivorus GCA_026170545.1_bMelFor1.0.p 3,174 1,323,584,679 1,317 131,700 42.41
5 acorn woodpecker (bairdi primary hap 2022) Melanerpes formicivorus GCF_026170545.1_bMelFor1.0.p_v2 3,172 1,323,528,184 1,317 131,700 42.41
6 Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae GCF_000699105.1_ASM69910v1 19,265 1,216,617,519 95,110 54,157,596 18.32
7 African ostrich Struthio camelus australis GCF_000698965.1_ASM69896v1 6,915 1,225,041,896 72,649 40,253,160 17.81
8 African ostrich (bStrCam1hap1 2024) Struthio camelus GCF_040807025.1_bStrCam1.hap1 262 1,452,018,929 116 23,200 24.25
9 African ostrich (bStrCam1hap2 2024) Struthio camelus GCA_040807015.1_bStrCam1.hap2 250 1,383,056,266 82 16,400 28.29
10 American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos GCF_000691975.1_ASM69197v1 10,547 1,091,312,783 79,099 39,530,922 18.46
11 American flamingo (alternate hap 2019) Phoenicopterus ruber ruber GCA_009819805.1_bPhoRub2.alt 3,529 1,167,509,893 0 0 20.15
12 American flamingo (primary hap 2019) Phoenicopterus ruber ruber GCA_009819775.1_bPhoRub2.pri 90 1,246,226,932 280 8,602,116 20.94
13 American kestrel (FMNH 100283 2023) Falco sparverius GCA_034782035.1_ASM3478203v1 14,961 1,241,682,339 492,459 181,034,698 15.59
14 Anna's hummingbird (alternate hap BGI_N300 2018) Calypte anna GCA_003957575.1_bCalAnn1_v1.h 3,803 952,083,371 6 2,998 20.33
15 Anna's hummingbird (BGI_N300 2019 refseq) Calypte anna GCF_003957555.1_bCalAnn1_v1.p 159 1,059,687,259 429 16,096,788 20.87
16 bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus GCF_000737465.1_Haliaeetus_leucocephalus-4.0 1,023 1,178,409,481 30,862 19,163,137 18.49
17 band-tailed pigeon (v1 hap2 2024 refseq) Patagioenas fasciata GCF_036971685.1_bPatFas1.hap2 452 1,410,041,145 219 8,369,264 31.76
18 band-tailed pigeon (v2 hap2 2025) Patagioenas fasciata GCA_036971685.2_bPatFas1.hap2 441 1,198,742,887 64 4,620,040 27.42
19 bar-tailed trogon Apaloderma vittatum GCF_000703405.1_ASM70340v1 54,728 1,070,836,417 50,921 4,539,803 19.89
20 barn owl (U. Lausanne 2021) Tyto alba GCF_018691265.1_T.alba_DEE_v4.0 70 1,249,867,532 259 51,418,967 19.01
21 Barn swallow (bHirRus1 v3 alternate hap 2021) Hirundo rustica GCA_015227815.3_bHirRus1.alt.v3 2,476 936,032,861 6 1,226 20.47
22 barn swallow (v3 primary hap 2021 refseq) Hirundo rustica GCF_015227805.2_bHirRus1.pri.v3 617 1,105,955,550 1,102 25,534,411 21.06
23 Bengalese finch Lonchura striata GCF_005870125.1_lonStrDom2 2,015 1,060,269,806 37,862 31,260,240 20.10
24 bird A.albertisi (hap1 2024) Aegotheles albertisi GCA_039906565.1_bAegAlb1.hap1 592 1,167,497,019 439 87,800 21.86
25 bird A.albertisi (hap2 2024) Aegotheles albertisi GCA_039906465.1_bAegAlb1.hap2 525 1,051,698,180 344 68,800 21.38
26 bird A.imberbis (Cuckoo-Finch-1a 21T00152 2023) Anomalospiza imberbis GCF_031753505.1_ASM3175350v1 1,370 1,198,243,876 431 86,009 25.10
27 bird E.chinensis (hap1 2024) Excalfactoria chinensis GCA_039878515.1_bCotChi1.hap1 425 974,517,173 331 63,200 20.66
28 bird E.chinensis (hap2 2024) Excalfactoria chinensis GCA_039878825.1_bCotChi1.hap2 191 966,847,183 330 63,200 20.52
29 bird P.flaviventris (CSIRO_AGI_PZ_B2104156 2023) Pezoporus flaviventris GCF_033815535.1_CSIRO_AGI_Pfla_v1 993 1,263,767,824 0 0 27.27
30 bird Z.leucophrys gambelii (GWCS_2022_RI 2023) Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii GCF_028769735.1_RI_Zleu_2.0 3,792 1,123,996,003 339 26,361 23.36
31 black swan (v2 Queensland, Australia AKBS03 2022) Cygnus atratus GCF_013377495.2_CAtr_DNAZoo_HiC_assembly 568 1,124,233,768 130 65,000 21.50
32 black-capped chickadee (hap1 2023) Poecile atricapillus GCF_030490865.1_bPoeAtr1.hap1 307 1,251,133,642 404 958,949 24.42
33 black-capped chickadee (hap2 2023) Poecile atricapillus GCA_030490855.1_bPoeAtr1.hap2 157 987,998,379 240 590,213 23.49
34 black-headed gull (Kunming 2023) Chroicocephalus ridibundus GCA_030820635.1_KIZ_Lrid_1.0 297 1,243,762,172 149 14,900 23.13
35 black-headed gull (primary hap 2024 genbank) Chroicocephalus ridibundus GCA_963924245.1_bChrRid1.1 729 1,417,571,123 462 92,400 31.33
36 black-headed gull (primary hap 2024 refseq) Chroicocephalus ridibundus GCF_963924245.1_bChrRid1.1 728 1,417,554,307 462 92,400 31.33
37 black-legged kittiwake (bRisTri1 2023 refseq) Rissa tridactyla GCF_028500815.1_bRisTri1.patW.cur.20221130 716 1,353,621,101 283 786,373 26.72
38 black-legged kittiwake (bRisTri1.mat 2023) Rissa tridactyla GCA_028501385.1_bRisTri1.mat.cur.20221130 733 1,268,441,171 223 639,872 27.28
39 black-throated flowerpiercer Diglossa brunneiventris GCA_019023105.1_LSU_DiBr_2.0 600 1,079,473,785 970 85,047 20.78
40 blackcap (alternate hap 2019) Sylvia atricapilla GCA_009819715.1_bSylAtr1.alt 3,566 991,486,332 2 600 19.69
41 blackcap (primary hap 2019 refseq) Sylvia atricapilla GCF_009819655.1_bSylAtr1.pri 190 1,066,804,524 413 11,925,354 19.80
42 blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus GCF_002901205.1_cyaCae2 29,297 1,186,980,630 24,797 88,067,852 18.90
43 blue jay (hap1 2024) Cyanocitta cristata GCA_046129655.1_bCyaCrs1.hap1 316 1,227,176,437 393 74,300 25.18
44 blue jay (hap2 2024) Cyanocitta cristata GCA_046129645.1_bCyaCrs1.hap2 309 1,195,662,530 333 64,300 29.11
45 blue-and-yellow macaw (hap1 2023) Ara ararauna GCA_028858755.1_bAraAra1.hap1 246 1,224,360,198 107 988,129 24.87
46 blue-and-yellow macaw (hap2 2023) Ara ararauna GCA_028858555.1_bAraAra1.hap2 274 1,302,242,811 130 1,106,509 28.73
47 blue-crowned manakin Lepidothrix coronata GCF_001604755.1_Lepidothrix_coronata-1.0 4,612 1,079,577,334 22,456 22,384,553 19.20
48 blue-fronted amazon (AMXYW 2021) Amazona aestiva GCA_017639355.1_Aaes_hic 1,498 1,130,393,257 3,560,856 78,205,203 17.92
49 blue-fronted amazon (FVVF132 2015) Amazona aestiva GCA_001420675.1_ASM142067v1 3,232 1,129,535,839 3,559,082 77,331,237 17.93
50 Bourke's parrot (Australia Nb327-2 2023) Neopsephotus bourkii GCF_033783945.1_CSIRO-AGI_Nbou_v1 1,827 1,122,590,461 37 3,308 20.93
51 Brazilian merganser (hap1 2024) Mergus octosetaceus GCA_036873955.1_bMerOct1.hap1 569 1,245,791,205 327 56,959 28.52
52 Brazilian merganser (hap2 2024) Mergus octosetaceus GCA_036850655.1_bMerOct1.hap2 720 1,213,885,900 244 42,259 31.82
53 bronzed cowbird (106 2024) Molothrus aeneus GCF_037042795.1_BPBGC_Maene_1.0 528 1,177,188,543 67 13,400 26.12
54 brown eared-pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum GCA_019593555.1_cma1 2,408 1,013,441,081 114,232 13,649,759 20.28
55 brown headed cowbird (v1.1 BHLD 08-10-18 2022) Molothrus ater GCF_012460135.2_BPBGC_Mater_1.1 374 1,087,236,743 318 63,400 21.32
56 brown kiwi Apteryx mantelli mantelli GCF_001039765.1_AptMant0 24,718 1,523,969,783 368,297 212,971,013 14.69
57 brown roatelo Mesitornis unicolor GCF_000695765.1_ASM69576v1 67,520 1,087,290,853 51,602 3,812,826 19.42
58 budgerigar (maternal 2020) Melopsittacus undulatus GCA_012275265.1_bMelUnd1.mat 930 1,169,393,027 388 67,787,495 20.82
59 budgerigar (maternal Z 2020 refseq) Melopsittacus undulatus GCF_012275295.1_bMelUnd1.mat.Z 864 1,171,617,451 284 3,236,129 22.13
60 budgerigar (paternal hap 2020) Melopsittacus undulatus GCA_012275275.1_bMelUnd1.pat 330 1,124,753,724 737 11,458,836 20.35
61 budgerigar (v6.3 2021 WashU) Melopsittacus undulatus GCF_000238935.1_Melopsittacus_undulatus_6.3 25,212 1,117,373,619 51,022 30,758,804 19.08
62 burrowing owl Athene cunicularia GCF_003259725.1_athCun1 445 1,157,069,330 33,737 12,642,846 19.37
63 California black rail (168171201 alternate hap 2022) Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus GCA_022605925.1_bLatJam1.0.a 3,563 1,211,372,722 1,672 167,200 30.43
64 California black rail (168171201 primary hap 2022) Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus GCA_022605575.1_bLatJam1.0.p 645 1,391,405,863 319 31,910 32.29
65 California condor (v2 813 2022 refseq) Gymnogyps californianus GCF_018139145.2_ASM1813914v2 542 1,240,248,578 632 316,000 20.33
66 California quail (MVZ:Bird:193975 alternate hap 2022) Callipepla californica brunnescens GCA_023055725.1_bCalCai1.0.a 1,601 1,398,480,580 248 24,800 36.96
67 California quail (MVZ:Bird:193975 primary hap 2022) Callipepla californica brunnescens GCA_023055505.1_bCalCai1.0.p 321 1,085,347,722 287 28,700 25.37
68 California towhee (CALT 2023) Melozone crissalis GCF_028551555.1_PUWL_Pcris_2 627 1,412,182,309 0 0 32.92
69 Canada goose (SJ_97 2019) Branta canadensis GCA_006130075.1_GSC_cangoose_1.0 14,079 1,151,349,954 15,389 18,827,118 21.30
70 carmine bee-eater (alternate hap 2019) Merops nubicus GCA_009819585.1_bMerNub1.alt 3,296 1,122,486,764 0 0 21.54
71 carmine bee-eater (primary hap 2019) Merops nubicus GCA_009819595.1_bMerNub1.pri 109 1,149,356,202 269 6,055,062 21.59
72 chaffinch (primary hap 2023) Fringilla coelebs GCA_963513975.1_bFriCoe1.1 460 1,209,243,761 573 114,600 28.43
73 chestnut-breasted malkoha (KB17595 2023) Phaenicophaeus curvirostris GCF_032191515.1_BPBGC_Pcur_1.0 587 1,315,410,253 181 36,200 29.93
74 chicken (Cobb bGalGal5 alternate hap 2022) Gallus gallus GCA_027408205.1_bGalGal5.alt 2,259 911,865,540 4 92 21.83
75 chicken (Cobb bGalGal5 primary hap 2022) Gallus gallus GCA_027408225.1_bGalGal5.pri 252 1,109,044,877 460 2,157,079 24.72
76 chicken (GRCg6a 2018) Gallus gallus GCF_000002315.6_GRCg6a 464 1,065,365,434 952 9,784,466 21.22
77 chicken (Huxu 2023) Gallus gallus GCA_024206055.2_GGswu 41 1,100,928,095 14 5,572 23.58
78 chicken (Ross bGalGal4 alternate hap 2022) Gallus gallus GCA_027408255.1_bGalGal4.alt 2,683 885,772,923 1 13 21.48
79 chicken (Ross bGalGal4 primary hap 2023) Gallus gallus GCA_027557775.1_bGalGal4.pri 246 1,094,281,734 566 2,821,884 24.04
80 chicken (Silkie 2023) Gallus gallus GCA_034509865.1_ASM3450986v1 1,100 1,123,247,173 0 0 24.87
81 chicken white leghorn layer X broiler (v2 broiler haplotype 2021 2021) Gallus gallus GCF_016699485.2_bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b 214 1,053,332,251 463 3,383,918 21.35
82 Chilean tinamou Nothoprocta perdicaria GCF_003342845.1_notPer1 2,217 965,904,370 1,226,739 13,445,596 19.59
83 chimney swift (M959 v1.1 2014) Chaetura pelagica GCF_000747805.2_ChaPel_1.1 18,703 1,118,724,105 65,471 44,958,635 19.72
84 chuck-will's-widow (BGI_N321 v2 2014) Antrostomus carolinensis GCF_000700745.2_ASM70074v2 68,881 1,118,829,799 56,333 4,349,714 20.50
85 collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis GCF_000247815.1_FicAlb1.5 21,428 1,118,343,587 11,403 16,019,705 23.69
86 common buzzard (bButBut1.hap1.1 2024) Buteo buteo GCA_964188355.1_bButBut1.hap1.1 544 1,303,700,921 471 94,200 23.96
87 common buzzard (bButBut1.hap2.1 2024) Buteo buteo GCA_964188375.1_bButBut1.hap2.1 458 1,330,554,072 471 94,200 25.08
88 common canary (domestic yellow sc_yellow_7_cibi 2019) Serinus canaria GCF_007115625.1_cibio_Scana_2019 3,536 1,071,655,231 47,138 19,392,432 19.62
89 common canary (serCan28SL12 2022) Serinus canaria GCF_022539315.1_serCan2020 685 1,050,352,878 1,055 527,001 20.52
90 common cuckoo (bCucCan1 alternate hap 2021) Cuculus canorus GCA_017976305.1_bCucCan1.alt 1,004 1,063,845,602 8 1,739 21.42
91 common cuckoo (bCucCan1 primary hap 2021 refseq) Cuculus canorus GCF_017976375.1_bCucCan1.pri 150 1,180,136,575 296 4,922,315 21.81
92 common goldeneye (primary hap 2024) Bucephala clangula GCA_964059595.1_bBucCla1.1 538 1,190,938,797 454 90,625 25.01
93 common mallard (Pekin duck 2017) Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos GCA_002743455.1_CAU_duck1.0 21,240 1,136,415,614 25,623 56,312,069 20.28
94 common moorhen (bGalChl1.hap1.1 2024) Gallinula chloropus GCA_964237585.1_bGalChl1.hap1.1 818 1,282,411,533 603 120,600 25.71
95 common moorhen (bGalChl1.hap2.1 2024) Gallinula chloropus GCA_964237395.1_bGalChl1.hap2.1 395 1,208,559,276 536 107,200 22.35
96 common myna (bArcTri1 alternate hap 2023) Acridotheres tristis GCA_027559525.1_bAcrTri1.alt 2,221 969,356,965 1 500 25.11
97 common myna (bArcTri1 primary hap 2023) Acridotheres tristis GCA_027559615.1_bAcrTri1.pri 455 1,193,419,045 435 2,422,523 28.14
98 common pochard (bAytFer1.hap1.1 2024) Aythya ferina GCA_964211825.1_bAytFer1.hap1.1 862 1,252,319,576 474 94,800 27.88
99 common pochard (bAytFer1.hap2.1 2024) Aythya ferina GCA_964211795.1_bAytFer1.hap2.1 362 1,103,588,439 405 81,000 25.38
100 common starling Sturnus vulgaris GCF_001447265.1_Sturnus_vulgaris-1.0 2,361 1,036,755,994 23,392 23,939,528 19.54
101 common swift (bApuApu2 alternate hap 2021) Apus apus GCA_020740585.1_bApuApu2.alt.cur 1,697 1,019,504,970 5 105 20.89
102 common swift (primary hap 2021 refseq) Apus apus GCF_020740795.1_bApuApu2.pri.cur 110 1,100,378,261 256 1,747,529 21.21
103 common tern (alternate hap 2019) Sterna hirundo GCA_009819645.1_bSteHir1.alt 2,235 1,175,438,911 0 0 20.72
104 common tern (primary hap 2019) Sterna hirundo GCA_009819605.1_bSteHir1.pri 123 1,229,972,541 205 10,364,610 21.00
105 common yellowthroat (alternate hap 2019) Geothlypis trichas GCA_009764545.1_bGeoTri1.alt 4,976 976,433,058 1 32 19.80
106 common yellowthroat (primary hap 2019) Geothlypis trichas GCA_009764595.1_bGeoTri1.pri 278 1,078,128,490 1,479 13,697,790 20.48
107 Cory's shearwater (bCalBor7.hap1.1 2024) Calonectris borealis GCA_964195595.1_bCalBor7.hap1.1 355 1,366,205,003 525 105,015 24.91
108 Cory's shearwater (bCalBor7.hap2.1 2024) Calonectris borealis GCA_964196065.1_bCalBor7.hap2.1 249 1,169,960,687 477 95,400 22.10
109 crested eagle (hap1 2024) Morphnus guianensis GCA_045345505.1_bMorGui1_haplotype_1 548 1,316,595,704 105 21,000 28.17
110 crested eagle (hap2 2024) Morphnus guianensis GCA_045345515.1_bMorGui1_haplotype_2 544 1,576,624,229 164 32,800 33.65
111 crested ibis (BGI_Y956 2014) Nipponia nippon GCF_000708225.1_ASM70822v1 59,555 1,223,863,029 70,475 34,415,453 18.70
112 cuckoo roller (BGI_N330 2014) Leptosomus discolor GCF_000691785.1_ASM69178v1 57,160 1,136,244,952 56,010 3,108,826 18.48
113 cuckoo roller (hap1 2023) Leptosomus discolor GCA_034619455.1_bLepDis1.hap1 335 1,327,905,210 290 58,000 24.00
114 cuckoo roller (hap2 2023) Leptosomus discolor GCA_034619465.1_bLepDis1.hap2 278 1,332,047,658 271 54,200 25.12
115 Dalmatian pelican (alternate hap 2023) Pelecanus crispus GCA_030449815.1_bPelCri1.alt 7,284 1,207,417,857 0 0 23.23
116 Dalmatian pelican (BGI_N334 2014) Pelecanus crispus GCF_000687375.1_ASM68737v1 63,982 1,160,924,693 57,580 4,215,933 19.54
117 Dalmatian pelican (primary hap 2023) Pelecanus crispus GCA_030463565.1_bPelCri1.pri 311 1,314,587,946 390 78,000 24.65
118 Domestic goose (bAnsAns1.hap1.1 2024) Anser anser GCA_964211835.1_bAnsAns1.hap1.1 819 1,313,455,045 930 186,000 28.50
119 Domestic goose (bAnsAns1.hap2.1 2024) Anser anser GCA_964211785.1_bAnsAns1.hap2.1 381 1,168,290,161 754 150,800 26.78
120 Downy woodpecker (alternate hap 2020) Dryobates pubescens GCA_014839825.1_bDryPub1.alt 1,342 1,082,594,729 4 226 31.30
121 downy woodpecker (primary hap 2020) Dryobates pubescens GCF_014839835.1_bDryPub1.pri 180 1,187,939,694 187 4,003,130 32.06
122 East African grey crowned-crane Balearica regulorum gibbericeps GCF_000709895.1_ASM70989v1 53,491 1,127,622,302 58,359 4,094,603 18.87
123 East African grey crowned-crane (alternate hap 2020) Balearica regulorum gibbericeps GCA_011004865.1_bBalReg1.alt 971 1,042,364,165 4 539 20.18
124 East African grey crowned-crane (primary hap 2020) Balearica regulorum gibbericeps GCA_011004875.1_bBalReg1.pri 105 1,221,051,782 144 4,796,037 21.20
125 Eastern black-eared wheatear (GR-GAL-2019-014 2023) Oenanthe melanoleuca GCF_029582105.1_OMel1.0 587 1,036,256,795 582 58,200 20.82
126 emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri GCF_000699145.1_ASM69914v1 10,672 1,254,347,440 72,501 71,806,784 17.97
127 emu (2018) Dromaius novaehollandiae GCF_003342905.1_droNov1 2,778 1,192,254,075 1,408,082 13,197,674 17.61
128 emu (hap1 2024) Dromaius novaehollandiae GCF_036370855.1_bDroNov1.hap1 271 1,468,706,110 129 25,800 24.07
129 emu (hap2 2024) Dromaius novaehollandiae GCA_036417515.1_bDroNov1.hap2 238 1,359,162,908 101 20,200 26.97
130 emu (v2 ZJU1.0 2023) Dromaius novaehollandiae GCA_016128335.2_ZJU2.0 767 1,247,435,561 539 72,443 19.18
131 Eurasian collared-dove (bStrDea1.hap1.1 2024) Streptopelia decaocto GCA_964273445.1_bStrDea1.hap1.1 2,451 1,290,957,608 696 139,200 30.01
132 Eurasian collared-dove (bStrDea1.hap2.1 2024) Streptopelia decaocto GCA_964273585.1_bStrDea1.hap2.1 584 1,200,501,445 683 136,600 25.49
133 Eurasian crane (hap1 2024) Grus grus GCA_964106855.1_bGruGru1.hap1.1 754 1,352,282,554 593 118,600 26.80
134 Eurasian curlew (hap1 2024) Numenius arquata GCA_964106895.1_bNumArq3.hap1.1 1,819 1,348,876,333 785 157,000 28.37
135 Eurasian curlew (hap2 2024) Numenius arquata GCA_964059295.1_bNumArq3.hap2.1 811 1,198,356,613 693 138,600 24.54
136 Eurasian nightjar (alternate hap 2021) Caprimulgus europaeus GCA_907165095.1_bCapEur3.1_alternate_haplotype 2,502 1,051,868,380 25 3,300 21.18
137 Eurasian nightjar (primary hap 2021) Caprimulgus europaeus GCA_907165065.1_bCapEur3.1 121 1,177,791,212 153 25,835 22.20
138 Eurasian tree sparrow Passer montanus GCF_014805655.1_ASM1480565v1 18,975 1,039,966,254 4,765 1,888,875 20.56
139 European golden plover (primary hap 2021) Pluvialis apricaria GCA_017639485.1_bPluApr1.pri 107 1,247,767,512 268 12,294,737 21.20
140 European robin (alternate hap 2021) Erithacus rubecula GCA_903797565.2_bEriRub2.2_alternate_haplotype 3,668 912,720,829 18 4,600 19.76
141 European robin (primary hap 2021) Erithacus rubecula GCA_903797595.2_bEriRub2.2 1,119 1,086,738,418 990 287,644 21.47
142 European shag (alternate hap 2023) Phalacrocorax aristotelis GCA_949628205.1_bGulAri2.1_alternate_haplotype 9,751 1,080,507,657 1 17 21.58
143 European shag (primary hap 2023) Phalacrocorax aristotelis GCA_949628215.1_bGulAri2.1 353 1,279,134,750 222 44,217 22.81
144 European turtle dove (v1.2 2021) Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699155.2_bStrTur1.2 311 1,178,816,852 940 3,880,574 21.07
145 European turtle dove (v1.2 alternate hap 2021) Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699165.2_bStrTur1.2_alternate_haplotype 3,334 1,035,330,184 0 0 20.26
146 Eurpoean golden plover (bPluApr1 alternate hap 2021) Pluvialis apricaria GCA_017639475.1_bPluApr1.alt 1,147 1,085,787,090 5 552 20.74
147 garden warbler (bSylBor1 alternate hap 2020) Sylvia borin GCA_014839765.1_bSylBor1.alt 775 1,032,649,170 0 0 19.91
148 garden warbler (primary hap 2020) Sylvia borin GCA_014839755.1_bSylBor1.pri 176 1,045,652,180 134 1,835,448 20.28
149 golden eagle (v1.4 2021) Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos GCF_900496995.4_bAquChr1.4 144 1,233,704,830 228 5,201,260 20.02
150 golden eagle (v1.4 alternate hap 2021) Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos GCA_902153765.2_bAquChr1.4_alternate_haplotype 3,855 792,810,001 2 57 18.35
151 golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus GCA_003413605.1_Chrysolophus_pictus_GenomeV1.0 14,294 1,023,990,748 51,170 25,281,723 20.04
152 golden-collared manakin Manacus vitellinus GCF_001715985.3_ASM171598v3 3,619 1,072,328,541 20,874 27,517,864 18.53
153 golden parakeet (hap1 2024) Guaruba guarouba GCA_045345405.1_bGuaGua1_haplotype_1 216 1,366,127,126 173 34,600 30.90
154 golden parakeet (hap2 2024) Guaruba guarouba GCA_045519325.1_bGuaGua1_haplotype_2 267 1,190,219,310 132 26,400 29.43
155 great cormorant (BGI_N336 2014) Phalacrocorax carbo GCF_000708925.1_ASM70892v1 64,312 1,138,967,842 98,475 8,762,664 18.08
156 great cormorant (primary hap 2024 genbank) Phalacrocorax carbo GCA_963921805.1_bPhaCar2.1 351 1,283,643,005 493 98,600 22.67
157 great cormorant (primary hap 2024 refseq) Phalacrocorax carbo GCF_963921805.1_bPhaCar2.1 350 1,283,623,959 493 98,600 22.67
158 great potoo (bNycGra1 alternate hap 2020) Nyctibius grandis GCA_013368595.1_bNycGra1.alt 1,395 1,041,284,291 14 2,599 22.77
159 great potoo (primary hap 2020 genbank) Nyctibius grandis GCA_013368605.1_bNycGra1.pri 191 1,256,414,880 243 6,139,133 23.97
160 great potoo (primary hap 2020 refseq) Nyctibius grandis GCF_013368605.1_bNycGra1.pri 190 1,256,393,467 243 6,139,133 23.97
161 great tit Parus major GCF_001522545.3_Parus_major1.1 1,675 1,020,310,769 24,615 18,002,180 19.16
162 greater honeyguide (239-I01 2023) Indicator indicator GCF_027791375.1_UM_Iind_1.1 896 1,147,325,966 556 55,478 28.36
163 greater prairie chicken Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus GCA_001870855.1_T_cupido_pinnatus_GPC_3440_v1 12,186 983,776,544 48,408 3,857,299 19.91
164 greater scaup (hap1 2025) Aythya marila GCA_965140915.1_bAytMar2.hap1.1 1,269 1,224,533,240 693 138,600 26.48
165 greater scaup (hap2 2025) Aythya marila GCA_965140925.1_bAytMar2.hap2.1 459 1,053,096,367 572 114,400 22.77
166 greater rhea Rhea americana GCA_003343005.1_rheAme1 2,162 1,160,836,514 2,075,293 16,267,005 18.71
167 greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus GCF_019232065.1_USGS_Curo_1.0 1,502 1,010,657,860 9,894 36,988,073 19.67
168 green peafowl Pavo muticus GCA_016647715.1_ASM1664771v1 2,446 1,061,110,005 32,668 19,660,955 20.61
169 grey parrot (MU2MI4XJKV 2020) Psittacus erithacus GCA_009867235.1_ASM986723v1 49,377 1,118,034,822 4,777 376,990 19.43
170 ground parrot (Strahan ANWC-B61680 2023) Pezoporus wallicus GCF_028554395.1_APGP_CSIRO_Pwel_v1 8,090 1,141,458,063 0 0 22.03
171 gyrfalcon (bFalRus1 alternate hap 2020) Falco rusticolus GCA_015220155.1_bFalRus1.alt 8,370 516,243,243 0 0 16.87
172 gyrfalcon (primary hap 2020) Falco rusticolus GCF_015220075.1_bFalRus1.pri 133 1,195,847,496 635 5,345,814 18.84
173 Harpy eagle (bHarHar1 alternate hap 2022) Harpia harpyja GCA_026419925.1_bHarHar1 5,968 1,185,324,778 1 500 25.31
174 Harpy eagle (primary hap 2022 refseq) Harpia harpyja GCF_026419915.1_bHarHar1_primary_haplotype 322 1,351,447,071 342 2,651,394 24.82
175 Hawaiian crow (bCorHaw1 alternate hap 2021) Corvus hawaiiensis GCA_020740675.1_bCorHaw1.alt.cur 2,762 628,844,469 0 0 20.95
176 Hawaiian crow (primary hap 2021 refseq) Corvus hawaiiensis GCF_020740725.1_bCorHaw1.pri.cur 188 1,151,611,379 294 1,813,227 23.63
177 helmeted guineafowl Numida meleagris GCF_002078875.1_NumMel1.0 2,466 1,043,264,150 15,598 20,122,429 20.22
178 herring gull (hap1 2024) Larus argentatus GCA_964417175.1_bLarArg3.hap1.1 401 1,417,856,064 559 111,800 29.51
179 herring gull (hap2 2024) Larus argentatus GCA_964417125.1_bLarArg3.hap2.1 533 1,256,866,793 456 91,200 27.78
180 hoatzin (BGI_N306 2014) Opisthocomus hoazin GCF_000692075.1_ASM69207v1 10,256 1,203,712,246 99,371 61,546,379 18.74
181 hoatzin (hap1 2023) Opisthocomus hoazin GCA_030867145.1_bOpiHoa1.hap1 415 1,482,459,898 268 53,600 31.68
182 hoatzin (hap2 2023) Opisthocomus hoazin GCA_030867165.1_bOpiHoa1.hap2 323 1,355,639,139 212 42,400 31.88
183 hooded crow (v6 S_Up_H32 2022) Corvus cornix cornix GCF_000738735.6_ASM73873v6 47 1,030,881,721 425 3,256,893 19.03
184 house finch (bHaeMex1 alternate hap 2022) Haemorhous mexicanus GCA_027406555.1_bHaeMex1.alt 1,003 1,039,351,984 1 13 22.74
185 house finch (primary hap 2022 refseq) Haemorhous mexicanus GCF_027477595.1_bHaeMex1.pri 184 1,148,233,018 296 11,207,146 23.53
186 house sparrow (hap1 2024 genbank) Passer domesticus GCA_036417665.1_bPasDom1.hap1 334 1,310,114,252 202 40,400 30.41
187 house sparrow (hap1 2024 refseq) Passer domesticus GCF_036417665.1_bPasDom1.hap1 335 1,310,131,054 204 40,402 30.41
188 house sparrow (hap2 2024) Passer domesticus GCA_036417895.1_bPasDom1.hap2 482 1,260,479,385 182 36,400 31.98
189 Humboldt's penguin (bSphHub1 alternate hap 2022) Spheniscus humboldti GCA_027474345.1_bSphHub1.alt 4,342 1,159,977,626 1 77 24.68
190 Humboldt's penguin (bSphHub1 primary hap 2022) Spheniscus humboldti GCA_027474245.1_bSphHub1.pri 136 1,358,357,718 253 1,055,061 25.75
191 hyacinth macaw (LEKZKR9XQ3 2022) Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus GCA_009936445.2_ASM993644v2 259,731 1,105,970,561 1,098 45,810 20.26
192 jackdaw Coloeus monedula GCA_013407035.1_ASM1340703v1 41 1,035,863,955 511 2,904,377 19.28
193 Japanese quail Coturnix japonica GCF_001577835.2_Coturnix_japonica_2.1 2,012 927,656,957 11,601 10,397,704 19.88
194 kagu (bRhyJub1 alternate hap 2023) Rhynochetos jubatus GCA_027595965.1_bRhyJub1.alt 2,818 791,426,973 1 32 25.70
195 kagu (bRhyJub1 primary hap 2023) Rhynochetos jubatus GCA_027574665.1_bRhyJub1.pri 148 1,331,454,348 300 525,241 28.26
196 kakapo (Jane alternate hap 2019) Strigops habroptila GCA_004011185.1_bStrHab1_v1.h 3,728 285,706,558 11 5,465 18.11
197 kakapo (v2 Jane 2020 refseq) Strigops habroptila GCF_004027225.2_bStrHab1.2.pri 89 1,148,597,545 373 10,544,081 20.53
198 kea Nestor notabilis GCF_000696875.1_ASM69687v1 42,180 1,053,559,886 51,381 4,379,260 18.08
199 killdeer Charadrius vociferus GCF_000708025.1_ASM70802v2 15,167 1,219,859,583 63,995 33,912,801 19.46
200 king vulture (hap1 2024) Sarcoramphus papa GCA_037962945.1_bSarPap1.hap1 124 1,543,950,730 154 30,800 32.53
201 king vulture (hap2 2024) Sarcoramphus papa GCA_037950955.1_bSarPap1.hap2 140 1,469,241,744 128 25,600 35.57
202 lammergeier (bGypBar2 alternate hap 2023) Gypaetus barbatus GCA_028017155.1_bGypBar2.alt 2,892 979,058,826 0 0 23.84
203 lammergeier (bGypBar2 primary hap 2023) Gypaetus barbatus GCA_028022735.1_bGypBar2.pri 232 1,365,299,843 259 2,000,432 26.52
204 lance-tailed manakin (2020) Chiroxiphia lanceolata GCF_009829145.1_bChiLan1.pri 93 1,089,631,598 206 3,303,511 20.07
205 lance-tailed manakin (alternate hap 2020) Chiroxiphia lanceolata GCA_009829205.1_bChiLan1.alt 4,269 1,054,616,617 0 0 19.51
206 lanner falcon (bFalBia1 alternate hap 2022) Falco biarmicus GCA_023634305.1_bFalBia1.alt 3,090 1,202,443,328 0 0 22.09
207 lanner falcon (bFalBia1 primary hap 2022 refseq) Falco biarmicus GCF_023638135.1_bFalBia1.pri 397 1,285,492,283 158 2,152,808 23.59
208 lesser black-backed gull (primary hap 2024) Larus fuscus GCA_963932225.1_bLarFus1.1 1,367 1,324,286,540 537 107,415 27.18
209 lesser kestrel (alternate hap 2021) Falco naumanni GCA_017639645.1_bFalNau1.mat 551 1,156,765,323 258 11,969,465 19.17
210 lesser kestrel (v2 2021) Falco naumanni GCF_017639655.2_bFalNau1.pat 291 1,215,719,661 298 4,077,287 19.20
211 lesser prairie-chicken (F22 2022) Tympanuchus pallidicinctus GCF_026119805.1_pur_lepc_1.0 206 994,352,574 58 5,800 20.80
212 lesser rhea (206185 2018) Rhea pennata GCA_003342835.1_rhePen1 3,019 1,168,291,008 1,039,616 16,746,726 19.17
213 lesser rhea (bPtePen1 alternate hap 2023) Rhea pennata GCA_028389885.1_bPtePen1.alt 910 983,620,806 0 0 21.55
214 lesser rhea (bPtePen1 primary hap 2023 refseq) Rhea pennata GCF_028389875.1_bPtePen1.pri 180 1,269,016,774 128 1,451,673 22.80
215 little egret Egretta garzetta GCF_000687185.1_ASM68718v1 11,791 1,206,501,934 88,871 48,695,403 19.00
216 little owl (hap1.1 2025) Athene noctua GCA_965140245.1_bAthNoc1.hap1.1 717 1,355,875,761 572 114,400 25.15
217 little owl (hap2.1 2025) Athene noctua GCA_965140185.1_bAthNoc1.hap2.1 660 1,302,383,638 552 110,415 22.54
218 long-tailed duck (primary hap 2024) Clangula hyemalis GCA_963989345.1_bClaHye2.1 272 1,206,104,048 544 108,625 26.17
219 long-tailed hermit (PSU5 alternate hap 2022) Phaethornis superciliosus GCA_023637925.1_DD_ASM_B1a 230 1,014,956,223 0 0 20.48
220 long-tailed hermit (v2 PSU5 primary hap 2025) Phaethornis superciliosus GCA_023637945.2_bPhaSup1.pri 65 1,020,009,783 140 3,810,214 20.12
221 Macqueen's bustard (BGI_N324 2014) Chlamydotis macqueenii GCF_000695195.1_ASM69519v1 59,693 1,086,566,339 56,130 3,604,992 20.04
222 Macqueen's bustard (maternal hap 2024) Chlamydotis macqueenii GCA_036417535.1_bChlMac1.mat 329 1,273,933,319 100 20,000 27.09
223 Macqueen's bustard (paternal 2024) Chlamydotis macqueenii GCA_036418225.1_bChlMac1.pat 343 1,106,587,813 84 16,800 25.27
224 maguari stork (bCicMag1 alternate hap 2021) Ciconia maguari GCA_017639665.1_bCicMag1.alt 4,278 967,599,765 5 726 19.61
225 maguari stork (primary hap 2021) Ciconia maguari GCA_017639555.1_bCicMag1.pri 153 1,239,437,416 232 22,209,791 19.58
226 mallard (CAU_Wild1.0 2019) Anas platyrhynchos GCA_008746955.1_CAU_Wild1.0 1,665 1,211,992,756 318 1,235,431 25.07
227 mallard (hap1 2024) Anas platyrhynchos GCA_964188345.1_bAnaPla2.hap1.1 936 1,300,248,985 571 114,200 28.71
228 mallard (hap2 2024) Anas platyrhynchos GCA_964188335.1_bAnaPla2.hap2.1 487 1,136,573,142 485 97,000 26.25
229 mallard (Pekin duck Z2 2020 Zhejiang U) Anas platyrhynchos GCF_015476345.1_ZJU1.0 756 1,188,533,289 905 4,230,438 24.63
230 mallard PBH1.5 Anas platyrhynchos GCF_003850225.1_IASCAAS_PekingDuck_PBH1.5 2,150 1,126,176,092 71,703 2,915,825 21.95
231 Mariana crow Corvus kubaryi GCF_017639235.1_C.kubaryi_AGA036_p1.0 1,443 1,057,484,666 10,579 11,229,600 18.96
232 Mauritius kestrel (alternate hap 2023) Falco punctatus GCA_963210275.1_bFalPun1.1_alternate_haplotype 2,259 390,584,314 0 0 22.52
233 Mauritius kestrel (primary hap 2023) Falco punctatus GCA_963210335.1_bFalPun1.1 316 1,279,277,844 407 81,600 22.85
234 Mauritius parakeet (alternate hap 2023) Psittacula echo GCA_963243765.1_bPsiEch3.1_alternate_haplotype 2,130 791,895,490 0 0 24.89
235 Mauritius parakeet (primary hap 2023) Psittacula echo GCA_963264785.1_bPsiEch3.1 172 1,203,831,919 358 71,432 25.22
236 medium ground-finch Geospiza fortis GCF_000277835.1_GeoFor_1.0 27,239 1,065,292,181 68,589 24,006,152 19.54
237 monk parakeet Myiopsitta monachus GCA_017639245.1_MMon_1.0 291 1,168,583,304 352 175,021 22.56
238 Montezuma quail (F1298 2024) Cyrtonyx montezumae GCF_038088225.1_pur_monq_1.0 287 1,011,858,581 234 23,400 22.16
239 mute swan (bCygOlo1 v2 alternate hap 2021) Cygnus olor GCA_009769485.2_bCygOlo1.alt.v2 5,626 814,594,871 14 918 20.18
240 mute swan (v2 primary hap 2021) Cygnus olor GCF_009769625.2_bCygOlo1.pri.v2 171 1,134,186,642 451 9,922,725 21.32
241 Nelson's sparrow (bAmmNel1 alternate hap 2023) Ammospiza nelsoni GCA_027579665.1_bAmmNel1.alt 2,834 1,033,298,713 0 0 26.31
242 Nelson's sparrow (bAmmNel1 primary hap 2023 refseq) Ammospiza nelsoni GCF_027579445.1_bAmmNel1.pri 77 1,185,463,352 215 5,092,979 25.88
243 New Caledonian crow (alternate hap 2019) Corvus moneduloides GCA_009651025.1_bCorMon1.alt 894 905,198,257 0 0 19.52
244 New Caledonian crow (primary hap 2019) Corvus moneduloides GCF_009650955.1_bCorMon1.pri 105 1,112,734,094 289 28,870,195 19.58
245 Nicobar pigeon (hap1 2024 genbank) Caloenas nicobarica GCA_036013445.1_bCalNic1.hap1 807 1,285,851,275 117 20,400 28.09
246 Nicobar pigeon (hap1 2024 refseq) Caloenas nicobarica GCF_036013445.1_bCalNic1.hap1 806 1,285,834,579 117 20,400 28.09
247 Nicobar pigeon (hap2 2024) Caloenas nicobarica GCA_036010745.1_bCalNic1.hap2 226 1,197,404,482 118 20,600 23.25
248 night parrot (Australia 2023) Pezoporus occidentalis GCF_034315485.1_CSIRO_AGI_Poc_V1 3,590 1,132,638,028 3 3 22.93
249 North Island brown kiwi (hap1 2024 genbank) Apteryx mantelli GCA_036417845.1_bAptMan1.hap1 409 1,504,415,252 170 34,000 27.67
250 North Island brown kiwi (hap1 2024 refseq) Apteryx mantelli GCF_036417845.1_bAptMan1.hap1 408 1,504,396,159 170 34,000 27.67
251 North Island brown kiwi (hap2 2024) Apteryx mantelli GCA_036417975.1_bAptMan1.hap2 349 1,593,539,360 155 31,000 30.47
252 northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus GCA_008692595.2_Cv_LA_2.0 6,035 948,540,911 33,134 9,181,491 19.59
253 northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis GCF_000690835.1_ASM69083v1 57,389 1,141,395,646 54,825 5,766,974 18.44
254 northern gannet (hap1 2023) Morus bassanus GCA_031468805.1_bMorBas2.hap1 829 1,381,630,140 263 52,600 27.30
255 northern gannet (hap2 2023) Morus bassanus GCA_031468815.1_bMorBas2.hap2 421 1,294,804,326 248 49,600 21.09
256 northern goshawk (bAccGen1 primary hap v1 2022 refseq) Accipiter gentilis GCF_929443795.1_bAccGen1.1 454 1,398,011,397 183 36,600 27.31
257 northern goshawk (bAccGen1 v1 alternate hap 2022) Accipiter gentilis GCA_929447715.1_bAccGen1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,484 1,112,029,929 2 50 24.06
258 northern goshawk (v2 primary hap 2022 genbank) Accipiter gentilis GCA_929443795.2_bAccGen1.2 455 1,398,030,142 183 36,600 27.31
259 northern pintail (primary hap 2024 genbank) Anas acuta GCA_963932015.1_bAnaAcu1.1 395 1,189,313,589 631 125,881 25.92
260 northern pintail (primary hap 2024 refseq) Anas acuta GCF_963932015.1_bAnaAcu1.1 394 1,189,296,988 631 125,881 25.92
261 Obi paradise-crow (lycPyr6 2020) Lycocorax pyrrhopterus obiensis GCA_014706295.1_ASM1470629v1 1,695 1,107,771,238 1,602 5,759,488 20.21
262 Okarito brown kiwi Apteryx rowi GCF_003343035.1_aptRow1 4,120 1,228,902,913 696,987 19,303,568 18.35
263 Oriental scops-owl (oso-nibr-517 2020) Otus sunia GCA_010365825.1_OtuSun1.0 108,826 1,231,433,939 42,691 19,408,919 19.28
264 peregrine falcon (bFalPer1 alternate hap 2022) Falco peregrinus GCA_023634185.1_bFalPer1.alt 2,745 1,175,509,191 0 0 21.18
265 peregrine falcon (bFalPer1 primary hap 2022 refseq) Falco peregrinus GCF_023634155.1_bFalPer1.pri 125 1,311,598,859 241 4,014,394 24.67
266 peregrine falcon (BGI 2013) Falco peregrinus GCF_000337955.1_F_peregrinus_v1.0 7,021 1,171,973,431 76,069 18,569,083 18.40
267 pin-tailed whydah (BioBank_ID:100142 2022) Vidua macroura GCF_024509145.1_ASM2450914v1 146 1,123,269,635 338 33,800 23.75
268 pink pigeon (alternate hap 2023) Nesoenas mayeri GCA_963082445.1_bNesMay2.1_alternate_haplotype 1,277 867,500,292 0 0 21.65
269 pink pigeon (primary hap 2023) Nesoenas mayeri GCA_963082525.1_bNesMay2.1 143 1,183,271,950 509 101,800 22.92
270 pink-footed goose (primary hap 2024) Anser brachyrhynchus GCA_964034855.1_bAnsBra1.1 715 1,287,337,719 1,137 227,400 29.51
271 plumbeous ibis (bTheCae1 alternate hap 2021) Theristicus caerulescens GCA_020745805.1_bTheCae1.alt.cur 749 1,041,135,290 4 95 19.61
272 plumbeous ibis (primary hap 2021) Theristicus caerulescens GCA_020745775.1_bTheCae1.pri.cur 88 1,203,372,763 104 2,268,207 20.10
273 Puerto Rican parrot (LU 182127 2020) Amazona vittata GCA_000332375.2_ASM33237v2 62,712 1,446,649,664 137,572 367,660,255 14.32
274 razorbill (2006_11_07_Graehlm_vinge_78 2019) Alca torda GCA_008658365.1_bAlcTor1_primary 95 1,178,492,568 227 3,561,127 20.12
275 razorbill (alternate hap 2006_11_07_Graehlm_vinge_78 2019) Alca torda GCA_008658355.1_bAlcTor1_alternate 3,309 1,220,378,950 0 0 20.28
276 red-backed fairy wren (Western Australia 2023) Malurus melanocephalus GCF_030028575.1_MMel_1.1 10,634 1,020,684,368 3,337,637 34,751,376 18.48
277 red-billed tropicbird (maternal hap 2024) Phaethon aethereus GCA_964289735.1_bPhaAeh10.maternal.1 657 1,321,027,743 1,269 253,800 25.01
278 red-billed tropicbird (paternal hap 2024) Phaethon aethereus GCA_964289755.1_bPhaAeh10.paternal.1 500 1,165,860,358 1,072 214,400 24.47
279 red-crested pochard (primary hap 2024) Netta rufina GCA_964035555.1_bNetRuf1.1 141 1,166,978,622 714 142,800 24.55
280 red-crested turaco (alternate hap 2019) Tauraco erythrolophus GCA_009764505.1_bTauEry1.alt 3,476 1,084,112,861 0 0 21.89
281 red-crested turaco (primary hap 2019) Tauraco erythrolophus GCA_009769465.1_bTauEry1.pri 140 1,252,271,553 344 26,400,695 22.20
282 red-fronted tinkerbird (bPogPus1 alternate hap 2020) Pogoniulus pusillus GCA_015220175.1_bPogPus1.alt 2,748 1,101,771,457 12 2,226 34.66
283 red-fronted tinkerbird (primary hap 2020 genbank) Pogoniulus pusillus GCA_015220805.1_bPogPus1.pri 253 1,272,358,903 307 6,012,757 35.91
284 red-fronted tinkerbird (primary hap 2020 refseq) Pogoniulus pusillus GCF_015220805.1_bPogPus1.pri 252 1,272,338,968 307 6,012,757 35.91
285 red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa GCA_019345075.1_ASM1934507v1 10,598 1,027,480,606 18,534 31,309,750 20.20
286 red-legged seriema (alternate hap 2019) Cariama cristata GCA_009819485.1_bCarCri1.alt 2,840 930,239,327 1 98 18.92
287 red-legged seriema (primary hap 2019) Cariama cristata GCA_009819825.1_bCarCri1.pri 110 1,215,245,693 194 4,933,338 19.73
288 red-throated loon (BGI_N328 2014) Gavia stellata GCF_000690875.1_ASM69087v1 61,831 1,129,694,867 64,882 6,867,421 18.23
289 red-throated loon (hap1 2023) Gavia stellata GCA_030936125.1_bGavSte3.hap1 2,965 1,403,461,371 260 52,000 27.37
290 red-throated loon (hap2 2023 refseq) Gavia stellata GCF_030936135.1_bGavSte3.hap2 1,185 1,321,270,170 249 49,800 23.65
291 red-winged blackbird (BioBank_ID:100140 2023) Agelaius phoeniceus GCF_020745825.1_Agelaius_phoeniceus_1.1 410 1,188,547,179 106 51,600 25.46
292 rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinoceros silvestris GCF_000710305.1_ASM71030v1 62,257 1,065,782,791 118,543 17,002,997 17.77
293 rifleman (bAcaChl1 alternate hap 2021) Acanthisitta chloris GCA_016880875.1_bAcaChl1.alt 2,879 827,793,803 20 1,043 19.12
294 rifleman (primary hap 2021) Acanthisitta chloris GCA_016904835.1_bAcaChl1.pri 206 1,077,387,582 195 4,215,879 19.97
295 ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus GCF_004143745.1_ASM414374v1 39,678 1,017,524,032 19,995 7,944,423 20.84
296 rock pigeon (Danish tumbler 2013 BGI) Columba livia GCF_000337935.1_Cliv_1.0 14,923 1,107,989,085 85,176 21,063,210 19.45
297 rock pigeon (racing homer bColLiv1 2024) Columba livia GCA_036010775.2_bColLiv1.mat.v2 650 1,181,506,259 192 37,200 28.60
298 rock pigeon (racing homer maternal 2024) Columba livia GCA_036010775.1_bColLiv1.mat 650 1,181,506,259 192 37,200 28.60
299 rock pigeon (v1 racing homer paternal W 2024) Columba livia GCA_036013475.1_bColLiv1.pat.W 870 1,325,583,211 248 46,800 29.94
300 rock pigeon (v2 racing homer 2024 genbank) Columba livia GCA_036013475.2_bColLiv1.pat.W.v2 870 1,325,583,311 249 46,900 29.94
301 rock pigeon (v2 racing homer 2024 refseq) Columba livia GCF_036013475.1_bColLiv1.pat.W.v2 869 1,325,566,026 249 46,900 29.94
302 rock ptarmigan (bLagMut1 alternate hap 2022) Lagopus muta GCA_023344045.1_bLagMut1_alternate 3,212 923,340,374 13 1,320 20.42
303 rock ptarmigan (primary hap 2022 refseq) Lagopus muta GCF_023343835.1_bLagMut1_primary 165 1,026,771,810 210 71,937 21.77
304 ruddy duck Oxyura jamaicensis GCF_011077185.1_BPBGC_Ojam_1.0 9,589 1,147,585,764 18,437 31,354,528 21.19
305 ruff Calidris pugnax GCF_001431845.1_ASM143184v1 3,753 1,229,094,286 30,404 46,140,523 20.49
306 rufous-necked snowfinch Pyrgilauda ruficollis GCF_017590135.1_ASM1759013v1 24,055 1,045,984,361 5,524 2,111,605 19.91
307 rusty-margined flycatcher (MyiCay16 2022) Myiozetetes cayanensis GCF_022539395.1_myiCay2020 1,692 1,075,628,138 181 1,370,356 20.32
308 saffron-crested tyrant-manakin Neopelma chrysocephalum GCF_003984885.1_ASM398488v2 38,089 1,139,224,170 15,342 11,277,790 20.91
309 sage sparrow (canescens MVZ Bird 192114 alternate hap 2022) Artemisiospiza belli GCA_021966175.1_bArtBel1.0.a 43,035 2,257,281,749 12 1,212 43.91
310 sage sparrow (canescens MVZ Bird 192114 primary hap 2022) Artemisiospiza belli GCA_021963965.1_bArtBel1.0.p 1,339 1,401,818,823 200 20,046 36.19
311 Saker falcon (bFalChe1 alternate hap 2022) Falco cherrug GCA_023634115.1_bFalChe1.alt 4,160 1,210,282,093 2 51 23.62
312 Saker falcon (BGI 2013) Falco cherrug GCF_000337975.1_F_cherrug_v1.0 5,863 1,174,811,715 70,035 23,817,946 18.25
313 Saker falcon (primary hap 2022 refseq) Falco cherrug GCF_023634085.1_bFalChe1.pri 283 1,309,385,023 258 3,961,655 24.96
314 saltmarsh sparrow (bAmmCau1 alternate hap 2023) Ammospiza caudacuta GCA_027887135.1_bAmmCau1.alt 3,054 1,166,743,317 0 0 26.27
315 saltmarsh sparrow (bAmmCau1 primary hap 2023 refseq) Ammospiza caudacuta GCF_027887145.1_bAmmCau1.pri 282 1,241,209,685 363 2,919,107 29.04
316 Savannah sparrow (FMNH 499929 alternate hap 2022) Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus GCA_022578375.1_bPasSan1.0.a 29,743 1,785,383,892 1,822 182,214 28.02
317 Savannah sparrow (FMNH 499929 primary hap 2022) Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus GCA_022577445.1_bPasSan1.0.p 337 1,152,292,115 339 33,925 24.47
318 Savannah sparrow (primary hap 2023) Passerculus sandwichensis GCA_031885435.1_bPasSan2.pri 110 1,270,940,266 249 2,812,735 27.00
319 scrub jay (FSJ_1873_10779 2024) Aphelocoma coerulescens GCF_041296385.1_UR_Acoe_1.0 660 1,330,915,384 140 47,501 29.90
320 seaside sparrow (bAmmMar1 primary hap 2024) Ammospiza maritima maritima GCA_036010785.1_bAmmMar1.pri 501 1,397,856,043 365 2,055,583 34.58
321 small tree finch (2019) Camarhynchus parvulus GCF_901933205.1_STF_HiC 1,345 1,051,609,828 185 92,500 22.09
322 small tree finch (2020) Camarhynchus parvulus GCA_902806625.1_Camarhynchus_parvulus_V1.1 1,756 1,064,016,364 224 112,000 22.28
323 song sparrow (gouldii PMB2087b alternate hap 2022) Melospiza melodia GCA_022749775.1_bMelMel1.0.a 34,688 1,938,102,026 5 505 40.27
324 song sparrow (gouldii PMB2087b primary hap 2022) Melospiza melodia GCA_022749695.1_bMelMel1.0.p 501 1,356,304,709 323 32,321 34.69
325 song sparrow (primary hap 2024 genbank) Melospiza melodia melodia GCA_035770615.1_bMelMel2.pri 354 1,541,261,971 299 1,079,098 39.28
326 song sparrow (primary hap 2024 refseq) Melospiza melodia melodia GCF_035770615.1_bMelMel2.pri 353 1,541,245,192 299 1,079,098 39.28
327 South Island takahe (alternate hap 2021) Porphyrio hochstetteri GCA_020801775.1_bPorHoc1.pat.decon 178 1,245,128,614 238 10,404,950 24.85
328 South Island takahe (primary hap 2021) Porphyrio hochstetteri GCA_020800305.1_bPorHoc1.mat.Z.cur 174 1,270,294,353 327 5,316,249 25.92
329 speckled mousebird (bColStr4 hap2 2023) Colius striatus GCA_028858625.2_bColStr4.1.hap2 242 1,153,503,718 136 5,470,024 25.49
330 speckled mousebird (BGI_N325 2014) Colius striatus GCF_000690715.1_ASM69071v1 70,188 1,075,931,597 44,462 3,761,058 19.44
331 speckled mousebird (hap1 2023 genbank) Colius striatus GCA_028858725.1_bColStr4.hap1 189 1,123,441,015 143 5,827,944 23.45
332 speckled mousebird (hap1 2023 refseq) Colius striatus GCF_028858725.1_bColStr4.1.hap1 191 1,212,482,152 161 5,847,728 23.44
333 speckled mousebird (hap2 2023) Colius striatus GCA_028858625.1_bColStr4.hap2 243 1,242,527,572 151 5,489,805 25.54
334 Steller's jay (frontalis alternate hap 2022) Cyanocitta stelleri GCA_026168045.1_bCyaSte1.0.a 957 1,177,494,911 200 20,000 27.12
335 Steller's jay (frontalis primary hap 2022) Cyanocitta stelleri GCA_026167965.1_bCyaSte1.0.p 352 1,162,964,953 223 22,300 23.69
336 sun parakeet (2019) Aratinga solstitialis GCA_902168055.1_ARATINGA-SOLSTITIALIS-ASSEMBLY-PRJEB33153 1,570 1,169,445,099 578,921 36,076,735 21.17
337 sunbittern Eurypyga helias GCF_000690775.1_ASM69077v1 62,699 1,088,019,637 52,471 4,990,991 18.84
338 Suruca trogon (bTroSur1 alternate hap 2021) Trogon surrucura GCA_020746095.1_bTroSur1.alt.cur 1,535 997,329,498 17 496 21.93
339 Suruca trogon (primary hap 2021) Trogon surrucura GCA_020746105.1_bTroSur1.pri.cur 182 1,165,749,515 253 10,270,755 22.51
340 Swainson's thrush (bCatUst1 v2 alternate hap 2020) Catharus ustulatus GCA_009819505.2_bCatUst1.alt.v2 3,601 1,128,658,440 13 343 22.74
341 Swainson's thrush (v2 primary hap 2020) Catharus ustulatus GCF_009819885.2_bCatUst1.pri.v2 160 1,131,616,530 429 12,903,695 22.52
342 swamp sparrow (bMelGeo1 alternate hap 2023) Melospiza georgiana GCA_028019105.1_bMelGeo1.alt 862 1,075,048,352 0 0 25.04
343 swamp sparrow (bMelGeo1 primary hap 2023 refseq) Melospiza georgiana GCF_028018845.1_bMelGeo1.pri 40 1,162,015,399 236 1,233,091 24.53
344 Swan (goose HZ-2024a 2024) Anser cygnoides GCF_040182565.1_Taihu_goose_T2T_genome 75 1,215,354,515 42 6,700 24.67
345 swan goose (Sichuan white goose 2017) Anser cygnoides GCF_002166845.1_GooseV1.0 1,802 1,130,293,421 63,061 29,604,614 19.74
346 swan goose (Tianfu 2020) Anser cygnoides GCA_013030995.1_ASM1303099v1 2,119 1,113,895,350 716 71,600 21.22
347 swan goose (Zhedong 2015) Anser cygnoides domesticus GCF_000971095.1_AnsCyg_PRJNA183603_v1.0 7,593 1,119,151,626 84,351 35,379,405 19.45
348 swift parrot (hap1 2024) Lathamus discolor GCF_037157495.1_bLatDis1.hap1 367 1,241,003,407 186 2,209,747 26.11
349 Swift parrot (hap2 2024) Lathamus discolor GCA_037157625.1_bLatDis1.hap2 413 1,123,412,812 122 2,852,181 26.31
350 tawny frogmouth (bPodStr1 alternate hap 2023) Podargus strigoides GCA_028020675.1_bPodStr1.alt 911 977,391,185 1 35 22.09
351 tawny frogmouth (bPodStr1 primary hap 2023) Podargus strigoides GCA_028020825.1_bPodStr1.pri 1,038 1,271,141,449 203 2,167,278 27.67
352 tawny owl (hap1 2023) Strix aluco GCA_031877795.1_bStrAlu1.hap1 203 1,414,802,443 281 4,312,653 27.44
353 tawny owl (hap2 2023) Strix aluco GCA_031877785.1_bStrAlu1.hap2 184 1,219,048,950 206 1,471,991 24.84
354 tawny-flanked prinia (Zambia CZ2003 2024) Prinia subflava GCF_021018805.1_Cam_Psub_1.2 538 1,119,947,663 378 75,600 21.91
355 Tibetan ground-tit Pseudopodoces humilis GCF_000331425.1_PseHum1.0 5,406 1,042,997,632 21,646 12,967,196 19.96
356 tourmaline sunangel (hap1 2024) Heliangelus exortis GCA_036169615.1_bHelExo1.hap1 131 1,049,650,714 437 85,400 21.23
357 tourmaline sunangel (hap2 2024) Heliangelus exortis GCA_036172335.1_bHelExo1.hap2 200 969,853,240 370 72,600 21.82
358 tree swallow (Ithaca 2401-50270 2024) Tachycineta bicolor GCA_007636935.2_TRES_AUg29_2020 49,279 1,222,791,300 2,123,840 23,055,555 20.63
359 tricolored blackbird (1412-34295 alternate hap 2022) Agelaius tricolor GCA_023055385.1_bAgeTri1.0.a 450 1,142,379,013 97 9,700 25.05
360 tricolored blackbird (1412-34295 primary hap 2022) Agelaius tricolor GCA_023055355.1_bAgeTri1.0.p 214 1,157,608,456 97 9,700 23.38
361 tufted duck (2019) Aythya fuligula GCF_009819795.1_bAytFul2.pri 105 1,127,004,725 163 9,417,397 22.39
362 tufted duck (alternate hap 2019) Aythya fuligula GCA_009819845.1_bAytFul2.alt 780 1,013,629,683 1 100 21.73
363 tundra swan (primary hap 2025) Cygnus columbianus GCA_965151615.1_bCygCol1.1 603 1,293,538,149 540 108,000 28.81
364 turkey (Aviagen NT-WF06-2002-E0010 2014) Meleagris gallopavo GCF_000146605.3_Turkey_5.1 185,175 1,115,474,681 65,045 35,294,427 21.11
365 turkey (WU_HG_1 2021) Meleagris gallopavo GCA_905368555.1_MGAL_WU_HG_1.0 151 1,001,818,376 81 11,546 21.07
366 village indigobird (merged hap OUT-0048 2022 genbank) Vidua chalybeata GCA_026979565.1_bVidCha1_merged_haplotype 178 1,080,457,469 458 165,531 20.96
367 village indigobird (merged hap OUT-0048 2022 refseq) Vidua chalybeata GCF_026979565.1_bVidCha1_merged_haplotype 177 1,080,440,577 458 165,531 20.96
368 village indigobird (purged dups hap OUT-0048 2022) Vidua chalybeata GCA_026979555.1_bVidCha1_purged_dups_haplotype 1,939 154,870,056 0 0 34.87
369 Virginia rail (171378401 alternate hap 2022) Rallus limicola GCA_022605895.1_bRalLim1.0.a 4,450 1,425,697,905 668 66,800 32.20
370 Virginia rail (171378401 primary hap 2022) Rallus limicola GCA_022605955.1_bRalLim1.0.p 1,102 1,395,598,026 197 19,704 32.38
371 western capercaillie (alternate hap 2023) Tetrao urogallus GCA_951394355.1_bTetUro1.1_alternate_haplotype 5,463 853,758,599 0 0 20.30
372 western capercaillie (primary hap 2023) Tetrao urogallus GCA_951394365.1_bTetUro1.1 318 1,013,184,029 973 194,600 21.16
373 western scrub-jay (CA MVZ Bird 193978 2023) Aphelocoma californica GCA_028536645.1_bAphCal1.0.hap2 1,631 1,191,279,315 168 16,800 27.56
374 western scrub-jay (CA MVZ Bird 193978 2023) Aphelocoma californica GCA_028536675.1_bAphCal1.0.hap1 1,393 1,348,500,425 272 27,200 32.03
375 whiskered treeswift (bHemCom1 alternate hap 2021) Hemiprocne comata GCA_020745695.1_bHemCom1.alt.cur 2,405 1,052,608,110 1 13 20.56
376 whiskered treeswift (primary hap 2021) Hemiprocne comata GCA_020745705.1_bHemCom1.pri.cur 146 1,164,813,063 218 10,174,467 21.46
377 white leghorn X broiler chicken (v2 leghorn haplotype 2021) Gallus gallus GCF_016700215.2_bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w 276 1,050,511,239 409 4,496,311 20.97
378 white wagtail Motacilla alba alba GCF_015832195.1_Motacilla_alba_V1.0_pri 619 1,072,670,728 906 903,500 22.46
379 white-collared manakin (Guabito, Panama 608988 2022) Manacus candei GCF_025592945.1_ASM2559294v1 643 1,121,284,527 0 0 21.52
380 white-crowned manakin (hap1 2024 genbank) Pseudopipra pipra GCA_036250125.1_bDixPip1.hap1 697 1,165,219,370 323 64,600 21.92
381 white-crowned manakin (hap1 2024 refseq) Pseudopipra pipra GCF_036250125.1_bDixPip1.hap1 696 1,165,201,947 323 64,600 21.92
382 white-crowned manakin (hap2 2024) Pseudopipra pipra GCA_036250135.1_bDixPip1.hap2 595 1,027,640,383 307 61,400 21.40
383 white-ruffed manakin Corapipo altera GCF_003945725.1_ASM394572v1 9,068 1,095,745,976 13,527 8,367,350 19.82
384 white-rumped munia (maternal hap 2024) Lonchura striata GCA_046129695.1_bLonStr1.mat 161 1,207,550,942 176 31,200 27.72
385 white-rumped munia (paternal hap 2024) Lonchura striata GCA_046129705.1_bLonStr1.pat 202 1,195,923,327 228 40,300 27.62
386 white-rumped snowfinch Onychostruthus taczanowskii GCF_017590055.1_ASM1759005v1 11,576 1,033,733,724 4,869 1,970,431 20.31
387 white-tailed eagle (BGI_N329 2014) Haliaeetus albicilla GCF_000691405.1_ASM69140v1 50,905 1,133,549,865 60,579 5,093,567 18.15
388 white-tailed eagle (bHalAlb1.1 alternate hap 2022) Haliaeetus albicilla GCA_947461935.1_bHalAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,971 693,161,704 0 0 22.93
389 white-tailed eagle (primary hap 2022 refseq) Haliaeetus albicilla GCF_947461875.1_bHalAlb1.1 189 1,320,315,924 424 84,800 23.68
390 white-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucura GCF_019238085.1_USGS_WTPT01 7,343 1,016,020,572 10,501 24,149,164 20.12
391 white-tailed tropicbird Phaethon lepturus GCF_000687285.1_ASM68728v1 66,785 1,152,958,507 65,286 5,878,041 19.61
392 white-throated dipper (primary hap 2023 genbank) Cinclus cinclus GCA_963662255.1_bCinCin1.1 278 1,170,855,695 658 131,600 26.63
393 white-throated dipper (primary hap 2023 refseq) Cinclus cinclus GCF_963662255.1_bCinCin1.1 277 1,170,837,027 658 131,600 26.63
394 white-throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis GCF_000385455.1_Zonotrichia_albicollis-1.0.1 6,018 1,052,600,561 41,460 46,307,051 19.15
395 white-throated tinamou Tinamus guttatus GCF_000705375.1_ASM70537v2 82,514 1,047,056,493 59,853 22,243,067 18.98
396 whooping crane (maternal hap 2023 refseq) Grus americana GCF_028858705.1_bGruAme1.mat 930 1,257,837,975 262 4,676,178 22.13
397 whooping crane (paternal hap 2023) Grus americana GCA_028858595.1_bGruAme1.pat 395 1,200,805,165 586 5,991,895 20.22
398 willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii GCF_003031625.1_ASM303162v1 7,791 1,123,485,537 39,319 52,589,169 18.90
399 wire-tailed manakin (2020) Pipra filicauda GCF_003945595.2_ASM394559v2 1,768 1,081,944,082 758 2,866,801 20.23
400 wrentit (frontalis MVZ Bird 193981 alternate hap 2023) Chamaea fasciata GCA_029207785.1_bChaFas1.0.hap2 1,350 1,194,527,585 342 34,200 25.86
401 wrentit (frontalis MVZ Bird 193981 primary hap 2023 refseq) Chamaea fasciata GCF_029207755.1_bChaFas1.0.hap1 1,341 1,194,528,561 353 35,300 25.86
402 Xingu scale-backed antbird (hap1 2024) Willisornis vidua GCA_045364795.1_bWilVid1_haplotype_1 1,510 1,233,406,177 773 154,600 26.66
403 Xingu scale-backed antbird (hap2 2024) Willisornis vidua GCA_045364805.1_bWilVid1_haplotype_2 743 1,070,918,723 533 106,600 23.10
404 yellow warbler (LACM:Birds122168 alternate hap 2022) Setophaga petechia GCA_024372515.1_bSetPet1.0.a 530 1,249,765,916 246 24,600 28.85
405 yellow warbler (LACM:Birds122168 primary hap 2022) Setophaga petechia GCA_024362935.1_bSetPet1.0.p 687 1,222,385,072 284 28,400 26.21
406 yellow-crowned parrot (bAmaOch1hap1 2024) Amazona ochrocephala GCA_039720435.1_bAmaOch1.hap1 1,679 1,361,915,838 198 35,700 30.39
407 yellow-crowned parrot (bAmaOch1hap2 2024) Amazona ochrocephala GCA_039720425.1_bAmaOch1.hap2 2,468 1,356,986,306 138 25,900 37.29
408 yellow-legged gull (bLarMic1.1_alternate_haplotype 2024) Larus michahellis GCA_964199725.1_bLarMic1.1_alternate_haplotype 4,673 1,288,335,985 0 0 29.60
409 yellow-legged gull (primary hap 2024) Larus michahellis GCA_964199755.1_bLarMic1.1 618 1,405,581,498 500 100,000 29.78
410 yellow-throated sandgrouse (alternate hap 2019) Pterocles gutturalis GCA_009769505.1_bPteGut1.alt 1,958 1,037,717,354 0 0 20.79
411 yellow-throated sandgrouse (primary hap 2019) Pterocles gutturalis GCA_009769525.1_bPteGut1.pri 89 1,127,422,757 242 4,303,557 21.19
412 zebra finch (alternate hap Black17 2018) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_003957525.1_bTaeGut1_v1.h 5,336 965,644,423 45 136,365 20.33
413 zebra finch (alternate hap Blue55 v1 2020) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_009859025.1_bTaeGut2.p.v1.alt 4,677 947,919,714 16 113,756 19.27
414 zebra finch (Black17 v1.4 alternate hap 2021) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_003957525.2_bTaeGut1.4.alt 1,646 887,567,949 10 876 20.75
415 zebra finch (Blue55 female 2020 genbank) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_009859065.2_bTaeGut2.pri.v2 541 1,106,297,559 789 21,820,589 20.08
416 zebra finch (Blue55 paternal 2019) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_008822125.1_bTaeGut2pat 202 1,047,569,904 828 20,734,162 20.05
417 zebra finch (Blue55 paternal W 2020) Taeniopygia guttata GCF_008822105.2_bTaeGut2.pat.W.v2 205 1,068,988,106 857 21,568,737 20.18
418 zebra finch (v1.4 Blue55 female primary hap 2021 refseq) Taeniopygia guttata GCF_003957565.2_bTaeGut1.4.pri 199 1,056,271,262 352 3,634,788 20.99
419 zebra finch (v3 Blue55 maternal 2020) Taeniopygia guttata GCA_008822115.3_bTaeGut2.mat.v3 206 995,952,786 583 15,480,445 20.34
TOTALS:total assembly count 419 2,906,592 488,303,143,997 24,046,029 3,411,747,822  

Additional hubs with collections of assemblies
Collection Hub index pages: Assembly statistics: Track statistics:
Primates 221 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Mammals 651 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Birds 419 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fishes 448 assemblies assembly stats track stats
other vertebrates 296 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Invertebrates 1130 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Plants 310 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fungi 920 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Viruses 291 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Bacteria 112 assemblies assembly stats track stats
legacy/superseded 541 assemblies assembly stats track stats
collections below are subsets of the assemblies above
VGP - Vertebrate Genome Project 1159 assemblies assembly stats track stats
CCGP - The California Conservation Genomics Project 126 assemblies assembly stats track stats
HPRC - Human Pangenome Reference Consortium 96 assemblies assembly stats track stats
BRC - BRC Analytics - Bioinformatics Research Center 778 assemblies assembly stats track stats